View Full Version : Don't you hate it on PSO when...

Mar 12, 2009, 10:53 PM
We all have or had calls on the game that leaves us with a WTF, or a "dang so close" on our faces.

I'll name one of my experianced un-pleasures. That is when your photon Blast meter is at its max and you end up being at the last part of the last level after all the build up, and you can't use it (like after a boss or something) and you want to use it to its advantages.
It sucks.

Another is when your defense is so high and your training with a newb in a rappy infested area.
if you let your guard down they can peck at you one afteranother clustering you. all you can do is defend, and their pecking pattern prevents you from making an attack. -_-

what are/ have been some moments of yours that leave you just irritated and such.

Mar 13, 2009, 12:58 AM
I hate being PD'd by monsters who are supposed to drop the weapon they're supposed to drop. :argh:

Mar 13, 2009, 01:22 AM
I hate being PD'd by monsters who are supposed to drop the weapon they're supposed to drop. :argh:

So you just hate being PD'd then.

Mar 13, 2009, 03:59 AM
I hate Falz' rabarta... I can handle all sorts of nonsense from this game, but Falz' rabarta hax... errr, see? Now I'm upset talking about it...

Mar 13, 2009, 10:06 AM
So you just hate being PD'd then.I would only love it if it was a box rare or if the mob would've dropped a common 9 star special weapon. (yes, I'm talking about you Vjaya)

Mar 13, 2009, 11:11 AM
Before I got my PSO ver.2 disc cleaned, it would occasionally freeze in Ult mode. I was hella lucky to get throught the Forest, but now there's not a single scratch on it and no more freezing. Thank you, Family Video.

Mar 13, 2009, 02:18 PM
Rappy one sounds all too familiar ~.~

Mar 13, 2009, 02:38 PM
I hate it when i'm going through the Caves or Temple on Ultimate and I have to fight 4-6 Ob Lillys at once... I can handle 2 at once without getting hit by Megid but thats just to many...

Mar 13, 2009, 02:42 PM
Posted one in Rants in the TTF thread.

Mar 13, 2009, 07:38 PM
I hate it when i'm going through the Caves or Temple on Ultimate and I have to fight 4-6 Ob Lillys at once... I can handle 2 at once without getting hit by Megid but thats just to many...

I hate those things to. Its countles show many times I would drift in and out of the room full of
the megid blasting flowers attacking in slow but steady paterns. X(

Mar 13, 2009, 08:40 PM
Speaking of rappies, I hate it when nubs shoot rappies from a distance making them scatter, ESPECIALLY when it's a rare one!
Or when a rare one gets away due to an unfortunate accident... like, you get your ass tossed while he decides to get up and run... and you're just there's just way too much going on to reach him no matter what D:

Mar 13, 2009, 08:44 PM
I hate it when i'm going through the Caves or Temple on Ultimate and I have to fight 4-6 Ob Lillys at once... I can handle 2 at once without getting hit by Megid but thats just to many...

that doesn't bother me. a handgun can shoot further than the megid can go so once you get the position you can just shoot them and not have to worry about being killed by megid. it's when there are Lilies and other enemies that you need to be careful but if you lead them to the other end of the room and finish them off you can then go and get the Lilies. simples.
the one where you get surrounded and pummeled is annoying. they attack in an order so i cant attack or heal and there isn't enough space between them to get out. revenge is sweet, though!

RAcast Extremist
Mar 13, 2009, 08:52 PM
Speaking of rappies, I hate it when nubs shoot rappies from a distance making them scatter, ESPECIALLY when it's a rare one!
Or when a rare one gets away due to an unfortunate accident... like, you get your ass tossed while he decides to get up and run... and you're just there's just way too much going on to reach him no matter what D:

I hate that, too. Also, when you are fighting a bunch of monsters next to it and they just stand next to the Pal Rappy and take the item. God I hate when that happens, ESPECIALLY when it's something that you really want and/or need.

Mar 14, 2009, 04:40 PM
As for OB. I stand at the door walk in and out and throw RaFoie at em till they all die.

I hate how EVERYTHING in Ult either has DEATH or Status. Slow/death/SHOCK!/slow/paralys/posion/SLOW!....umm did i mention slow?

Mar 14, 2009, 08:50 PM
I hate dark falz third form. It looks really cool but it is way too hard when he shoots grants and you can't dodge and when he syphens your health. EVIL DARK FALZ! I also hate olga flow one hit K.O. or close to it. I was level 70 on normal against olga flow and it one hit killed me with that attack. I was on normal, NORMAL.

Mar 14, 2009, 08:57 PM
I similarly hate it when Rappies get away, even though I know I rarely need any of their drops. It just pisses me off.

I'm surprised people are so bothered by Ob Lilies. Don't you bring any Dark resistance with you? It's such a relief being able to stand in the middle of a room full of the buggers and not have to worry about a thing.

I suppose the things that irritate me the most are monsters that can 1-shot you, even though the move isn't usually fatal. This happens to me most in the Seabed, where Sinow Zoa's critical hit does over 900 damage (don 't quote me on that one), and Olga Flow's first form occasionally catches a lucky stacked hit (two hits simultaneously) with his freakin' sword lasers. Agh, it's irritating just to think about! And then you have to watch your entire health bar just drain to nothing, meanwhile there was nothing you could've done about it anyway.

...and don't even get me started on his Heaven Punisher...

Mar 14, 2009, 09:21 PM
When your training with someone in a high infested area and they leave to to die.:-(

Mar 14, 2009, 09:30 PM
When you're hunting a Rappy's Wing that's a 1/120 and some odd chance of dropping and you need to do 5 (current number, will edit once I get it) runs.

EDIT: Found it. 6th run, second-to-last room, room with 8 rappies. The game like me... somewhat.

Mar 14, 2009, 11:31 PM
I hate, as a HU, when those damn Ba Bootas fire foie at you when you're running up to kick their ass. So... Damn... Annoying. /rage

Mar 14, 2009, 11:46 PM
When I go to hit something and pick up an item instead. This normally isn't awful, unless the thing I'm hitting is a megid shooter, and the thing I'm hitting it with is ranged.

Do the math. x_x