View Full Version : Ramarl tips & tricks

Mar 16, 2009, 11:49 AM
I've just rolled up a Ramarl, mainly because I'm kinda tired of playing a Racast.

I know by reading the posts and the guides here on this site that they excel at soloing.

What I'm looking for are tips and tricks from those who have played this class for a while.

Just as:

Mag builds
Action Bar setups
Mats preference

and just about anything you can think off.

Mar 16, 2009, 11:53 AM
This isn't quite on-topic, but the only two character's I've never played as are RAmarl and FOmarl. I've at least tried everyone else, though, not all of them made it to Ult. HUcast, HUnewearl, and FOmar are the only ones that made it to Ult for me... I gotta say this though, don't be surprised if someone says "It's all a matter of taste", because it is in the end. I've also heard that she excels the best at solo play, so I might give her a run eventually...

Mar 16, 2009, 12:09 PM
Chances are you have played online though. That for me, isn't an option. So I want to have play a class that is can go that far. And IMO, even though I love the Racast, I feel that at the higher levels, I will get frustrated that I'll delete the character. (I've done it before to my regret ^^;)

Mar 16, 2009, 12:40 PM
Offline it wouldn't matter. RAmarl gets the idea of excelling at solo simply because of online, when quests like Phantasmal World and Endless Nightmare comes along.

The advantage that RAmarl gets out of the others is just the high level techniques she get, as well as higher EVP, the highest in the game to be exact. Both are not required for offline, they just make things much easier. She is also a Ranger so can get access of the Holy Trinity set.

Mar 16, 2009, 02:06 PM
as a ramarl myself I'd say always stick to guns and don't shoot close up you don't have all that much hp. also I've been using Varista for a while and I do quite well I'm level 84

Mar 16, 2009, 04:23 PM
The reason RAmarl is dubbed the "perfect soloer" is she basically has the best of the HUnewearl and the RAmar rolled into one. I'm pretty sure her shita'd ATP gets pretty darn close if not exceeds RAmars level 15 shifta'd ATP, and if not, her level 20 zalure will surely kick him out of the ring for damage. But, as Spalsh said, she also has the advantage of higher ATA, a broad selection of good ranged weapons.

What I'd recommend though is make a balanced mag for her, something like 5/95/100/0 or 5/100/95/0. The mind isn't necessary just yet as you've got your weapons for powerful range and it'll really only affect your Resta potency. It might become more important for more resta later on, but I generally feel mind on a RAmarl isn't terribly important. Also, pick up a few higher tier weapons for her. They don't even have to be rare, just anything. Ranger untwinked damage is pretty low and this will definitely ease things up.

Don't forget to have fun either. ;o

Mar 16, 2009, 11:30 PM
Chances are you have played online though. That for me, isn't an option. So I want to have play a class that is can go that far. And IMO, even though I love the Racast, I feel that at the higher levels, I will get frustrated that I'll delete the character. (I've done it before to my regret ^^;)

Actually, I've never played online. And I should've also said that the HUnewearl, HUcast, and FOmar were the only ones to make it to Hard even...

And for MST... consider having it. It's not useless, it has it's uses beyond Resta. Your guns will be doing more damage, but don't just toss MST out the window because you're already ranged. Beyond S/D/J/Z/Resta/Anti, your other techs can come in handy as well.

Mar 17, 2009, 08:36 AM
When it comes to the attack techs, I primarily going to use Rabarta as a escape. (freeze em and move) Of course I'll be using S/D/J/Z combo to my full advantage.

Should I just stick with pistols/rifles instead of going to shots or mechs?

Mar 17, 2009, 11:51 AM
Should I just stick with pistols/rifles instead of going to shots or mechs?
That's the Holy Trinity set.

Most Rangers would ultimately use a Frozen Shooter, a Spread Needle, and some set of mechguns. That's all they need really.

For now, you are just using a weaker version of it with a rifle, shot, and mechgun. Nonetheless, it will help if you had them all.

Mar 17, 2009, 01:11 PM
Multi-target weapons and weapons that attack more than three hits a combo have lower ATP (due to the fact you can hit many more targets and/or many more times a combo)
These weapons benefit MOST when your ATP is high.
I mean, all weapons benefit more the higher your ATP, but these weapons are MOST useful when your ATP is decent.

Until your RAmarl has high Level Shifta/Zalure and semi-decent ATP, these weapons won't help you very much.
You should stick to Handgun/Rifle usage until then.

If it is at all possible, perhaps you should find higher level technique disks on your RAcast to hand down to your RAmarl.

Your HP will be pretty low, ESPECIALLY in comparison to your RAcast, but it's not really a problem, seeing you're playing offline, it's not that hard.

Don't worry about your DFP, it really doesn't mean anything. Besides, you should be shooting the majority of the time. You can melee when you're higher.

Your EVP is the highest in the game, it can help compensate for your low HP/DFP.

Your MST growth is pretty good, it will help you get early usage to decent tech disks.
You really only need to be using Rabarta for freeze, Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure, and Resta/Anti.
ONLY Forces should use attack techniques as a mean of offense, seeing any non-force is better off with their primary role, melee for HUnewearl, and ranged for RAmarl.
Despite that, your Support techs ALONE make choosing RAmarl worth it.

Mar 17, 2009, 10:26 PM
MST doesn't to my knowledge affect the rates at which states are put on, I think. I never said they don't come in handy, but it's certainly not one of the most important stats. You're not going to be using techs for damage, especially as a Ranger. You've got your weapons for range. While there are a few instances where you might need it, you need it for damage rarely enough that I wouldn't consider MST a terribly important stat, plus you probably won't be taking too much damage so the resta thing isn't a problem either.

Mar 17, 2009, 11:09 PM
That's true, but what I'm getting at here is, until he can find decent Shot-type weapons (which I think are great if you can place a good special on them, like HP-Drain, EXP-steal, or Instant Death), Rafoie and Gizonde can help him deal damage to multiple targets at once. Useful for when you have enemies that like to heal, and when there's plenty of them. I know that MST isn't that great and won't get used all too often, but does that really mean it should just be thrown out? The higher your MST, the better your Resta will heal you, and, it seems for me, the better S/D/J/Z turn out to be (I have noticed a differnece). True you won't use attack techs all too often, but they can't hurt. They can effectively stop certain monsters dead in their tracks, protecting him from attack should he be surrounded by them... eh, what's the point. I'm up against a whole community on this... I'm just wasting my breath... it's your call. Either harness MST, or throw it away.

Mar 17, 2009, 11:24 PM
The only support technique that is affected by MST for effectiveness is Resta.
Shifta, Deband, Jellen, and Zalure all alter ATP/DFP by a certain percent based on the level it is at.

What I meant was, all disks require a certain amount of MST to use, so you have to meet those requirements first.
Even with the lack of ATP at first, your MST will also lack. Your Area of Effect techniques still won't output your Physical damage output. The ONLY way this would be possible is if your mag had a significant amount of MIND > POW, which is ridiculous for any non-force, unless of course you're using a Striker Unit for it's Divine Punishment special... but that's a different story.

Mar 17, 2009, 11:31 PM
Read a little more carefully. I said it was not as important, not to throw it out. MST has it's perks. But those perks are generally outweighed by the ability of the class as a whole and it's relation to the other stats. One thing you have to consider though, is how long is he or she going without a good shot? You can generally find them in the store with decent specials and even with hit.

I am near 100% positive MST does not affect S/D/J/Z. Otherwise casts wouldn't be able to cast even the low leveled S/D that they can with that one claw weapon (Sinow Beat arms I believe). Are you sure the difference you noticed wasn't just from, er...leveling up?

Overall, techs aren't terribly useful, or useful at all for damage. Foie and Zonde can be replaced with a rifle, Barta with a Photon Launcher, and just about everything else with a shot.

Heck, it can even be argued that later on Rangers don't even need techs for status effects like HUneys might because RAmarls can easily utilize status weapons, much moreso than Hunters.

I'd definitely say go for MST after you've gotten Luck, ATP, and your ATA done. Of course, that only leaves DFP and EVP left, which you shouldn't be relying on a whole lot as a Ranger.

Mar 17, 2009, 11:35 PM
Sinow Red Blades give Lv.3 Shifta/Deband
Sinow Beat Blades have Hell special

But seriously, RAmarl shouldn't be relying on attack techniques as a mean of offense, simply for a means of either tagging or freeze effect if you're lacking weapons that may do so.

Apr 20, 2009, 11:18 AM
Sorry for bumping this, but I have a question though.

In regards to Mag PB abilities; which abilities should I get. (even it means transferring the mag to/from another character.

Apr 20, 2009, 01:00 PM
My favorite is Pilla, it's a really strong surrounding attack that hits enemies in the air and on the ground.

Apr 20, 2009, 01:49 PM
Estlla/Pilla are the two strongest PB's in the game. If you can combo those with Mylla & Youlla or Leilla, your MAG, in my opinion, will be perfected as far as PB's go.

Apr 20, 2009, 02:34 PM
Since you play a Ranger: Estilla, Mylla&Youlla and Pilla. Since you're already a RAmarl I guess you probably wouldn't need Mylla & Youlla. You can get creative and make a mag with Leilla.

Apr 20, 2009, 06:55 PM
Yes, I would recommend Leilla as well, since you already have LV20 S/D already. Only way M&Y can really trump that is when used in a chain. I'm not too sure about this, but I read somewhere that a M&Y, when used in a chain, can equal LV81, which is roughly 2.6x the power of LV30 S/D. Not bad.

Apr 21, 2009, 08:16 AM
Thanks for the tips. :D

Apr 21, 2009, 11:21 AM
No problem. Though mine I can't exactly say from experience, seeing as how I've never actually used a RAmarl. I have one, which I was using to get to Ultimate to hunt my Lavis Cannon, but I'm thinking of recreating her. All's I need to do is beat VHard Ruins, Ult Forest, and the first three quests to get the AF quest unlocked, but she takes FOREVER just to kill one Dimenian, and that's WITH a Justy and a power-up (which put her ATP in like the 650 range). Of course, I lack a POW MAG, which is really my only problem, but I'd rather just start over than spend time and money making a POW MAG, which I probably won't even keep in reality, and I could've used that same time to get, say a HUmar to Ultimate and achieve the effect I want. I know it's off-topic, and I'm sorry, but any suggestions?

Apr 21, 2009, 01:06 PM
Well, as you probably know, having a POW mag can make a huge difference in your strength, also casting Shifta/Zalure will make it easier to kill. You could also just find a stronger weapon or use God/Power units. I personally would just make a POW mag and find a really strong weapon.

Apr 21, 2009, 01:42 PM
Well, I'm only using my RAmarl to hunt for the Lavis Cannon. I intend on recreating her (or whatever character gets me the Lavis Cannon) after that to make a Purplenum Ranger for keeps, and for the Yasminkov 9000M. So you think I should just make a POW MAG? I guess I could also level her up in the process... Thanks for your opinion, and thanks to all of you who suggest something.

Apr 21, 2009, 01:44 PM
Yea, I'd say if you're only doing one, definitely do the mag since even thought it can take a while, it's definitely a huge power-booster.

Apr 21, 2009, 01:54 PM
True... The reason I'm considering on making a Hunter to do the Lavis hunt is because I have two MAGs that focus on DEX. Hunters are naturally high in ATP, but lack the ATA to back it up. I'm in the process of making a third MAG on my main, but it's a MAG to suit her, and as such, it's not for POW. Plus, I have a ton of strong weapons a HU can use already, like Soul Eater, Musashi, Chain Sawd, Double Saber, Stag Cutlery, and a lot of others.

Apr 22, 2009, 06:09 AM
I prefer a POW mag for my Hunter coupled w/ a Red weapon so I don't have to worry about lack of ATA and I get a ton of POW.

Apr 22, 2009, 08:31 AM
Well, I'm currently playing both a Ramarl and a Racaseal. (Viridria and Greenil respectively) so I can get both Shots and Rifles. I'm not too fussy about mechs, but I can understand why people would want to use them. I'm also building up mags for each of them to maximize both their ATA and ATP.

Plus if I have a friend over, then I have 2 characters at roughly the same level so there wouldn't be a major gap.