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View Full Version : AotI Just a thought about updates...

Mar 17, 2009, 06:52 PM
Sometimes I think it would be more fun if we didn't know what the JP players got so that when it came time for us to get a new mission/story mission/event/etc....we would have to figure out what the enemies drop by ourselves instead of already having the information for every update we get in the game. I would like the mystery of not knowing what an enemy over LvL 150 drops.

Mar 17, 2009, 07:29 PM
Hahahahaha! If YOU don't want to know what JP players are gonna get then DON'T LOOK at pedia or the JP release threads. Don't spoil the anticipation for the rest of us just because you can't take alittle disapointment when Sega falls behind.

OR! An even BETTER solution, why don't you yourself go play on the JP server (after learning Japanese of course) so that everything that is released is brand spanking new for you. Then you can have your mystery.

Mar 17, 2009, 08:03 PM
I've thought the same before, that things might have gone better if the US/EU servers having different things was planned rather then the differences between our and the JP servers being laziness and mistakes.

Mar 17, 2009, 10:41 PM
Hahahahaha! If YOU don't want to know what JP players are gonna get then DON'T LOOK at pedia or the JP release threads. Don't spoil the anticipation for the rest of us just because you can't take alittle disapointment when Sega falls behind.

OR! An even BETTER solution, why don't you yourself go play on the JP server (after learning Japanese of course) so that everything that is released is brand spanking new for you. Then you can have your mystery.

That's not what he said at all, he said he likes the surprise, it wasn't about disappointment in anyway. Further more he never said it was such a big deal that he's losing sleep over it, calm down silly person. :wacko:

Mar 17, 2009, 11:46 PM
That's not what he said at all, he said he likes the surprise, it wasn't about disappointment in anyway. Further more he never said it was such a big deal that he's losing sleep over it, calm down silly person. :wacko:

Then if he likes the surprise.. then.. the pretty obvious solution would be to NOT read the pedia guides or the majority of the forum. ANOTHER solution would be to play the JP version so everything would be NEW to the servers, not just a port. I reiterated my statement and its pretty much the same as my first statement, just not exagerated. Generally, when you ask for something that currently ~isn't~, or you ask for a change in the current way things are done, it implies disappointment with the current organization. Disappointment may not be prevelant in 100% of most cases, but that tends to be the case in the majority of them. So.. lets re-examine the case here. If 90% of people are disappointed with things when they ask for a different way, or change, then it'd be pretty safe to assume that someone was disappointed in another case when they brought a point that they would like to see raised. Disappointed/dissatisfied/ not completely satisfied. Pretty much the same thing. Care to tell me that he wasn't making that point again?

Mar 18, 2009, 09:19 AM
Then if he likes the surprise.. then.. the pretty obvious solution would be to NOT read the pedia guides or the majority of the forum. ANOTHER solution would be to play the JP version so everything would be NEW to the servers, not just a port. I reiterated my statement and its pretty much the same as my first statement, just not exagerated. Generally, when you ask for something that currently ~isn't~, or you ask for a change in the current way things are done, it implies disappointment with the current organization. Disappointment may not be prevelant in 100% of most cases, but that tends to be the case in the majority of them. So.. lets re-examine the case here. If 90% of people are disappointed with things when they ask for a different way, or change, then it'd be pretty safe to assume that someone was disappointed in another case when they brought a point that they would like to see raised. Disappointed/dissatisfied/ not completely satisfied. Pretty much the same thing. Care to tell me that he wasn't making that point again?

huh? lol

i'm not dissapointed with anything, i was just saying it'd be fun to figure out the drops for ourselves, but because things aren't like that, it would be idiotic to not read the pedia guide and the forums since all of the information is there for us. Try not to blow up over something so simple next time.

Dark Emerald EXE
Mar 18, 2009, 09:25 AM
I like how they show the updates for the japan server. It gives a slight glimpse of wait to expect to see in the future. So you can plan ahead of time.

The only bad thing about that its like a big middle finger since they get contents just about every other week while we get them once in awhile.
But will admit that the content has been flowing quite well lately ^_^

Mr T 13
Mar 18, 2009, 09:33 AM
Then if he likes the surprise.. then.. the pretty obvious solution would be to NOT read the pedia guides or the majority of the forum. ANOTHER solution would be to play the JP version so everything would be NEW to the servers, not just a port. I reiterated my statement and its pretty much the same as my first statement, just not exagerated. Generally, when you ask for something that currently ~isn't~, or you ask for a change in the current way things are done, it implies disappointment with the current organization. Disappointment may not be prevelant in 100% of most cases, but that tends to be the case in the majority of them. So.. lets re-examine the case here. If 90% of people are disappointed with things when they ask for a different way, or change, then it'd be pretty safe to assume that someone was disappointed in another case when they brought a point that they would like to see raised. Disappointed/dissatisfied/ not completely satisfied. Pretty much the same thing. Care to tell me that he wasn't making that point again?

Your argument here is based on the assumption that he had been disappointed with something and since they said they're not, guess what that assumption made of you.

Anyhow, it would be cool if things were a surprise instead of always knowing ahead of time. Sometimes I wish I didn't know what was coming out and sometimes I wish others didn't know what was going to drop either.(especially when it come to selling items)

Mar 19, 2009, 03:23 AM
guess what that assumption made of you.

I know, I know, an ASS!!!! :wacko:

Anyhow, it would be cool if things were a surprise instead of always knowing ahead of time. Sometimes I wish I didn't know what was coming out and sometimes I wish others didn't know what was going to drop either.(especially when it come to selling items)

I do like to find out slowly by the findings of myself and others as we guess what is going on. :)