View Full Version : Recommended level

Jordan L
Mar 22, 2009, 10:54 AM
Hey, just need some suggestions on what lvl I should be to do ultimate mines and VOL OPT.

I'm a HUcast

Main weapons: Chain Sawd +15
Suppressed Gun +9
Dragon's Claw +25


Mar 22, 2009, 11:44 AM
sounds to me like your a Humar of some sort or a hunter class character.
My best suggestion just bot be on the safe side ad not lure yourself to the brink of just making it out alive, I would try getting yourself to the lower mid 100's maybe around 120 or some odd higher. well it would also depend on your status as well as your mag,of how srong you are, wat level. ect.
some people have taken down mines at 115. I did a long time ago, and I'm a FOmar.
but magic makes things a little easier in some respects. ^^;
but all in all I assure you it was no easy ride to the finish line in that level. lol

Mar 22, 2009, 12:46 PM
It's always hard to give a certain level at which you should fight a stage/boss. I suppose the minimum required stat is 641 health to survive Volt Ops' trap/blast attack. The litmus test for me is a hit from the weak creature. If the weakest creature in a zone can knock you down with a single hit, it's really too much of a pain to fight through the entire area.

You're going to want a mechgun-type weapon for the Ultimate Mines. Melee gets real difficult since the robots don't fall down with every hit.