View Full Version : need some help with xp

Mar 22, 2009, 09:51 PM
okt his is phansty star online eps 1 and 2 + i am talking about

im a lv 104 hucast where should i train i can barley do forest good well i can do forest on ult good but like not as good as i would like to idc about drops atm i just want to get 125+ can anyone help me

tyahead of time

Mar 22, 2009, 10:44 PM
That doesn't sound right. How's your mag? If you haven't fed your mag at all, you're going to be at a large disadvantage. I'd recommend a mag with a nice bit of power (around 130 or so) with the remaining 65 or whatever to go to dexterity. Your gear can also potentially be a problem, but even the highest tier regular weapons should be doing alright.

Your best bet would be to push on through the levels. It might be a little difficult, but they will give more exp as you get better at them. Also, play the quests. They'll give you partners and unlock the ultimate offline EXP spam, Soul of a Blacksmith. Think Forest with lots more enemies.

Just keep playing and don't forget to have fun, either.

Just so you're aware...
Forest gives about 30-35k.
Caves about 70-80k.
Mines about 70-80k.
Ruins not sure, but I've heard it can give from a whopping 130k-160k.
Temple about 60k.
Spaceship about 60k.
CCA about 70-80k?
Seabed about 90-100k.

Mar 23, 2009, 06:02 AM
another good quest is Addicting Food. as it takes place in the Caves, if you can get a sword with A.Beast % (i.e 25% or more) from Caves 1 & 2 you can get around 90K

Mar 23, 2009, 12:13 PM
i got 1 lv 200 kama witch have like 50def and 145power

Mar 23, 2009, 12:20 PM
I guess hitting the enemies could be a problem, unless your armor is full of God/Arms or Elf/Arms or you can hit pretty well with your current equipment. Overall, you have the power to excel in Ult Forest and maybe caves, but Glichics are really annoying. Accuracy can help you there. (And traps)

Mar 23, 2009, 02:03 PM
where would a hucast ohan get a god/arms ir elf/arms???

Mar 23, 2009, 02:26 PM
Well, an Oran cannot find God/Arms, sorry. You should be able to find Elf/Arms though. (It's been a while since I checked the rare item guide) :wacko:

Mar 23, 2009, 04:36 PM
You can obtain an Elf/Arm through, as far as I know, only one way: by fighting. General/Arm and Marksman/Arm show up at the shops, so use those until you can find a better replacement. Also, increasing the DEX stat on your MAG will boost your ATA, something any HU should never leave off of their MAG. It's your MAG, but I'd suggest raising one with DEX as it's highest stat.

Mar 23, 2009, 04:52 PM
i made a new mag im getin up now 5def (goin to b 145pow) 50dex 0 mind it is a rare one so im happy lol i think u even helped me on it

Mar 23, 2009, 05:58 PM
Try as hard as possible to use as little possible Defense as possible on a mag. It looks like you're doing that, so thats good. Having one or two points off of your intended total won't kill you, so don't split too many hairs over it. Get one out quickly and you can fine tune another after that while using your decent one.

For Mines, multihit weapons are strongly recommended, in both meanings of the word. Mechs, Daggers, Double Sabers, Swords, Partisans, any of those things you can get like that with hit. The rate at which Dub/Gillchics fall is random, unlike the earlier difficulties where they dropped after every hit. Because of that, you'll want to get as many hits in as possible.

Don't forget EP2 either. Temple and Spaceship make nice alternatives to the Forest and Caves if you ever get sick of training in those places for the Mines.

Good luck, and have fun.

Mar 23, 2009, 10:29 PM
Either that... or just hunt for a rare. This game hates it when people hunt for specific rares they want. It holds the item from them to watch them suffer through multiple attemtps to get the item-in-question only to give up eventually out of frustration, go and hunt something else, then drops it for you for providing it it's cruel way of finding it's own amusement... which makes you even madder because it gave you the item when you weren't looking for it, and when you were, it wouldn't give it to you in the first place! Grrr! This is not an actual suggestion, just something... fun to do I guess while leveling. And I also wanted to rant about it because it's something that always happens to me! Seriously, I'm LV108, and it took me 6 attempts to get a Rappy Wing when I was doing the Fake in Yellow quest. Good EXP, since I used my King's Gungnir. (By the way, I found two more Rappy's Wings.... when I wasn't hunting them. Proof that this game is EVIL!)

There's an alternative for you. Do the Fake in Yellow quest with a (perferably) King's weapon with good hit percent. Each run can get you around 20K in EXP. Make sure that the Rappies drop a rare you want, just so the game can be mean and not drop it, haha. You'll get more EXP that way, and when you do get it... well, you can rub it in the games face for sticking through until you actually found it when you were looking for it.

End rant.

Mar 23, 2009, 11:19 PM
Uh...psofan, not to burst your idea bubble, but...

okt his is phansty star online eps 1 and 2 + i am talking about

im a lv 104 hucast where should i train i can barley do forest good well i can do forest on ult good but like not as good as i would like to idc about drops atm i just want to get 125+ can anyone help me

tyahead of time


EDIT: Although I guess he could do that quest with Kings spam to get EXP like you said. It can be a little tricky to find good specials with hit sometimes though, especially at lower levels.

Mar 23, 2009, 11:23 PM
Uhh... right... forgot about that. It's still a good way to level though...

Mar 24, 2009, 01:35 PM
do u guys no how to add things to weapions such as i got a red handgun can i add a king element to it? or is it only s weapons and how would i add it to them???

ty ahead of time

Mar 24, 2009, 06:37 PM
For the Red Handgun: No
S-Rank Weapons: Yes
How-to-add: Don't have the slightest clue