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View Full Version : Censorhip sucks.

Mar 2, 2001, 09:54 PM
I found out just last night that anyone saying my name in game will be censored.

Apparantly, you can't say 'spas'. So anyone trying to get my attention looks like they're randomly swearing up a storm. How rediculuous is that?

I can scream out 'Jesus H!' but when I try and say 'Oh Crap', it looks much much worse.

I hope they refine this, and maybe even make censorship an option for PSO2.

Mar 2, 2001, 10:15 PM
hey I played with you. I thought you knew about it. I also thought it was stupid as hell.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Manifest on 2001-03-02 19:33 ]</font>

Mar 2, 2001, 10:26 PM
YEAH that $%@#ing sucks, lol.

There are alot of words that are filtered, but since the Console industry is under more scruitiny and the games rating is low enought that it would not alow the use of profanity.

Oh well, I can learn to live with it, i just think they have too many key words. For some reason the word Nazi came up and that also is censored.

Mar 2, 2001, 10:29 PM
i have just one thing to say...........poop.

Mar 2, 2001, 10:52 PM
They also found it necessary to protect us from the word "cola".

Mar 2, 2001, 10:58 PM
nothing worse than typing: "Can i borrow some poop?"
and getting all those cursey symbols

just really ruins a good one liner

Mar 2, 2001, 11:53 PM
what about damn basement on saturdays poop gets in my shoes

Mar 3, 2001, 12:40 AM
seems my friend's the same way. porcelain.

porc seems to be something bad in japanese (?) but we can't figure out what it is.

Mar 3, 2001, 12:58 AM
spasm, I was playing with you too. Also when I say "yoSHITaka",it got censored.......
Also,some askedme what I had for dinner,then I said "Chicken Breast",it shows "Chicken @#$#@",hahahhaa.

Mar 3, 2001, 01:03 AM
Nothing like saying "You're gonna bite the dust if you go in there" and it comes up "You're gonna $#@! the dust if you go in there"

Mar 3, 2001, 01:17 AM
the 'dios' in my name is censored. god forbid little kids learn the spanish word for god

Mar 3, 2001, 02:13 AM
Well, it's not as if their censoring system is in anyway intelligent or adaptive at all either. You can't say 'shit' but you can just as easily say 's hit'.

They haven't really stopped anyone from cursing, they've just made it mildly inconvenient to do so.

And what about all the fellatio smiley's I've been seeing? I'm sure they tried to remove any symbols that could be made into something offensive, but someone always finds a way.

My point is, you can't stop someone from being disruptive. You can only slow them down.

I have about a 15 page dissertation on censorship and our backwards society, but this isn't the place. hehehe :")

Mar 3, 2001, 02:37 AM
I know! This censorship is annoying! I was trying to tell someone I got some new shoes today and it came out "I got some new s*%$ today" How stupid must they be!!!

Mar 3, 2001, 07:19 AM
Bah, everyones bound to be offended by something or other, so why not just censor everything. Yes, the whole world be one big garbled mosiac image where everyone spouts random bleeping sounds and writes in erratic symbols! What a lovely world... *grumbles* People need to learn... Censorship hinders learning. Gah, censorship makes me so frustrated, words cannot describe! (those words would probabally be censored also) And I just woke up too so that doesn't help with my descriptional skills (=.=);

Mar 3, 2001, 07:47 AM
Wing0: YEAH its like they dont let you type "ho e" or something!

Also like REI said, its Dam n annoying to find your "shi ta" in your japanese sentences only to come out Cra p and not making any sense to your japanese friends at all. I feel so baka at times...ARGH! WHY?!?

Ps: even SE X/COL A/Cok e too? is censored. WTF?!? Who did this?!? REALLY I MEAN, WHO DID THIS?!?!?

Mar 3, 2001, 07:54 AM
*^$%*%^$ &^$%#^ %$#% $#@. %^$ *&^% @(#@) $*(&%)# ($$. ##$$%(*. #*&.

...... this isn't going to work is it

Mar 3, 2001, 12:43 PM
The 'frig' in refrigerator is censored out. THat's just plain lame. Also, why is 'hell' censored out when it's used in the game? A friend was asking me if a had a hell raygun...