View Full Version : So basically...PSP fixed everything PSU did wrong?

Mar 27, 2009, 08:53 AM
I was thinking about it, and PSP has:

-Most all the weapons already released without having to wait for it.
-No need for 10 bucks a month.
-Numerous old PSO favorites (everyone's excited about Lavis weaponry/Demo. Comet)
-Rare items drop much more often.
-You can take it anywhere, obviously.

What's the point of even playing PSU now?

Mar 27, 2009, 09:00 AM
If you want a flaw, PS:P has a short-ish list of missions to start with compared to the online game, and then many of them have been given a watered-down enemy list as well... like Onmagoug is the only "demon" in Demons Above, it's all ageetas/ollakas/gohmons until the boss fight. It's really frustrating, considering how powerful and capable they made every character class.

There ARE good missions to play, but probably not a full dozen... lol even White Beast would be a welcome addition.

Mar 27, 2009, 12:39 PM
- Rares aren't.
- As panzer_unit pointed out, major shortage of missions.
- Wouldn't hold my breath for DLC. (And I'd rather pay $10/month and get something *new* on occasion. I'm biased, though, I'm old and cranky and games become boring for me otherwise. :b)
- Type selection sucks. This bothers me on principle alone, as I play Acromaster, and AM is everything WT should've been.
- No room decoration.
- No fun feeling of being online with ten.. err, uh, "hundreds" of other people like the US PSU PC/PS2 server. XD
- Experience (and PA/bullet/tech xp), no-fail grinding, no synthesis, no instant death... The game is ridiculously stupid easy compared to PSU, which is already stupid easy.

To be honest, the only thing I can see PSP fixing from PSP is Wartecher, and that probably wasn't intentional. Re: Limited type selection - they needed some masterclass to replace hybrids with.

Still, for what it is I have to give Sonic Team a cautious, "Yay." (This marks this day as a momentous occasion. XD) They've clearly thought slightly outside their normal box here and translated PSU in a rather decent manner for a handheld console. But as for replacing PSU... I don't see it happening. Heck, I ended up re-opening my PSU account because of PSP.

Mar 27, 2009, 08:19 PM
Pretty much what Juza and Panzer said, haha. This game isnt ment to replace PSU, but to act as a stepping stone to the casual players out there to hook them into the PSU franchise, and eventually have them join the real PSU. Now if the real game adapted a few ideas/items that makes PS:P great, then PSU would thrive once more :D

Mar 28, 2009, 03:37 PM
sadly, still no way to block big, obvious, and painful attacks, and no combat roll, both options in PS 0. sadly, I don't want to buy a DS for a cartoony version of a game I like...

The Necris Process
Mar 28, 2009, 04:51 PM
I like the changes I see so far in this. Then again, the last time I played PSU was ages ago. I just got the game recently and already have an axe weapon (*which was strictly online in the old PSU if I recall) and the meseta drop rate seems more reasonable, and good riddance to item synthesis I say.

I've played PS:P more than any of my console games ever since I bought it.

Mar 28, 2009, 05:42 PM
PSU has a lot of things I like, and PS:P has a lot of things I like too.

PSU has:
lobbies, and an actual online community (even though I hear its pretty small)
My room, which I loved
Harder missions, hence more fun.
Updates**** kept the game fun
Seasonal changes

No synthesis! Yay!
I like the classes better
More Weapons
Titles (even though I dont think that the 15* should be given for any title)

Mar 29, 2009, 12:20 AM
So PS:P basicely have super-easy mode?
Ohh yeah, looking forward to that...

Lolz, they better have the rares worth itīs time.

Not like hunting Love Inferno in the PSU current event.
I spent way more time then usual to get that item, but to no avail.
Fricking hate it for being seasonal with so bad drop rate.

Mar 29, 2009, 07:19 AM
It is super-easy mode since we dont have DLC. However, there are rares worth its time. Been hunting forever for this sword I want and it still hasnt dropped.. pisses me off lol.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Mar 29, 2009, 01:49 PM
I'm glad there is no item-sythesis in this one. I hated it with a passion and most of the items I just bought via the shops. Also I wouldn't lose faith about DLC just yet. I mean the game just came out and I'm sure they'll add new missions along with raising the max level cap.

Mar 29, 2009, 05:43 PM
I'm glad there is no item-sythesis in this one. I hated it with a passion and most of the items I just bought via the shops. Also I wouldn't lose faith about DLC just yet. I mean the game just came out and I'm sure they'll add new missions along with raising the max level cap.

I wouldn't bet on raising the level cap but yea I suppose your right, Sega hasn't *technically* ruled out DLC yet. There's still hope.

Mar 29, 2009, 07:40 PM
Why wouldnt they rasise the cap? The game includes data for level 200 so why wouldnt they use it? silly goose

Mar 29, 2009, 08:04 PM
Why wouldnt they rasise the cap? The game includes data for level 200 so why wouldnt they use it? silly goose

I'd imagine Sega plans to release a 2nd Phantasy Star Portable, and will let you transfer your characters from the first game. With level 200 cap, level 50 PA's, ect ect. The data is probably in this one as preparations for the transfer.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Mar 29, 2009, 08:41 PM
If thats the case then come hell or high water by god I'll get that 2nd version of PSU:P. Gotta show my love for PSU! Not even a crumbling U.S. government or a economic depression is gonna stop me! Screw the U.S. social system i need my PSU fix dammit! Even if I gotta mug a few grannies Grand Theft Auto style I'll get the money! Hotcha!!!!

Mar 29, 2009, 09:03 PM
Why wouldnt they rasise the cap? The game includes data for level 200 so why wouldnt they use it? silly goose

Damn really? That's sweet. I just figured that it couldnt be raised because I thought in JP DLC the cap is still 100.

Mar 30, 2009, 01:09 AM
Damn really? That's sweet. I just figured that it couldnt be raised because I thought in JP DLC the cap is still 100.
its a 1:1 port of the ps2/pc version so it includes such data. there is some hope sonic team does indeed make a 2nd version (maybe with newest updates on the jp server) but i woulnd bet on it as you all know sega likes to f*** things up :D

Mar 30, 2009, 10:31 AM
I just wish that PS: P would connect to an online lobby.

None of my friends have PSPs

Mar 30, 2009, 01:03 PM
its a 1:1 port of the ps2/pc version so it includes such data.

That makes no sense to say, what's 1:1 with the online game?

Not classes, re-done from the ground up. Not skills, some were hugely changed. Not weapon stats, they're are all completely different and way more powerful. Stats I think are even higher than their online game counterparts for stats at 100/10 in any given job.

Apr 1, 2009, 10:57 AM
I'd imagine Sega plans to release a 2nd Phantasy Star Portable, and will let you transfer your characters from the first game. With level 200 cap, level 50 PA's, ect ect. The data is probably in this one as preparations for the transfer.

Wow, that is actually a reasonable idea. I agree with you. :)

Apr 1, 2009, 01:44 PM
iv played and compared psport and psu both great games own both. only thing i wish they would add to psport are lobby's would of made it much better. in my opinion.