View Full Version : Drinking Games

Mar 29, 2009, 09:36 AM
Not realy a looking for players thread per say, but if you wanna orgnise a drinking game here, feel free.

Ive come up with a few drinking games to play while playing PSU (Haven't thourght of any PSO ones yet)

Feel free to post your own. This thread could make a good drinking game database.

First of all, some Sugestions.
-Make sure you all have voice chat, Drinking and typing just doesn't work.
-If your underage but still wanna play(Everyone on the 360 Server), Try using Undiuted Cordial, insted of Hard liquor.
-Don't go too hard to early

Now some games to play with PSU You can adapt these to PSO at will.
Run a mission without armour when ever someone dies, take a shot.
Up the ante in megid infested missions, and for the hardcore drinkers no healing items are allowed.

Before the mission starts agree on one or more common drops (my personal favorite is Dimate, Kersline and Photon). When ever these items drop, take a shot. Each player can chose their own personal item drop and they have to take a shot themselvs if it drops.

Shooting Weaboos in a barrell
Agree on one or more Weaboo words ( Eg. Anime, Final Fantasy, Hentai, Kawaii, ^_^ etc...) Find a well populated lobby, and if you see a keyword, take a shot. Players are not allowed to say the keywords, but are allowed to provoke others in the lobby to say them. Works best if each individual player has their own keyword.

I came up with my own Phantasy star themed drink. Feel free to post your own.

Dark Falz
-"V" Energy drink black flavour (Maybe not exist in the states seeing as though it comes form New Zealand)
-Johnnie Walker Black label to taste (as in, alot!).
Sideeffects may include: Ability to spit megid, The floor may appear to be made out of faces.