View Full Version : Drop rates

Mar 29, 2009, 12:17 PM
so if im fighting pouilly slimes as a redria, ill have a 1/22 chance EACH time i fight one? im looking to get the lavis cannon. i fought about 19 pouilly slimes so far. lets say i get to the 22nd, i might not get the lavis cannon?

Mar 29, 2009, 03:51 PM
If this doesn't help you, I dont know what will in terms of learning this whole drop rate deal.

I'm putting this as easy at it comes.

The higher the number, the least likely/ or the harder your chance is to get that item.
Even though your drop rate is like 1/22, 22 runs doesn't nessecarily get you the item. its a random generator. think of it as dice. you toss them, and if it lands on that special number, you get the spcial item.
each time you kill and enemy the dice rolls at the speed of sound.
each item has its own unique set of Dice.

this game has really big dice. ^^;

Mar 29, 2009, 08:28 PM
Roll the 190651 sided die!... Anyways on earlyier difficulty's the Rare enemys all use a 7/8 drop rate. Also I assume you are looking for Last Survivor.

Mar 29, 2009, 11:21 PM
no, im looking for Lavis Cannon. last survivor is Waaaaay to easy. me and my cousin use Orans. im using my brother's Redria to find the lavis cannon. btw thanks. and yea, those are big #%@ dice lol.

Mar 29, 2009, 11:29 PM
Haha, that's true. Anyways, yes, you have a 1/22 chance each time you kill a Pouilly Slime to get the Lavis Cannon.

Mar 29, 2009, 11:32 PM
that SUCKS. that means i might end up fighting 30 or even 40 slimes to get ONE lavis cannon. it took me 5 hours to find 3 slimes.ive taken some tests with "chances" using coins. testing the ratio of heads and tails. if the rules on the game are accurate to real life chance, itll take no more than 28 tries :) i hope

Mar 29, 2009, 11:42 PM
What you did is "Expected Vs. Actual Results". A coin has two sides, heads and tails. When you flip it twice, you EXPECT it to land on heads once, and tails once, thus, when converted to PSO terms, makes up a 1/2 chance. Heads being you get the rare, tails being you don't. And I think you'll find the Lavis Cannon within the next two Pouilly Slimes you fight. This is my prediction.

Mar 29, 2009, 11:45 PM
What you did is "Expected Vs. Actual Results". A coin has two sides, heads and tails. When you flip it twice, you EXPECT it to land on heads once, and tails once, thus, when converted to PSO terms, makes up a 1/2 chance. Heads being you get the rare, tails being you don't. And I think you'll find the Lavis Cannon within the next two Pouilly Slimes you fight. This is my prediction.
if u are right, ill let u know. and then ill kiss u in the mouth lol jk

Mar 31, 2009, 07:04 PM
no, im looking for Lavis Cannon. last survivor is Waaaaay to easy. me and my cousin use Orans. im using my brother's Redria to find the lavis cannon. btw thanks. and yea, those are big #%@ dice lol.

Oh my mind must have been halfway off when I wrote that...

Apr 1, 2009, 04:12 AM
1/22 is NOT as bad as you think.
Try getting some other items from specific rare enemies...

Bluefull - Ultimate - Forest - Hildetor - Heaven Punisher - 1/205 chance
Purplenum - Ultimate - Caves - Mil Lilly - Psycho Wand - 1/205 chance

Besides, you can split 3 additional slimes from ONE slime...
And if you're online, there's a few nifty quests that have quite a handful of slimes you can split all day ;p

Apr 1, 2009, 03:34 PM
Yeah its just A question of luck... My Orotiagito hunt (Pinkal Pal Rappys with 1/22 chance) only took half A day. However Slimes are one of the easier Rare enemys to find in my opinion.

Apr 2, 2009, 08:11 AM
i disagree, u can teleport faster with rappys since u dont have to split them. my agito AUW1975 dropped from a nanodragon when i used my ORAN. how lucky is that!

Apr 2, 2009, 11:54 AM
Yes, offline, Slimes are a pain, but online, since you can't pipe anyways...
And since you have access to the quests with plenty of slimes ;D
It doesn't take too long to find a rare one.

Apr 2, 2009, 01:20 PM
i've played BB and GC PSO and on both Pouilly Slimes are the least seen rare i had, even with piping on GC. on BB i've fought many Pal Rappies, Torrs and Mil Lillies but only 2 Poiully Slimes.

Apr 2, 2009, 01:30 PM
Well... finding a rare enemy is around 1/500 (some say for sure 1/512)
Difficulty matters not
Area matters not
Specific rare enemies matter not

Some quests online have 4 Slimes in a room. That's potentially 16 slimes in a room.

Apr 2, 2009, 02:32 PM
Well I find rare rappys and slimes alot easier. I've only seen a rare lily once and ive never seen a Hildeblue/Tor. Also I didn't use the telepipe trick I just did wayy to many runs of the Fake in Yellow. (Because I could barely kill anything else on Ult at the time...)

Apr 2, 2009, 02:39 PM
it's just the way things work out with rare enemies. the number of times i've hunted a Torr, got fed up due to no-show, gone into the caves and, oh look, a Mil Lily appears.

Apr 2, 2009, 09:44 PM
it's just the way things work out with rare enemies. the number of times i've hunted a Torr, got fed up due to no-show, gone into the caves and, oh look, a Mil Lily appears.

That drives me nuts when that happens. You spend hours looking for a rare enemy, give up eventually and go to a different area, THEN a rare enemy shows up. It's like: "Why the hell couldn't a rare enemy show up when I was actually LOOKING for a rare enemy to show up in the first place?!" It's happened to me a few times now! Once, a Mil Lilly showed when I was looking for a Pouilly Slime, AND it appeared in Caves 2... This was my response: "........Okay, I'll kill you anyways. No point in letting a rare enemy live." Second time it happened (well, I'm going backwards here), I was looking for a... Hildeblue I believe... and an Al Rappy shows up. My response: "................Okay, you can give me the rare enemy I'm actually looking for soon, but this is nice." Third time, I was looking for a Hildetorr, and not one, but TWO Pal Rappies showed. My response to the first one: "Okay, now you're just being irritating. GIVE ME THE ENEMY I'M ACTUALLY HUNTING FOR!" Second one: ":argh: WHY WON'T YOU GIVE ME THE ENEMY I'M LOOKING FOR?!?!?! YOU'RE IRRITATING! :argh:" I actually scrambled them up. The Hildeblue came first, then Hildetorr, and now Pouilly Slime. This game loves to irritate me to no end.


Apr 2, 2009, 10:25 PM
I've only encountered one hildetorr in all my years of playing. Everything else thats rare pops up more often.
Its THE LEAST found enemy in my adventures.

eh, Psofan. I think PSO has a nack for reading your mind and then converting the results to piss you off on the long run. lol
happened(s) to me to me alote in this game.

Apr 3, 2009, 10:33 AM
I've also only fought one Hildetorr, but I'm happy because it completed my rare enemies list for GC. BB's gonna be a bit harder to complete, since there's now a rare version of a boss.