View Full Version : How come no rare...

Mar 31, 2009, 12:42 AM
the rare you are always trying to get, you never get. I am a Pinkal on Vhard running the forest to get the Yamato. But I always fall short! I've gotten everything else! Three Boomas right arms, Elysion, DB's Saber, Stick of Paku or w.e, and Stink Frame. The Yamato has a 1/16 chance on the dragon, and I have beaten it about 30 times now, with no luck! Any pointers? Tips?

Mar 31, 2009, 12:55 AM
Because you're unlucky. =P

That's PSO for you though. People have exceeded droprates by hundreds, thousands, and not found what they were looking for. I, for instance, despite having 400 hours in Ultimate and about 14 million experience earned, have not yet gained a Holy Ray from the Sil Dragon, a 1/49 drop.

Plus, if you're playing BB on "the" servers, they've messed with the rates a little, just so you know.

There's nothing you can do but keep trying.

Mar 31, 2009, 11:31 AM
I am playing on Xbox, but I've gotten weapons that have had a 1/1000 or so drop rate easier than a 1/16 drop rate! Frustrating!

Mar 31, 2009, 12:31 PM
we've all been there, i had to kill near enough 1000 Hildelts to get a god/battle whoch has a 1/370-ish drop rate, then got another one about a couple of days later. yet, on GC, i got something with a 1/1707 drop rate on my first run, i wasn't hunting it, didn't want it nor care about it (think it was a PB Create) yet the thing we want takes AGES.

Mar 31, 2009, 01:20 PM
It's how this game gets it's evil amusement.

Mar 31, 2009, 02:50 PM
Because the heavens demands it.

Apr 1, 2009, 01:40 PM
the rare you are always trying to get, you never get. I am a Pinkal on Vhard running the forest to get the Yamato. But I always fall short! I've gotten everything else! Three Boomas right arms, Elysion, DB's Saber, Stick of Paku or w.e, and Stink Frame. The Yamato has a 1/16 chance on the dragon, and I have beaten it about 30 times now, with no luck! Any pointers? Tips?

I believe you with my mimor char (lvl 43) I went through forest 'bout 30 times as well against the dragon for musashi (1/22 for oran and some others) I'm oran and it won't drop, I got blade dance and flowens sword but no Musashi.

Apr 1, 2009, 02:22 PM
Mah bro got it the 7th time he tried...
Anyway, you just gotta keep trying, and some time it WILL pop up. I have gotten like 4 Yamatos in like 15 tries soooo... You will get it someday.

It is pretty easy for me to find those rares that are hard to find and I really want. For some reason, it just seems easier. I got Spread Needle in 7 Ultimate Ruin runs, Frozen Shooter in 2 Ultimate Forest of Sorrow runs (with like 5 minutes of piping) and Yas9m in 5 Ultimate Temple runs. I'm lucky =P

Apr 1, 2009, 02:24 PM
Jajaja xD, totally. =P

Apr 2, 2009, 09:30 PM
I believe you with my mimor char (lvl 43) I went through forest 'bout 30 times as well against the dragon for musashi (1/22 for oran and some others) I'm oran and it won't drop, I got blade dance and flowens sword but no Musashi.

They drop for all ID's. It took me about 6 runs to get my Musashi, and only 1 run for my Yamato. In fact, I'm 2/2 on Yamato's.

Funny story for my first Yamato: I go to VHard Dragon, not even looking for Yamato. Engage him in the fight, and it's pretty good, we both exchanged hits. Well, after he burrows twice, and is getting ready to do it a third time, he starts to come crashing down. Before I have time to heal, he lands and kills me. I seen that he dropped a red box, and knew it was Yamato, so I was "At least he dropped Yamato for me." Went back, got it, tekked it, and it's been sitting in my bank ever since. Same thing for my second Yamato (w/o the simultaneous death), but eventually just gave that to my bro, since I have no need for two. They suck in my opinion, and Musashi is worth the hunt. Just keep fighting the Dragon, and you'll get your hands on it eventually. A good way to speed it up a little is to do a normal Forest run (no quests active, that's what I mean), then do the Soul of a Blacksmith quest which makes you fight the Dragon. If you fail to find the Yamato there, just repeat this process. It sorta speeds it up a little, than having to just restart the game (or start and cancel a quest each time to reset the level). Plus, if you have to do it numerous times, you are presented with the chance to memorize enemy layouts, find out which ones you need to kill to progress, and thus, save even MORE time. Good for all the Dragon's rares, be it Hard, VHard, or Ultimate. And De Rol Lee as well, though he drops a pitiful Dragon Slayer for me I think (whatever Skyly's get from him. I remember reading Dragon Slayer. Rather mad when I read that:-x I find them EVERYWHERE!).

Apr 3, 2009, 03:36 AM
And De Rol Lee as well, though he drops a pitiful Dragon Slayer for me I think (whatever Skyly's get from him. I remember reading Dragon Slayer. Rather mad when I read that:-x I find them EVERYWHERE!).

Yeah I HATE those Dragon Slayers!
My main char is Skyly and I don't really like that he (almost) only finds swords and stuff since he is a RAmar. when I have killed an enemy and get the rare but I'm not really sure about the rare drop, and it says it is a blade weapon, I always read the stats and it most often say "cannot equip" and then I think "Dragon Slayer or Last Survivor" and then I tekk it. I becomes a Dragon Slayer, and I get pissed cause I wasted 90 meseta on scanning the damn weapon:-x(well, 90 meseta isn't so much when I have a full bank and inventory:D).

Apr 3, 2009, 07:48 PM
You'll find one when you arn't looking for it. =~.^=

Apr 3, 2009, 08:04 PM
Well I hate Ice Staff: Dagon, Fire Scepter: Agni, Storm Wand: Indra & Stag Cutlery They naturaly gravitate to to mu HUmar.

Apr 3, 2009, 08:18 PM
Yeah I HATE those Dragon Slayers!
My main char is Skyly and I don't really like that he (almost) only finds swords and stuff since he is a RAmar. when I have killed an enemy and get the rare but I'm not really sure about the rare drop, and it says it is a blade weapon, I always read the stats and it most often say "cannot equip" and then I think "Dragon Slayer or Last Survivor" and then I tekk it. I becomes a Dragon Slayer, and I get pissed cause I wasted 90 meseta on scanning the damn weapon:-x(well, 90 meseta isn't so much when I have a full bank and inventory:D).

But you can get the SJS, let me just point that out. Also, since you're a RA, you'll have a hell of an easier time with the Seaside area then say, a HUnewearl would (damn you Gibbons...). 100 Meseta isn't that much, but it can become a rather huge loss when you spend ages tekking a weapon to get it's percents up. Me, I could care less what the percents are, as long as I have the weapon, I'm happy. It's great though if you're looking for a Dragon Slayer/Last Survivor with hit %, since you find so many of them.

Apr 14, 2009, 06:51 PM
Well, you're much luckier than myself. I'm on 11 dry runs for Vhard Forest on a lvl 71 Skyly who has NEVER dropped anything (P. Drop included)

Apr 14, 2009, 07:45 PM
Well ocasionally someone has A huge lucky spree. For example I found 3 God/HP's in 2 days once. and somtimes I hunt for 3 weeks for A rare with no luck.

Apr 14, 2009, 08:22 PM
I've actually had really bad luck lately. I was hunting a Musashi with 50+ hit. Been hunting it for 100+ hours now. Hah.

Apr 15, 2009, 06:45 AM
I believe you with my mimor char (lvl 43) I went through forest 'bout 30 times as well against the dragon for musashi (1/22 for oran and some others) I'm oran and it won't drop, I got blade dance and flowens sword but no Musashi.

heh...The first time I've fought the Dragon on Hard, it dropped a Musashi. Zero stats though. :-P

Apr 15, 2009, 02:32 PM
I've actually had really bad luck lately. I was hunting a Musashi with 50+ hit. Been hunting it for 100+ hours now. Hah.

Good luck. I need to find myself a Musashi with hit. Don't neccesarily care if it's 50+ or not, just as long as it has hit, I'm happy.

Apr 15, 2009, 02:42 PM
I still haven't found a Holy Ray, V801 and Limiter yet. ._. (Why am I looking for FO weapons with my HUcast :<)

Apr 15, 2009, 02:55 PM
I haven't found Holy Ray Either... Da Ra Lie (Or whatever its named) Hates me...

Apr 15, 2009, 03:10 PM
I'm sorry about your unluckiness but i got Yamato and Mushashi (?) While just playing to get through the game...

But I know how it feelss 1/2 drop for Sacred Cloth Pal Rappy 6 Rappys Later only 4 Flame Barriers... ^^;

Apr 15, 2009, 03:15 PM
1/2 drop is nicer than 1/22 from Pal Rappy (They hate Pinkal).

Apr 15, 2009, 03:46 PM
Buddy I've been doing that with my Pinkal I've found 3 so far but I'm without my Wii on Spring break Since my mother said "Oh it will be a hassle for your Uncle"
He doesn't ever care....

Apr 15, 2009, 03:48 PM
...Are you on V.2 PSO?

Apr 15, 2009, 03:51 PM
Gamecube Episode 1&2 (Not Plus):-?

Apr 15, 2009, 04:12 PM
Odd... Where did you see that they drop Sacred Cloth for Pinkal?
I Got my Agito from one with my Pinkal.

Apr 16, 2009, 07:24 PM
With my Purplenum not my Pinkal......:clown: