View Full Version : BB Smartlink *myth busted*!

Apr 2, 2009, 02:12 AM
First allow me to explain what we all thought to be true.
Hunters and Forces using ranged weapons are less likely to hit a target depending on how far they are from the target.
Rangers however, have a built-in ability that allows them to fire from any distance with the same chance of striking the enemy.
Smartlink was an item that allowed Forces and Hunters to have this built-in Ranger ability.

And I quote...

Smartlink effectively adds ATA to your attacks.
If there were a "range difference" between Rangers and non-Rangers, the Slicer Glitch would affect the two groups differently, since a "range difference" implies an additional penalty.
But at maximum Slicer range, Forces/Hunters can be more accurate than a Ranger, even with higher modified ATA on the RA.
If there were a range difference in ATA calculation, Rangers would win this contest in Normal/Special/Special vs. Special/Normal/Special... They do not.
Enemies can manually evade the attack by moving before it reaches them. Some examples of this are enemies walking away or De Rol Le jiggling up and down.

Does this mean Smartlink isn't effective?
That's not what that means, anyone who's used it should be able to see the difference it creates anyways.
The effective ATA boost is quite worthy of being one of your four chosen units for HU/FO.

One reason we all probably thought range was a factor for Accuracy is because when you try to hit a target from far away... you fire your bullet or slicer shot in a linear path at which the target is currently at RIGHT when you execute the command.
A factor that many overlooked is that bullets and slicer shots do not hit instantly (we know that... but...) since they don't hit instantly, the enemy has a chance to move just enough distance to evade the attack manually (which we see a lot when they move fast and you get the MISS)

Apr 2, 2009, 02:59 AM
Does smartlink even have any effect on slicers? I don't notice any difference.

The point to smartlink is to suppress the distance alteration to your ATA.
I forgot the exact formula but basically:
If ATA - (weapon's alteration for non 11* weapons) - (distance to the target in m/5) > (enemy's EVP/5) then you have a chance to hit the target. Rangers don't have that distance problems (innate ability) and Smartlink does precisely that to you if you're a force or a hunter using a gun (I think it has to be a weapon with a gun icon).

Apr 2, 2009, 03:09 AM
Does smartlink even have any effect on slicers? I don't notice any difference.

The point to smartlink is to suppress the distance alteration to your ATA.
I forgot the exact formula but basically:
If ATA - (weapon's alteration for non 11* weapons) - (distance to the target in m/5) > (enemy's EVP/5) then you have a chance to hit the target. Rangers don't have that distance problems (innate ability) and Smartlink does precisely that to you if you're a force or a hunter using a gun (I think it has to be a weapon with a gun icon).

Slicer counts as ranged weapon, yes. If you can't hit a Lizard from the front with it... it's ranged. (not including Divine Punishment)

And did you even read my post? 0_o
They just proved there is no Distance factor...

Apr 2, 2009, 03:34 AM
good research special K. :)

Apr 2, 2009, 03:56 AM
I quoted the main source of data from another forum who had done the research.
I recently tested a couple things out and can't really argue against it, so I decided to agree with it as well.
It makes sense anyways :/

Apr 2, 2009, 09:47 AM
Winpso is being a racist again so I can't go and check it... Halohalo? If you read this thread...

Apr 2, 2009, 02:38 PM
A factor that many overlooked is that bullets and slicer shots do not hit instantly (we know that... but...) since they don't hit instantly, the enemy has a chance to move just enough distance to evade the attack manually (which we see a lot when they move fast and you get the MISS)
This can also happen with lillys if you fire at them from long range. (To avoid Megid/Poison) If they close for some unkown reason.

Apr 2, 2009, 04:53 PM
I believe I know what you're talking about, is it after you hit them a few times and the tilt their head back and you can't shoot them?
This is actually the lily attempting to use it's defensive-paralysis move, but from such a far distance, you don't hear the screech nor receive the paralysis.

Apr 2, 2009, 05:39 PM
I believe I know what you're talking about, is it after you hit them a few times and the tilt their head back and you can't shoot them?
This is actually the lily attempting to use it's defensive-paralysis move, but from such a far distance, you don't hear the screech nor receive the paralysis.

Yeah that but i've also seen it happen at melee range.

RAcast Extremist
Apr 2, 2009, 07:47 PM
You should be in "Mythbuster" :wacko:

Apr 2, 2009, 08:27 PM
Yeah that but i've also seen it happen at melee range.

It can happen at any time after the Lilly recieves damage, even from another enemy, as I'm sure you already know. It gets annoying when you can't hit it all the time due to this, or there's a Mil Lilly off in the distance you want to get at fast, but can't because the Ob's are just as big of a threat as the Mil is. Melee, Guns, Techs, it doesn't matter how you attack it, it still has at executing the attack. And it's really frustrating when you think you're far enough to be safe, but turns out, you're not.

May 2, 2009, 04:34 AM
with Ob Liles, once you've hit it a few times, cast Rafoie. it you press the button before it tries to paralyze you, when it stands up it will stall cast the tech and hit all the other Lilies nearby stopping them from Meiding you.

with the Smartlink, if it 'effectivteky' adds ATA does that mean you'll still get the boost if you ATA is at max?

May 3, 2009, 12:20 AM
Yes, this is why a HUcaseal with certain guns can be even more accurate than some rangers because Smartlink can effectively boost accuracy higher than your given max (it's a hidden attribute however, but very noticeable).

May 3, 2009, 12:22 AM
Interesting... Looks like the Smartlink is getting placed on my Wanted List.

May 3, 2009, 12:28 AM
My HUcaseal has max ATA, with Smartlink and V502 using a hit% Hell Raygun. It's VERY effective in Ultimate Episode 2 and 4 :)

May 4, 2009, 08:31 AM
Smartlink is win. The ATA boost still works even if you're at max listed ATA. That whole "ATA decreases with range" thing was originally created by someone who wanted fuel for two concepts:

1. Melee is inherently superior
2. Only Rangers should use guns.

That myth they cooked up worked quite nicely.