View Full Version : Protranser & Traps

Apr 2, 2009, 04:16 PM
Hi everyone. Lately I've been playing as PT a lot and I really enjoy it. I really like traps too. However, I just wanted a general consensus on which traps I should use? I use all the EX's, but never the G traps. What G traps should I be using? There's only so much space on the item palette.. but let me know what you guys think! Thanks.

Apr 2, 2009, 06:58 PM
Freeze EX is all I use for the most part. Burn is good on certain mobs (like seed magashi from the carnival, 4500+ damage status effect). Silence can be useful too.

Some people like to drop a virus, then freeze.

But 99% of the time, freeze ex is all that is on my palette.

Apr 3, 2009, 01:28 PM
It really depends on the situation.

Like Kejen said, the Virus G/ Freeze EX combo is great.

If virus don't work, Fire EX is next on my list. Fire however, doesn't work with freeze, so if you wanna combo fire, try Stun EX. Though I don't use this combo. Also, bother Fire and Stun EX traps hit enemies away from the center trap area and spread them out. That's a reason why freeze is more commonly used.

If you have a really good party with you, you might not even need Fire or Virus. Kinda pointless hitting them with fire when they die a second later anyway.

With traps, try to stop trouble enemies. Teching monsters, monsters that won't sit still, are all good types to focus on.

However, there's a difference between using traps to support and speed things up, and using just traps. Traps don't work well for all situations. They just add to the already large PT arsenal.