View Full Version : PC PSO PC and V3?

Apr 3, 2009, 07:41 AM
Hey there how's it going?
Here's my question: How did the person that made "PSO PC V2" make the game in the first place? Did he rip the Gamecube disc or did he go and some how alter
PSO BB and use just Episode 1? The reason why i am asking is because i would like to make a Episode 2 and Episode 3. So that people can enjoy the other episodes and not just Episode 1. Also most already know that PSO BB can only be played online. I would also make a Offline Mode for Episode 2 & 3 so that people can play offline and not have to worry about losing there Game Save Data if there internet cuts out or something like that. Does any one know how to make the other PSO episodes? I just want to make PSO players enjoy PSO once again.

Apr 3, 2009, 07:59 AM
firstly, it's 'their data' not 'there data'. sorry but that's one of my pet hates.
anyway, i assumed they took the DC version and adapted that slightly. they may have used some of the data from the GC or XBOX version but i'm not entirely sure.

Apr 3, 2009, 12:38 PM
To play ep2 or ep3 offline you only need a GC and the game that contains the game, otherwise search for a emulator.

PSO PC is a exact port from the ver.2 from dreamcast, including game resolution and other things, this was made by sega, they lauched PSO Ver.2 on 2 platforms, DC and PC

Apr 3, 2009, 01:17 PM
One of the nice thinga about the Pso pc vers is you can have 100 char files.

Apr 4, 2009, 07:47 AM
Your post is confusing me. The "person" who made PSOPC was Sega, and it was just a rushed port of PSO v2 (Dreamcast). Even though it may not seem like it sometimes, it was 100% official.

If you're planning on programming anything new into it, I wish you lots and lots of luck. That would be a fairly massive project...and from what I've heard, near impossible (with a margin of possibility being 10^-312897402178429017490) without the source code, which Sega has either likely long deleted or won't give out.

Also, I think you're referring to Episode 4, not Episode 3. Episode 3 was a card strategy turn based game. Whether it's good or not split the community, but I don't think that's what you were intending to say in the first place. EP4, despite taking place before EP3 and having the same gameplay as EP1 and 2, is only named as such because they couldn't just go back and rename EP3, and I'm fairly certain they didn't originally intend to make Blue Burst. They just needed some serverside practice and something to hold the PSO'ers over until PSU. =P

Making PSOBB offline would also not only be difficult, but would mess up a couple of things. First of all, the "main" server wouldn't allow it, as they are now trying to be legitimate, and they don't need the ease of hacking that client side saving gives (see any PSO game besides BB, especially PC). You'd also need to somehow give the game the command to load the save files from your own memory, not a server. This is also fairly unstable, as if your data/computer fails, that's it for you. You could always try hosting your own server (google it) and connecting to yourself, but that would isolate yourself from everyone else.

tl;dr Making new episodes in PSOPC (or pretty much just about all new content for that matter) is as of right now (and probably forever) impossible. The main people left are just trying to see what they can do with the code, and one of them, Aleron Ives, seems to have some pretty big plans, so keep your eyes out for that. As for making PSOBB offline, it would honestly just be easier to download a GCN emulator and do a fairly obvious second step which I can't post here. Episode 4 isn't terribly special anyways. =3

Jul 6, 2009, 08:18 AM
so....the real Question is: Will there ever be a PSO Version 3? a version with both episodes 1 and 2? or will it not happen? That would be disappointing if they did not make another version with both Episodes 1 and 2.

Thanks for all the Support!

Jul 6, 2009, 08:46 AM
There is actualy.
PSO ep1&2 for GC/XBOX

If you want to play on the computer then PSO Blue burst is the only option, it has ep1, ep2 and ep4

Jul 6, 2009, 12:51 PM
There's also Pso pc, but it ep 1 only. It's also easier to edit textures and some other stuff. =^.^=