View Full Version : Up to 50 schools in Detroit might close.

Apr 6, 2009, 06:26 AM
A few days ago, The Detroit Free Press ran a headline reading those exact words. Apparently the situation is much worse then any one could have predicted. Thinking back to when people where talking about saving the financial institutions then watching as CEO's continue to squander the money and now we are presented this situation, is there anyway for one to not be outraged?


Apr 6, 2009, 07:28 AM
Well, considering the fact that modern education has been on the biggest decline in years a few more schools closed won't matter. The way I see things one of these two statements will be true.

1- Since the children of today are our future leaders, we are well and truly screwed.

2- The movie 'Idiocracy' might just be the most true telling of humanity's future, in which we are well and truly screwed.

Either way, we're well and truly screwed.

Apr 6, 2009, 04:49 PM
I don't think one city's school system falling apart is going to screw the future up. Though it is true that the education system across the US is getting hit pretty hard. The article mentions that it is planned to happen over a course of two years though, and a lot can happen within that time frame.

Hell I've been forced to reconsider becoming a teacher because of said issue. I would love to be one someday, but at this rate it's just a lot better for me to do something else career wise for the mean time.