View Full Version : A few noob questions!

Apr 8, 2009, 03:31 AM
Hey guys, just a few noob questions about this game.

Hope you can help me out, I just bought this and am loving it. The last game I played, ...a long time ago was PSO Ep 1 and 2, and this seems a bit more like the old PSO.


1. I have what looks like a MAG, urm, Genesis, how do I actually use it it? I tried equiping it, but I cannot equip any other weapon at the same time.

2. Sometimes when I complete a story mission, it says that my inventory is full so I do not receive an item. Is this item ever going to be a rare or is it just something I already have so it doesnt give it to me again? ..I dont want to miss out on anything if my inventory is full :(

3. Do you get less XP if you have a partner in your group?

4. I noticed items seem to drop pretty fast in this game. How does it compare with PSU in terms of its likeness to the old PSO? Is it similar or is PS-P more akin to the original PSO than PSU is.


Infinite Eternity
Apr 8, 2009, 03:35 AM
2. It is probably that you have 3 scape dolls and it's trying to give you another one but you can't have more than 3.
If it really is because your inventory is full I do believe you can retrieve some of the items elsewhere.

3. You only get less experience if your partner kills the enemy.

Apr 9, 2009, 12:37 AM
1. Mags go in your left weapon slot, so you can only have a single right handed weapon equipped at the same time as a mag.