View Full Version : Some questions about the game

Apr 8, 2009, 11:33 AM
I just got phantasy star portable and here are a few questions: I am not intent on playing an easy begginner class nescessarily however I would like to know some of the advantages etc of different advanced types I would also like to know where to find the later healing discs apart from rests,which I have. When I as a ranger,I find d myself running out of Pp constantly using various types of shots,am I doing something wrong ?a. Finally,what is the fastest way to level my character?

Apr 8, 2009, 11:35 AM
Sorry for bad spelling,I am posting from my IPod lol

Apr 8, 2009, 11:50 AM
Types I am espescially interested in are: acromaster,gunmaster,masterforce

Apr 8, 2009, 12:43 PM
I think all the healing discs come from leveling up and maxing your rank in the Force class. There's only Resta, Giresta, and Reverser.

Get used to running out of PP on guns. You can do things to help... like upgrading your best weapons to 10 which adds to PP and ATP, along with using burn or virus statuses and then switching to opposite element attacks for maximum damage. Some kinds of gun run through PP far faster than others: rifle, laser, and shotgun can last a long time while grenades burn photon charges like crazy. If you finish every mission at every difficulty on Parum you'll also get an arm unit for your shield that cuts gun PP usage drastically.

Advantages/disadvantages of different classes? That's a huge question. Especially between the three you posted since they're pretty different.

MasterForce is an all-around caster, the only job that can use top-level techniques, and the only one that can't perform Photon Art combos for melee weapons. Fighting as a force is lots of fun because their weapons can link a variety of skills, making attack choices very dynamic. They can support a party through long-range area attacks, debuffs, and healing.

GunMaster obviously is the king of Big Guns and also a decent melee (or gun-and-melee) fighter. GM's main attacks are long range artillery and firing small arms on the run, which makes it a pretty safe class to play, but they're usually criticized for having low maximum damage output compared to other classes.

AcroMaster is a melee fighter, with RCSM mags adding to damage output for Human and Newman characters. High bullet skill levels and small arms give them something to do while waiting for flying enemies to land, or softening enemies up while running into trouble. Their main support contributions are slicer attacks and Acro is one of the few types capable of healing/buffing party members.

Apr 8, 2009, 02:56 PM
Thanks a ton for the extremely informative post, I really appreciate it. A final question for anyone that sees this - Can an elemental shot (e.g froZen/burning be used on the same gun as normal attack? Or may only 1 shot be used?

Apr 8, 2009, 03:00 PM
Bullet skills (element or otherwise) replace the normal attack on your gun.

Apr 9, 2009, 01:56 AM
Hmm ok, do these bullet attacks consume varying amounts of PP? And do they have later versions like the force technics - (resta - giresta - whatever)?

Apr 9, 2009, 02:09 AM
Oh and one more thing, can I complete the game without it completely finishing everything? Or after beating the final boss, can I go back to freelance missions etc and continue levelling my character? I hear people talking about Dulk Fakis,is he the final boss?

Apr 9, 2009, 02:27 AM
Indeed he is. And yes, if you kill him you can still go around doing the various free missions. You actually unlock a couple new ones for finishing Story Mode.

Apr 9, 2009, 08:47 AM
Bullet skills consume more PP than normal attacks... they also tend to make a jump in effectiveness (and PP cost) at level 11 and 21, status effect and element % etc. They don't change appearance or size the way a technique does, but S-rank guns (some lower level stuff too) have unique visuals for their attacks.

Apr 9, 2009, 09:56 AM
Additionally for clarification.. I dont think Gi-Resta is a "step up" from Resta. Gi-Resta just adds a regeneration effect but heals less initially, whereas resta heals a lot more.

Apr 9, 2009, 10:37 AM
Giresta also revives knocked-out teammates. You need to have a lot more TP to be able to use it as your main healing tech, even as a MasterForce my character can only refill about 2/3 of his HP with a single cast (using a wand)

Apr 9, 2009, 11:44 AM
Just noticed something else I havn't quite grasped in the game, I see percentages in my weapon statistics(and maybe on my photon powers too, though unsure about that) what exactly does this mean? Does it change at all? If yes, how do I change it?

Apr 9, 2009, 02:38 PM
uh, what percentages do you mean? Weapon and skill statistics are rolling in %'s.

Weapon - element % modifier (for melee weapons and RCSM it's random 0-50%, for guns it depends on linked skill and skill level, for tech it depends on equipping all techniques of the same element)
Skill - ATP (or TP) % modifier (usually > 100%) increases with skill level
Skill - ATA % modifier for PA and bullets (usually < 100%) increases with skill level (usually)
Unlisted - element % on technique (determined by skill level)
Unlisted - ATP % on second and third moves of PA combo attack (usually higher than listed)