View Full Version : BB FOnewerl

Apr 15, 2009, 06:34 PM
im going to start raising her status with materials soon. im mainly looking to up hp and then with mind. the other one i plan to use is either defense or evasion.

i know she has a lot more evasion than defense so it would make sense to put that up but im unsure.
if i picked to use evasion then i know id block a lot but when an attack finally got in what would be the chances it would kill me in one hit?
if i choose to use defense, which is what im closer to using so far then ill be able to take more hits leaving me plenty of time to use a resta.

what do you all suggest then? evasion or defense

Apr 15, 2009, 06:44 PM
Here ya go: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160555
This will take you a thread Special K made where he/she compared Deband to Jellen. As you'll be able to tell, Deband (which raises DFP) is pathetic versus Jellen (which lowers enemy ATP). So, you'd probably be better of raising her EVP. HP Materials are in their own category, so no need to worry about them. You'll definately want max MST. In fact, I can provide to you another useful thread, just give me a moment to find it.

EDIT: Here ya go: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161569
Won't need to explain, you'll know what it is when you get there. Eh, what the heck. This link will show you each characters "ranking" so-to-speak versus othe characters. This will help you plan out your material usage, how you'll raise your MAG, and other good stuff of the sort that relates to raising your character.

Have fun.

Apr 15, 2009, 07:07 PM
ah thanks. very usefull.

so i can always use 125 hp and 125 tp. i cant do 250 hp for eg?

as for the others. looks like ill be doing 74 on evasion to max that stat and then the rest on mst. i dont see the point in adding further amounts to my mst since my mag will be based on mst.

damn i just though there. its impossible to get a 200 mst stat mag =[

Apr 15, 2009, 07:10 PM
HP materials have their own limit. TP Materials have their own limit. Stat materials have a separate limit. Stat materials are anything that are not HP and TP.

You can use:
125 HP plus
125 TP plus
150 Stat materials

Apr 15, 2009, 07:46 PM
You can get a 200 mind MAG. Mark 3 IIRC is a MAG that can have 200 in any area.

I know its a console MAG at least.

Apr 15, 2009, 11:27 PM
But MAGs come with 5 levels on DEF already... how can you have 200 on one stat without hacking the MAG?

FOnewearl MST will require a Mind-built MAG, and almost all of you Materials going to Mind as well. Even then, that won't fully max her MST, so you'll also need the assistance of a unit if you want it maxed out entirely. Glad I could be of help!

Apr 16, 2009, 01:55 PM
Again, my little contribution:
You can max all her attributes if you have the right units.
My own Fonewearl has 4 Units : V101, Adept, C/Ability(x2)
Her mag has 5/0/55/140.
To max her out, I will need 136 mats (leaving 14 free to use to boost up some stuffs earlier on)
8 pow, 0 def, 93 Mind, 32 Evade and 3 Luck.
I decided I would use 15 pow mats and 100 mind mats.
I am aware that this setup is hard to get, but if do spend some time on it, it shouldn't be too hard.

You could of course go with other units, such as V101, Adept (x2) and C/Ability (x1) but that would change the mag and diet, and generally speaking would be way too awesome to presume that you would succeed in getting all of these.
(mag 5/0/25/170, Mats 20pow, 0 def, 75 mind, 42 evade and 13 Luck)