View Full Version : Shanghai Knights Review

Feb 16, 2003, 05:46 AM

Ok, maybe not the worst ever, but this was pretty damn near the worst movie ever.

Plot- 0/10

Jackie Chan's father was murdured, not the greatest thing to build a plot off of, but for an action movie I guess it's ok. The writers took a new approach though. Rather than build on the plot, they decided to completly ignore it and fill the movie with one meaningless scene after another. Had the movie had any other redeeming features, they may have been able to pull this off. ...they failed miserably.

Action- 1/10

Terrible. I cant think of any other way to put it. Just terrible. There was one scene at the end where a guy had 2 swords and did some cool stuff. Possibly the best part of the movie, even tho the whole scene was absolutly terrible as far as plot goes.

Music- 0/10

Every time a fight scene began, they decided to back it up with the worst music ever. Loud circus type music blasted in the background, as if to try and annoy you to the point of not realizing how horrible the action is. It seemed they compiled their soundtrack from lesser soundtracks in a deperate attempt to mask thier lack of effort in making, or even slightly altering, music for this specific movie.

Comedy 0/10

Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson have the ability to make some great comedy, as seen in Shanghai Noon. Unfortunatly, that thought never occured to them in the making of Shanghai Knights. The jokes were more of a form of tortue than comedy. I can't seem to find another possible explanation for it. On the up side you could see them coming before the title even appeared, giving you a chance to make a quick break for the bathroom before they were unleashed. This being the movies best quality.

Summary 1/40

Im much to lazy to write a decent summary, or review for that matter. The movie was terrible, the end.

Feb 16, 2003, 01:20 PM
Whatever. I liked it.
Roy: "My life is flashing before my eyes! ... I don't remember her."
And that scene with the portrayal of Jack the Ripper I found pretty funny.

Feb 16, 2003, 03:40 PM
i agree with super speedy.I thought the fight scenes were cool and the comedy was good, but thats just my opinion http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Feb 17, 2003, 10:11 PM
Your analyzing a jackie chan movie? rofl!

Feb 18, 2003, 07:25 PM
I liked it to.

Feb 18, 2003, 09:05 PM
you are all crazy