View Full Version : PC/PS2 Lets do some runs!

Apr 24, 2009, 02:31 PM

I've seen some people on here posting and whatnot, and I have decided to set up a party if anyone want to do this. I hate when people scream out in uni 2 and say "L4S2"...I'm not the type of person that will scream that either.
So what I want to set up is some S2 runs, for hunting, leveling, or even just to have a good party, hopefully meet some of the people I've been reading posts by. Well, if your on the pc/ps2 server and want to meet up in any universe anytime of the day please list here or pm me! I have friends on psu but they all seem to be leveling alts..well my alts are all 129+(look in signature) with the exception of the 4th slot in which i plan to level after the event.
Alright, like i said, please list here if you want to meet up with me, or even anyone else that lists. AND remember this is for S2 runs!

Apr 24, 2009, 02:55 PM
player matchup section isn't here...i

Apr 24, 2009, 02:57 PM
yea, thats true, but who looks down there? no one.