View Full Version : Rare monsters??

Apr 25, 2009, 10:49 AM
I could have sworn I came across some type of list that listed the rare monsters (like hildetorr) or even things such as tollaws, and also there was a sort of guide that said what quest had the most of that certain type of monster.

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find this, as I'm going to be searching for a few forest rare items.

Thanks in advance! :)

-I'm playing BB btw, and if anyone wants to party up let me know!

EDIT: Even if nobody knows about what I'm talking about, do any of you know what quest I find the most Hildets, Tollaws, and El Rappy's at? They can be seperate quests.

Apr 25, 2009, 11:41 AM
I would like to "party up" but I only have it for GC.

Hmm, there was a list that shows the quests that has the most enemies and better chances for piping them. I am sure a PSO vet will clear things up.

IIRC, they are: Al Rappy, Pal Rappy, Hildeblue, Hildetorr, Nar lily, Mil Lily, Pouilly Slime, Love Rappy. I dont know the Online mode enemies since I never went online yet.

Quests: Fake in Yellow for rappies. Forest of Sorrow for Hildebears. Addicting Foods for Lilies. Same for Pouilly Slime. You can also do Waterfall Tears for Lilies also.

Apr 25, 2009, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the info DarkCecil, and yeah, the non rare version of the Pal rappy is the El rappy, which I want for the God/Arm or whatever it drops again xD
Thanks for some good quest ideas though, i'll try them out in a bit, i've already lost power twice so I'll be turning off my comp 'til it slows down.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:01 PM
Heh no problem dood 8).

I can help you out a bit for the quest piping also. IIRC there are certain spots that you should pipe for better ratio IMO.

Rappies: Fake in Yellow. Where there are approx 8 Rappies in the room with the fake one also.

Hildebears: Forest of Sorrow. Go to the room with 2 Hildebears. Do not kill them! Walk in a little bit, a third one drops in. Kill it. Then another one comes in. Kill it also. Then 2 more will show up. Now you have 4 in the room. Pipe for rare version.
You can also try the Letter from Lionel quest. 3 Hildebears will come at you.

Lilies: Addcting Foods. There is a room on Cave 2 that has 6 Lilies. Pipe for rare version.
Waterfall Tears. In Cave 2 there is a room with Approx 5 Lilies. Walk to the door on the
east side to bring 4 more. 9 Lilies should appear. You will know that you are in the correct room because the room has traps.

Pouilly Slime: Addicting Foods. In Cave 2, there should be a room with 2 Pouiflly Slimes. Split them using Rabarta or the Special Weapon trick for a total of 8 in the room.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:18 PM
Alright thanks again man :D

But do you know offhand if piping works on BB? I do it on solo mode btw.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:34 PM
No, piping will not work in BB. All of the games rare enemies (not including Ep. 4) are: Forest - Al Rappy, Hildeblue, Pal Rappy, Hildetorr
Caves - Nar Lilly, Mil Lilly, Pouilly Slime
Temple - Love Rappy, Nar Lilly, Mil Lilly, Hildeblue, Hildetorr
And that's it. As for quests, if you're after Hildeblue/torr, Forest of Sorrow is your best bet, as stated above. Fake in Yellow for Al/Pal Rappies, also as stated above. If you're hunting Tollaws, as far as I know, the best quest for them is either Letter from Lionel or the quest where you pair up with Nol... Can't remember the quest name, but it deals with a jounalist. I remember seeing a lot of Tollaws in those quests. Pouilly Slime, Nar/Mil Lillies, Addicting Foods is probably your best bet for them. Now that you have all the info, have fun hunting... whatever it is you're after.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:41 PM
Aw, well thanks for the info.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:46 PM
Hmm for Tollaws, I thought Soul of Blacksmith would be the best. Or the online quest which I have no clue what they are. Yea I listed Offline quests since I have no EXP with the Online mode yet.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:49 PM
*facepalms* I forgot about Soul of a Blacksmith.

Apr 25, 2009, 01:56 PM
Yea that mission offers a load of EXP! I need to keep playing that mission to get my character up. I keep doing that mission praying to find some Red Sabers since Tollaw drops them for me.

You see about nearly 15 of them.

Apr 25, 2009, 02:11 PM
...15? It seems that one of the two quests I mentioned give more. I'll have to count when I get my game back from my bro. Tollaws drop some good things. Not sure what they drop me, I'll need to check.

Apr 25, 2009, 02:34 PM
alright, let me know what quest is better ^^

Apr 25, 2009, 11:35 PM
You don't want to run addicting foods for slimes. They only appear in caves 2 and 3, and that quest is only in caves 1. Try Waterfall Tears for a better chance to pipe lilies andLetter from Lionel to pipe for slimes. .

Apr 26, 2009, 02:44 AM
You don't want to run addicting foods for slimes. They only appear in caves 2 and 3, and that quest is only in caves 1.Actually, Addicting Food ends at Cave 3. (Where the cake sisters are located)

Apr 26, 2009, 05:41 AM
as it's BB there are also rare enemies for Ep4:
Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Dorphon Eclair and Marissa AA. best place to get all of them seems to be Maximum Attack 4 -C-. i do that wuest a fair amount looking for Photon Crystals and more often than not i find a rare enemy.

Apr 26, 2009, 09:24 AM
Awesome, I've been a little hesitant about going into Ult Ep4 as I remember doing normal mode Ep4 at like lvl 50-60 and it still being tough with some other friends :P

Apr 26, 2009, 03:45 PM
There are 27 Tallows in soul of blacksmith so yeah, Also on the side on the main page look for enemy counts (I think) in episode 1,2, and 4 section

Apr 26, 2009, 07:13 PM

I been doing that mission many times and still no damn Red Saber! This game hates me when it comes to rares.

Apr 26, 2009, 08:52 PM
You don't want to run addicting foods for slimes. They only appear in caves 2 and 3, and that quest is only in caves 1. Try Waterfall Tears for a better chance to pipe lilies andLetter from Lionel to pipe for slimes. .

How does Letter from Lionel have more Slimes than Addicting Foods? Addicting Food is probably your best bet for just about any Caves enemy. Multiplayer counts, and that makes a difference. Of course, I don't pipe (it's cheating if you ask me), so that's why I say Addicing Foods is the best. Letter from Lionel I believe has no Slimes, if not, 1 or 2, max. Not exactly good odds of finding a Pouilly Slime there, if you ask me.... Just do Addicting Foods. You'll get a ton of EXP, and have a bigger enemy count. Kill two birds with one stone.

Apr 26, 2009, 11:24 PM
How does Letter from Lionel have more Slimes than Addicting Foods? Addicting Food is probably your best bet for just about any Caves enemy. Multiplayer counts, and that makes a difference. Of course, I don't pipe (it's cheating if you ask me), so that's why I say Addicing Foods is the best. Letter from Lionel I believe has no Slimes, if not, 1 or 2, max. Not exactly good odds of finding a Pouilly Slime there, if you ask me.... Just do Addicting Foods. You'll get a ton of EXP, and have a bigger enemy count. Kill two birds with one stone.

Heh, hate piping? That's a first. Anyway, I think (s)he said Letter to Lionel because you can pipe through those rocks and encounter more enemies. But I too, agree with Addicting Foods since there are 2 slimes in Cave 2 and make piping easier instead of 1.

Apr 27, 2009, 11:40 PM
I just think it's more rewarding to find them without that. Didn't know that you could get behind those rocks. At first I thought you could like somehow destroy them (when I was still a newb to the game). Tried for a while, even came back when I had stronger weapons, because I thought my current ones were too weak, haha^^;.

Apr 28, 2009, 05:55 PM
Actually, Addicting Food ends at Cave 3. (Where the cake sisters are located)

Oh, oh! I was thinking Addicting food was the quest where the BBW fonewearl needed to excercise before her wedding. My bad.

How does Letter from Lionel have more Slimes than Addicting Foods? Addicting Food is probably your best bet for just about any Caves enemy. Multiplayer counts, and that makes a difference. Of course, I don't pipe (it's cheating if you ask me), so that's why I say Addicing Foods is the best. Letter from Lionel I believe has no Slimes, if not, 1 or 2, max. Not exactly good odds of finding a Pouilly Slime there, if you ask me.... Just do Addicting Foods. You'll get a ton of EXP, and have a bigger enemy count. Kill two birds with one stone.

Actually, from what I read, Letter from Lionel has ten slimes, which you can spilt to make forty, I guess.

Apr 28, 2009, 06:58 PM
Oh, oh! I was thinking Addicting food was the quest where the BBW fonewearl needed to excercise before her wedding. My bad.

Actually, from what I read, Letter from Lionel has ten slimes, which you can spilt to make forty, I guess.

Umm, The Lost Bride ends in Caves 2. In fact, there's no Caves quest (at least to my knowledge there isn't) that only utilizes Caves 1. All Caves quests end in either 2 or 3, and I mean ACTUALLY end, meaning you can no longer on end. I said that to prevent someone from saying "Soul of a Blacksmith ends in Caves 1" when it actually ends in Caves 3, you're just allowed to pick when you'd like to end it after you get all three items you need.

Apr 28, 2009, 09:40 PM
Actually, from what I read, Letter from Lionel has ten slimes, which you can spilt to make forty, I guess.

Yes but it is tiresome splitting one slime. In Addicting Foods, you split 2 of them at once making it quicker IMO.

Apr 29, 2009, 07:52 AM
Well, either way, I say go Addicting Foods. The EXP value is amazing. On Normal with my FOmar, I leveld him about 5 times in one run (granted, he was LV8, so it's fairly easy to level up...). Still though, you can't argue.