View Full Version : Best class?

Apr 26, 2009, 11:30 PM
Hey,which class do You think is the best? Im new to this game and i might need some guidance... Thanks!:-P

Apr 26, 2009, 11:56 PM
it really depends on your style or in my case, mood! sometimes if im really angry ill use my fight master so i can rush all the baddies with quick kung-fu style or high flying photon arts. sometimes ill like to hang from a distance and launch flying balls of rock with my master force. or if you like shoot ehm up go with a gunner. or mix it all up and use one of the two hybrids. theres really no BEST one but as a noob may i suggest go with the fightmaster. they can do some really nice damage if you time the attacks and are really hard to kill. oh... and go at it with a beast too. get that extra hp boost. and it gets ANGRY!

Apr 27, 2009, 01:37 AM
Lol,ok i see,thanks!

Oh ya another question,does masterforce's weapons have any percentages like those melee weapons with element attributes? So if both level 100 masterforces with same race and gender have the same weapon and same skill at the same skill level,it would mean they both deal the same amount of damage is it?

Apr 27, 2009, 02:23 AM
A techer's percents come from their techs. If you put 4 fire techs on a rod, it'll be fire. Don't trust the number on the weapon though. The % is actually based on how high a level your techs are. Also, if you try to put say, a fire tech and an ice tech on the same weapon, it won't have any element bonus at all. Just the tech itself.

Apr 27, 2009, 05:52 AM

Apr 27, 2009, 07:02 AM
If you want to have those cool-looking weapons, go for Fighmaster.

It actually really depend on your playing style.
If you like Melee, Fighmaster. Magic? Masterforce. Range? Gunmaster.
Or you prefer hybrid, Protranser or Acromaster.

You can switch between all these classes after each lvl10 to try out which you actually prefer to play.
Have fun! :D

Apr 27, 2009, 09:10 AM
Depending on your race you'll perform better or worse at certain jobs. Masterforce with a range mag and wand can crank out a lot of damage, but it has to be a Newman Masterforce to get enough TP behind it.

I think the best race/job combinations are the stereotypical ones, and in addition to that you get a bonus on all your stats as those combinations... Beast fighter, Cast gunner, Newman force, Human Acro and Transer.

May 5, 2009, 12:31 PM
I personally think AcroMaster is the best for me. There are a few downsides with every class, but Acromaster is more on the upside than downside if you like close range anyway.

Fightmasters are great with close range though with Techs they really lack, you will only be able to get resta to lvl 10 which is kinda bad especially if you want to heal your other members in your party. Protransers cannot use Techs at all except with a staff which you cannot fight with a weapon and heal when you need to, so you will always have to switch quick and sometimes you may get that lag when switching when you really need to.

Acromasters can have both a Techs and weapon equipped and get Spell to max lvl for the most part, they are great for close range and still can use at least rank A handguns for those annoying enemies that don't touch the ground.

May 6, 2009, 04:40 AM
I´ve no real answer for "best"

But my preference is Acromaster.

Very fast attacks.
Good ranged capabilities, Mechgun´s and Twin Handgun´s comes to mind.
And Lv 20 support techniques really makes this class awesome, IMO! :D

PS: Who doesn´t love Whips? :D

Infinite Eternity
May 6, 2009, 06:30 PM
I'm a firm believer (someone is going to somehow prove me wrong...) that for a lot of things, there is no best or worst, it just depends on the person using [insert character, class, type etc.].

I personally like to use Fighmaster, Masterforce and Acromaster. Fighmaster is very strong and uses pretty much all the types of weapons I like so I can get through levels quickly but downside having low leveled TECHNICs.
As a Masterforce I'm nearly invincible with Orpa / HP Restore, Level 30 Dizas, Level 30 Rentis, and Level 30 Megistar. Have Har / Quick for quick casting if needed and Solid / Skill Save so I never run out of PP for my Deraga-zashi. Only downside for this for me is low ATP.
Acromaster is in the middle of Fighmaster and Masterforce, don't have low leveled TECHNICs or a low ATP so it measures nicely.

Li Seven
May 8, 2009, 06:21 PM
I´ve no real answer for "best"

But my preference is Acromaster.

Very fast attacks.
Good ranged capabilities, Mechgun´s and Twin Handgun´s comes to mind.
And Lv 20 support techniques really makes this class awesome, IMO! :D

PS: Who doesn´t love Whips? :D

I dont, I think it was a pretty stupid add on from pso to psu/psp.
I mean, they can be useful, but i wouldnt want that over dual saber's or something. :-?