View Full Version : Girtabulu or however its spelled

May 2, 2009, 08:27 PM
Today I was going through Subdesert with some people and this thing appeared. It died fairly quickly. However if I fight it alone that won't be the case. Just how does it fight? I would assume form its looks it would fight somthing like A Meri but I have little experience in fighting those.

May 2, 2009, 09:37 PM
I usually spam it with Zonde. That usually helps for me, being unable to blast it away with much else.

May 3, 2009, 12:26 AM
Normally it can take a while to kill this thing. It has quite a bit of health and decent Defense
To kill with techs, Zonde/Grants at best.
However, even if you're a force, it would be most effective to use something with a Demon/Devil's special. You can hit Girt at his arms and body areas, so for example, of you have a Slicer of Fanatic, you can effectively use it's Demons special to hit both his arms and body, cutting his HP VERY quickly (seeing SoF has UNREDUCED Demons).
This makes the beast go down quickly.
It's also smart to use something with an Arrest Special, seeing it can be Paralyzed, but not Frozen.

As for HIS offense, he can chose a target and drag it toward itself (kind of like trying to fight the quicksand pits). He can slash wildly if in decent range of arms. He spits foie, gizonde, and gibarta wildly as well. He's quite fierce if let alive long enough.

May 3, 2009, 07:50 AM
Well all I saw was the Pull in move and slashing wildly. Is it immune to Hell specials? Also Quicksand Pits? I havn't seen any of those.

May 3, 2009, 08:07 AM
there aren't many quicksand pits around, there's one in Point of Disaster. you just fall down a hole, end up in a room with a warp point that takes you back up.

as for the Girtablulu, i just shoot it. usually it recoils when it's hit so by constantly shooting it, it keeps recoiling and can't attack. the damage won't be great and it takes a fair amount of shots but at least you won't be stunned/frozen/killed.

May 3, 2009, 01:04 PM
Sounds fun.

May 3, 2009, 01:07 PM
they are badass enemies, but with badass enemies come great EXP and even better drops (mostly).

May 3, 2009, 04:06 PM
As you can see, his EDK wouldn't put up with Hell-based specials.

May 3, 2009, 04:11 PM
Umm... I thought Ep. 4 enemies hated Megid/Hell-based specials. Just had a look at their resistances, and it seems more like they LAUGH at it instead. What's the "ESP" stat for?

May 3, 2009, 04:44 PM
i have been wondering about that for ages, the ESP stat. i'll check the server forums...from what i can gather it seems to represent the chances of an enemy becoming frozen or paralyzed. i suppose 'SP' is 'special' so it's their ability to resist special attack effects.

May 3, 2009, 06:09 PM
Well all I saw was the Pull in move and slashing wildly. Is it immune to Hell specials?

It isn't.
The only one I ever met, I OHKO'd it with a Hell Brand +1. (Yeah, I don't play that much.)

May 3, 2009, 06:38 PM
Well sounds fun... Maybe I'll try to do some soloing in the Desert to fight him... That or I convience some people to let me take him on alone when it spawns... But that won't happen...

May 3, 2009, 07:10 PM
As EDK is an attribute that determines resistance to effectiveness of Megid's OHKO Status, ESP is an attribute that determines resistance to effectiveness of other Status inflictions, such as Arrest, Freeze, Chaos-based specials.
The more ESP an enemy has, the less likely you are to successfully Paralyze, Freeze, or Confuse a target.
Just as an enemy has more EDK, the less likely Megid or Hell-based specials will kill the target instantly.

And yes, most Epi 4 enemies fall easily to Megid. Of course large enemies like Girt is an exception.
Lizards fall to megid most easily.
Rappies are quite easy as well.
Most of the non-large enemies can be OHKO'd with a good amount of ease.
It's really Episode 1 where Hell-based specials are almost completely useless.
Also, Girt has 100 EDK on all difficulties, I haven't seen anyone OHKO it before, but who knows what you can do with some weapons. I had a friend on BB who had an 80% hit Hell Laser, perhaps with a V502 you could take it down... I still think it would be a little time-consuming.

May 3, 2009, 09:17 PM
And yes, most Epi 4 enemies fall easily to Megid.

But that doesn't make any sense. I looked at the Beastiary you provided, and all but two enemies had an EDK value less than 90. Correct me if I'm wrong...

Just as an enemy has more EDK, the less likely Megid or Hell-based specials will kill the target instantly.

But wouldn't this ring true to the other enemies as well? I mean, if Girtablulu has an EDK value of 100, and can't be killed easily through the means of Megid/Hell-based weaponry, would it not be time consuming for the others as well? Unless 2 points of EDK (for some enemies) makes a hell of a difference, I just don't see how that is. The Satellite Lizard only has a EDK of 65 I believe, so that should make it somewhat easy to kill. Of course, I might be looking at the EDK stat all wrong here. Let me explain:

The way I think EDK works is that for every point in EDK, that takes off 1% of the chance that that particular enemy can be killed by Megid. Of course, there's the whole business with formulas, Megid LV vs. enemy EDK, and all those other factors that have a change on it, but I'm using Megid LV30 as my reference. To put more clearly of what I said so far, we'll say Megid LV30 has a 100% success rate to kill someone/something with 0 EDK (I'm sure it can unfailingly kill the target each time if they had that low of EDK). Each EDK point take 1% of that success rate. So, if the target is say, a Merissa AA, which I believe has 98 EDK, wouldn't that make Megid, LV30, only have a 2% rate of killing the enemy, and for the Girtablulu, wouldn't that make him IMMUNE to Megid? This is how I've seen once I found it reduced the chance of Megid killing you. I'm about 90% positive that's not how it works, so feel free to straighten me out on this please (just don't do it in a way that sounds you're calling me an idiot). If possible, please add a link that provides proof (like a formula of some sort, or someone else who has already done the calculations and posted them). Thanks again.

May 3, 2009, 09:59 PM
Demons/Devil specials cut HP doing 1000's of damage making Girt able to die in seconds, seriously even as FOnewearl using Slicer of Fanatic, I can do probably 2, 3 combo's of special slices and throw in a Grants to finish him off.
And believe it or not, that EDK difference is huge. You shall see when you get BB. Epi 4 is the best place for Hell weapons.

Megid 30 has something like an 81% chance before EDK is factored. Supposedly it's a simple equation:
Lv.1-15: [3 x (Tech level - 1)] + 27
Lv.16-30: [2 x (Tech level - 1)] + 42
Take your result and have it be subtracted by the enemy EDK, this gives you the Success rate in percentage form

May 4, 2009, 12:43 AM
Demons/Devil specials cut HP doing 1000's of damage making Girt able to die in seconds, seriously even as FOnewearl using Slicer of Fanatic, I can do probably 2, 3 combo's of special slices and throw in a Grants to finish him off.
And believe it or not, that EDK difference is huge. You shall see when you get BB. Epi 4 is the best place for Hell weapons.

Megid 30 has something like an 81% chance before EDK is factored. Supposedly it's a simple equation:
Lv.1-15: [3 x (Tech level - 1)] + 27
Lv.16-30: [2 x (Tech level - 1)] + 42
Take your result and have it be subtracted by the enemy EDK, this gives you the Success rate in percentage form

......Wow. That "supposedly" can't ring more true than that. I did the math based on how I was taught throughout school, which would be you take the tech level (30 in this case), and subtract one. Okay, 29. Doubled makes it 58, and if you add 42 to that, it puts it at 100. Minus 98 is back at 2, which, according to you, should be the percentage of success for a Megid 30 strike. At least that's how you'd do that kind of math equation anyways... unless there's something else to it, or I'm just not doing something right.

May 4, 2009, 02:43 AM
Remember that the beastiary here is reflecting Sega's server. They may have altered the resistances in the "server", assuming that's where everyone is experiencing the low EDK/High megid success rate in Episode 4's monsters.

May 4, 2009, 08:29 AM
Remember that the beastiary here is reflecting Sega's server. They may have altered the resistances in the "server", assuming that's where everyone is experiencing the low EDK/High megid success rate in Episode 4's monsters.

Don't think they have. I do remember Sega nerfing some Ep4 stats at some point, and I don't remember which version the bestiary here has.

Remember, V501 boosts the effective rate of Hell-series specials by something like 1.5x, and V502 is something like 2.0x. Doesn't work on Megid, though.

And "high" success rate is relative. Remember, Megid only has to get through once to work. Compare that to something like Seize, where even if it works, you'll still need a combo or two to kill. With an even success rate on the two specials (50%), Hell will "seem" like it works far more often, as it'd take you twice as many combos to get to an even amount of failures (seeing as how when Hell works, you end up starting over counting on your failures).

May 4, 2009, 11:52 AM
......Wow. That "supposedly" can't ring more true than that. I did the math based on how I was taught throughout school, which would be you take the tech level (30 in this case), and subtract one. Okay, 29. Doubled makes it 58, and if you add 42 to that, it puts it at 100. Minus 98 is back at 2, which, according to you, should be the percentage of success for a Megid 30 strike. At least that's how you'd do that kind of math equation anyways... unless there's something else to it, or I'm just not doing something right.
I'm guessing when Special K said Episode 4 was the best place for Hell/Megid, he was talking about the general monsters; the ones that are most common in episode 4 (And appear both in Craters and Desert, excluding Zus) and that would be the Satellite Lizards, Sand Rappies and Bootas which has lower EDK compared to the other monsters.

In the Desert, they have higher resistances so lets look at Craters (http://www.pso-world.com/beastiary.php?location=9&artid=2468&version=v3).

If a Level 30 megid was used on a Satellite Lizard (Which has 55 EDK), you would have a 45% chance of OHKO. Bootas and Rappies have 80 EDK (well, regular bootas have 85 EDK) so a Level 30 megid would have a 20% chance of OHKO.

May 4, 2009, 01:19 PM
Also, the Lizards are range-immune except from the back, which immediately cuts out the two most common weapons, Slicers and Mechguns.

With those two taken out, your options are nuking them to death or hitting them with melee. In comparison to those, a 50% instakill shot looks far better in comparison.

May 4, 2009, 03:15 PM
The enemy database of PSOW is outdated.

Anyway, it is possible to kill a Girtablulu with Megid, but its EDK is still too high for Hell in ultimate.

May 4, 2009, 10:30 PM
So it is a 1:1 basis then. Well, if people say Megid/Hell Special can easily execute enemies, I'm not gonna argue.