View Full Version : Soul of Steel - CRAZY HARD!!!

May 7, 2009, 08:35 AM
It has been like six years since I last played this quest and even though I did clear it last night, it is one of the most stressful quests in any game ever!!!

First...you are escorting 2 people who could die ending the quest
Second...the level is like a maze with the layout
Third... there is a friggan time limit before the place goes up in flames
Lastly...there is another friggan time limit for the switches on the lazer barriers.

So basically it's a escort mission with 2 time-limits. The kinda mission all gamers despise!

This quest is hilariously tough, but you do feel good after you clear it. Now that I have all the quests cleared I can keep running old missions for more money!

(I'm referring to soloing offline)

May 7, 2009, 11:20 AM
Please don't talk about that quest. The end is always sad. ;__;

May 7, 2009, 11:28 AM
it is a bitch of a quest but, for me, there is one thing that makes me fail: Dr M always gets killed. it seems that no matter what i do it takes 4 or 5 attempts of the quest before i can get through without him dying. it's that charged beam thing they Death Bringers do that kill him in one shot. i try and lure them away from him but he decides to try and get the Retard of the Year award, follows me and runs straight into the line of fire. bloke dead, mission failed, game gets hurled through the window.

May 7, 2009, 11:47 AM
I did use some profanity while running this quest last night. I knew there was some reason I left it for last! Looking through the list I just knew from the name that I hated this quest with a passion from years ago!


May 7, 2009, 05:55 PM
Funny. I JUST finished that quest XD
It was extremely hard for me at first- so I quit and saved my progress and decided to to do it over today. Ready the guides, and watching YT videos of the quest REALLY helped me.
But Elenor and the Dr. are lv 55 ( x_x ) with mates- so its nearly impossible for them to die. I mean CMON- Im a lv 35 RaMarl going around having fun with my NEW Soul Eater XD ( killing Kireek 3 times in a row is HELLA fun! XD). But the Soul eater takes away HP, and I lived- so its near IMPOSSIBLE for them to die XD.
And ya, when I first did this quest, when everything was about to explode, i was freaking out going " WTF WHAT DO I DO? DX". But no stress really : )

I really dont understand why its so sad. I mean, Dr. SAID( or said in a letter) that Ult would be ok. Why was there sad depressing music? ( god I hate that. Sad quests with sad music make me almost cry )

But it feels GOOD to get that quest out of the way.XD
BTW, what happened to that mag cell Elenor gave you? Do you like, magically discard it at the end of the quest? lol

May 7, 2009, 07:05 PM
I like to think that one day I'll actually do this quest. But... The no reward (lasting) reward part is too much of a turn-off.

RAcast Extremist
May 7, 2009, 08:19 PM
But Elenor and the Dr. are lv 55 ( x_x ) with mates- so its nearly impossible for them to die.

Thats in normal. In ult its fricken hard.

May 7, 2009, 11:10 PM
First...you are escorting 2 people who could die ending the quest
Second...the level is like a maze with the layout
Third... there is a friggan time limit before the place goes up in flames
Lastly...there is another friggan time limit for the switches on the lazer barriers.

All of which make it really fun for people like me who crave tough challenges.

So basically it's a escort mission with 2 time-limits. The kinda mission all gamers despise!

Now what possessed you to say something like this? In my opinion, it's the kind of quest every player should crave more of. You need to escort two people instead of one (right there giving you two chances at failure), you have two time-limits (two more chances, putting it at four), and it's just plain fun I guess will have to do for the last bit. It feels VERY good once you get it completed.

EDIT: Whoops. Miscount. There's only one timer in which you can fail this quest. My bad.

May 8, 2009, 12:06 PM
All of which make it really fun for people like me who crave tough challenges.

Now what possessed you to say something like this? In my opinion, it's the kind of quest every player should crave more of. You need to escort two people instead of one (right there giving you two chances at failure), you have two time-limits (two more chances, putting it at four), and it's just plain fun I guess will have to do for the last bit. It feels VERY good once you get it completed.

EDIT: Whoops. Miscount. There's only one timer in which you can fail this quest. My bad.

One timer for the quest...but another timer during that same part for the laser barriers.

May 8, 2009, 02:42 PM
Yeah, I thought that both timers could make you fail the quest if you didn't make it, then I remembered that one timer was for the laser gates where you encounter two Chaos (or Dark) Bringers at once. Still though, fun quest.

May 9, 2009, 09:01 AM
Thats in normal. In ult its fricken hard.

In Ultimate, they are lv 188, no? I really kinda forgot X_x
I always kinda found myself being the one being killed/attacked in this quest... The Dr. and Elenor almost never get a scratch of them.

May 9, 2009, 10:17 AM
I think they're higher than that. For some reason, I'm remembering 198. I might be thinking of Donoph though... he was pretty close to 200. Could someone set me straight on this?

May 10, 2009, 03:03 PM
Ah, Soul of Steel, my favorite offline quest.
And I believe on Ult he's 198.

May 16, 2009, 03:06 PM
i hate to sound cocky but how in the world is that quest hard 0_o do you ALL run casts or something? any character with resta makes u pwn that mission. they usually keep monsters distracted so just us area spells/shotty/long sword. if needed use a ATA pump or 2
i will admit its the craziest coolest quest ever. and one of the most challenging playing baby sitter n racing sonic * lawl? * but i could see why its a pain if ur a cast. or for some odd reason * jesus prob hates you* and your in ult WITHOUT a resta.. lawl :P prepare those difluids my friends