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May 11, 2009, 03:14 PM
I haven't had time to check this yet so if anyone knows already that would be great.

I know there status has been adjusted like the polty's since they always do zero damage to me but has their stamina been completely been raised above everything again?

I remember with Polty's you could use megid all day without worrying about instant kill.

May 11, 2009, 03:33 PM
Most likely. I know that the Pannons resist SE 1 & 2 (dunno about higher) debuffs like the Polties did

May 11, 2009, 03:34 PM
Good question, but if I recall correctly, there was a techer in my party spamming megid in the room where the pannons are relatively stronger than the others. Fact of the matter is I didnt see any instant kills in that bunch.

May 11, 2009, 04:55 PM
there goes my debuffing idea... again

May 11, 2009, 06:06 PM
It seems that not being able to level debuffs on the Polties/Pannons is an unfortunate side-effect of making sure other SEs don't kill them too quickly why you're trying to level your PAs

It's kinda a bummer, but there are other places to level debuffs. And you might as well wait until the PA EXP boost reward

May 11, 2009, 06:09 PM
Pannon rooms are lovely. Still, a real shame about the immunity to debuffs.

If you want a suggestion to level debuffs, find a mission that has a large particular enemy spawn. And on the lowest rank, of course, so you don't get smacked around. When I wanted to level debuffs, I tried Paint White Nubs Black (White Beasts) C and debuffed the hell out of, like, 8 or so Kakwanes at once.

... But yes... Pannon rooms are lovely~. Not only is it good PA Exp, but they're so freakin' adorable. ;< Boo at Polties.


May 12, 2009, 01:43 AM
to be honest i wouldnt be doing that area. kakwanes always jump about and run about like they just shit them self.

the area i have been using in the past is scarred planet c. very first room with the stairs to the left. 6 little guys there (debuffs are limited to 6 enemys at a time). still want a better place because sometimes one will jump out of range :(

at the moment my debuffs are at base 31. when we get the 2x exp boost, do you think going from 31-41 will take as long as 21-31. the 21-31 took about 90 minutes per one

May 12, 2009, 02:35 AM
Just Sonic Team's way of telling you that debuffs are worthless and shouldn't be used.

May 12, 2009, 10:31 AM
Lightning Beasts might be a good option. I know when I plan on leveling debuffs (which is around when I start using techer classes, so might be a bit yet) I plan on going to the last block there and debuffing the first crowd of enemies that spawn. You even have a charger cube and (god forbid) a healing cube, in case things get a bit out of hand or you don't really feel like using Resta. Conversely, you could go there on a higher difficulty and use that to boost Resta, also. Also Reverser (is that what they call Anti in this one?) after you get rid of that first room, since there's traps right past that. Don't know how viable this all is, since I have yet to test it, but on paper it looks pretty sound. Anyone feel up to trying it out?