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View Full Version : The ULTIMATE PSO online cheat: duplicating items-- step by s

Feb 15, 2001, 03:33 PM
ok all these puny codes like infinite tp, infinite money, etc are worth nothing since what makes this game are all the kewl items like s-beat blade, chainsaw, twin brand, double saber etc.

everyone knows about the money code now and no one will sell you eleet weaps for plain cash. so how do you get all the eleet stuff in the game? simple-- you have to trade with items not cash.

so how do you trade with items? well the easiest way is to take the very best stuff you have, and trade it for one nicer item. but then how to do keep trading up till you get the twin brand +50, double saber +20, chain saw, etc? you need a way to duplicate the nicest items you do have so you can keep trading em up. once you get ONE really nice thing, like a double saber, or even just like a medium level special item, then you are set cuz you can keep duping it as much as you want. it's like printing your own money but better becuse unlike meseta, items will get you stuff.

here's how to dupe, step-by-step:

1) start up the game online, make a secure password game with ONLY you in the game (important: WILL NOT work with more than one person in your game since the server allocates more maintenance resources to your game as you add more players).

2) go to the bank and put your to-be-duped items on the floor in town. since the game is passworded there is no worry about thieves stealing your loot. important: you need lots of server lag for this to work, and in my hands the best way to do that is to put a loooooootttt of items on the floor. it has ALWAYS worked for me if you put at least 75 items on the floor in a tight circle. usually works with 50 as well, but 75 is 100% safe. stackable items (meseta, monomate, etc.) are handled differently from items like weaps, grinders, armor, etc. and the items MUST all be NON-stackables (so dont bother with money or difluids, etc-- you won't lose them but they won't add to the lag and you won't dupe them). since you'll want to dupe your best weaps and armor and disks anyway, this is fine.

3) the key is to trick the server into thinking that your items are on the floor, but use your vmu to tell the server that you still have the goods. once you have at least 75 items on the floor, the lag is high enough that this is super easy. hit start to pull the menu up (this increases lag even more), run in a circle around your 75+items (notice the lagggg), then force a server disconnect by disconnecting the phone cord from the dreamcast.

4) the game will say you got disconnected. press start to continue. your vmu will still have the items in your possession. the server lag protects the items online, and so now just reconnect, rejoin your passworded room, and when you arrive you'll have two sets of tiems-- one set in your bank and one set on the floor!

5) pick up the stuff you want, invite your friends into the game, and watch the feeding frenzy as they run around like pirrhana tryin to get your duped loot!!!

i've tested this many times and my friend uses this to get every cool item in the game by duping his double saber. he kept duping it a total of 5 times to get 32 double sabers. now he trades them in game for the best stuff (you would be amazed at how much you can get for one double saber). he got a twin brand from a jp player last night for two double sabers. this morning he showed me 32 twin brands. he is god now, not just some turd with 1,999,998 meseta (duh).

if you want a double saber or twin brand, email me and i'll hook you up. trade him some of your duped items and he'll be happy to help you out. he'll looking for those agito books still. tell him codemasta sent you!!!


Feb 15, 2001, 03:35 PM
forgot to add, tho it is real obvious-- when you do the phone cord disconnect, you should be running around still. i just run in a circle surrounded by my loot and then pop the phone cord out while running.



Feb 15, 2001, 03:46 PM
Wow. Not only are you a cheater, you're an idiot too. You can't rejoin a game that's empty. Duh. Someone delete this thread, please.

Feb 15, 2001, 04:16 PM
ratsmack-- what do you think the server side lag is for

it allows you rejoin the game duh


Feb 15, 2001, 04:31 PM
HOLY SH** I just tried this duping thing and it worked on my first try. I bought 75 items (had about 15 in bank that were good for testing) and put on floor. Lag was noticeable. Opened the menu, ran around, yanked the cord, pressed start to continue and now I have 150 goodies!


Thanks CM-- now I'm gonna git me some double sabers. Muhahahah.



<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: smackdown on 2001-02-15 13:32 ]</font>

Feb 15, 2001, 04:53 PM
Go ahead an exploit the PSO servers... and then watch your serial end up banned.

Feb 15, 2001, 05:03 PM
Yeah right!

Sega said they are focusing on gettin rid of disconnect errors, not on cheaters so for now the going is gooooood!

I'm up to 32 Lord's Pallasches hehe. Up next-- 32 King's Frames with 4 slots. Sells in the shops for tons of dough hehe.


Feb 15, 2001, 05:54 PM
Sometimes people are just....dumb. All right, go ahead, Sega's NEVER going to do anything to cheaters! Of course not! Just tell me when your serial number is banned so I can laugh my ass off at you.

Feb 15, 2001, 07:40 PM
cheating is so gay. Why do you guys do such gay shit. Makes the game no fun at all when people exploit stuff like this. Next time I see a lvl 100 newbie or someone that has 8 chainsaws Im going to use my little cheat that I have created.....

Feb 16, 2001, 01:10 AM
Ratsmacks statement still stands... server lag or not... the team will dissappear if no one is in it... Anyone who is dumb enough to think this guy is serious, I urge you to try this so you too can lose your good items...
Lag only lasts a certain amount of time... and even if thier is high lag, there is still information going from one end to another, all it takes is for you to leave... then the server reads no one is in the game, and closes... it has nothing to do with how many items are on the ground, how your walking, or even if you have your menu pulled up.

Feb 16, 2001, 01:37 AM
what if you have a bba?

Feb 16, 2001, 02:50 AM
You know, we could just all say how great this works and that we dupe all the time just to get a good laugh when anyone who actually tried it looses all they're decent stuff.

Feb 16, 2001, 03:01 AM
Networking 101 kids:

If your are not there to receive the info the server is passing to you, it will not be passed to you. Lag or no lag, this little 'tip' is a really good way to lose everything you've worked hard for. Assuming you've worked hard for it. If you've cheated to get it, then by all means, give it a whirl. See if I care. Just don't be asking me for replacements.

Feb 16, 2001, 05:15 AM
Hi CodeMasta! Can I have a Twin Brand?

Pls email me at: [email protected] to arrange a time to meet up.

thx in advance

Feb 16, 2001, 09:45 AM
I kind of like this thread, actually, it easily fools those who wish to cheat into losing all their items http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

There is an obvious fact that contradicts what's stated in the Japanese Sega PSO page. Though I think I'll keep my mouth shut for the time being.

Those who wish to cheat, be our guest! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Feb 16, 2001, 02:55 PM
What are you talking about, everyone!?! It works great! I suggest every cheater who reads this board to try it! Just be sure you drop ALL your good items! You want to "duplicate" them all! *wink*

Feb 16, 2001, 03:01 PM
lol, Ratsmack. I think they're all catching your drift.

Feb 16, 2001, 03:47 PM
Umm... April Fool's Day is in April. Get your shit straight, Codemasta.

Feb 16, 2001, 07:33 PM
shhhhh... Let them keep trying....
This is the best way to get rid of cheaters I've seen...


Feb 26, 2001, 03:50 PM
ok let me tell u one thing about this cheat codemasta, just to see if its the real deal i tried it and guess what.....ALL M ITEMS ARE GONE my dbl saber,my sel saber, everything soo in response i want a dbl saber, i dont care ill trade or watever i just want it back dick and for anyone that tries this be ware, ill your items well go too...

Feb 26, 2001, 04:12 PM
Well I'll never do it personally cuz I think it takes away from my enjoyment. But I can think of one other reliable way (I have seen it done) of duping, hope no one else catch on

Feb 26, 2001, 05:09 PM
what's the money code? i haven't every heard of such a thing...

how the heck would it be done? and how the heck would you actually clone an item? i doubt seriously that it can be done...

Feb 26, 2001, 10:30 PM
couldnt you just get a friend to stay in the room so you could perform the cloning trick?

Feb 27, 2001, 05:25 AM
I either think that smackdown and CodeMasta are one in the same or smackdown is CodeMasta's friend and trying to help him trick everyone into losing all of there stuff. Because I know the real way of duping items and that is not it.

I urge an Admin to check CodeMasta and smackdowns IP numbers.

Feb 28, 2001, 02:23 AM
Ahahahaha, even after AMPLE warning, ghosti tries it, with VALUABLE items no less! Ahahahaha! I'm sorry, that's just stupidity at work. As for your lost stuff? Yay, whoo-hoo, and I hope you lose more!

Feb 28, 2001, 07:10 AM
ratsmack, u are right. the codemasta is a complete moran and who ever listens is a fool too just like me. there is a more simple way of doing it. just clone yourself by eather going on sega mail and attaching the game save of your character to it and send it to yourself and d/l it to a memory card."takes about 3 to four emails because it might get currupt. or just copy the save on your vmu and thats it. u have a clone of your guy and your items. but i dont incurage cheating at all and that stupid trick is a way of driving u to the verge of ripping the cored from the back of your dc. i agree ratsmack

Feb 28, 2001, 07:17 AM
Are you people stupid?!? Come on now! First of all, when you leave a game with only yourself in it...it gets deleted, and so do your items. Yeah it's true, codemaster is full of sh*t. Net side lag...what the booma is he talking about?!? Come on think people...!

Feb 28, 2001, 08:20 AM
After the announcment that Sega will be cracking down on cheaters, I don't think your method will work anymore ghosti. With the Timestamps if your characters online time doesn't match the servers times, I don't think you will be able to log on (just a guess... as I don't back-up my character)

Feb 28, 2001, 09:00 AM
This has got to be the stupidest trick I've ever heard of for PSO. Not only are you going to lose all your shit, but you're going to feel like a real jack-ass for ever having read such a freakin piece of trash. Jeezus somebody delete this trick.

Feb 28, 2001, 11:14 PM
"What the booma is he talking about!?" That's just...classic. Maybe I'll put that in my sig...

Mar 1, 2001, 01:38 AM
Ohhh sweet! I only wish more people like Ghosti had tried this and lost everything!

Beautiful, beautiful plan to bite potential duplicators!

I love it! Spread this false info to other forums!

Mar 1, 2001, 03:28 AM
ok first of all u need to come down, i said i dont encorage cheating and i only did it out of curiousity, i now have almost all my items back because of a good friend but like i said, someone needs to shoot codemasta for putting stuff up like that and for any other potential duper out there get itemes the old fashion way or just dupe your character

Mar 1, 2001, 03:52 AM
Not to add to the cheating thingy...cuz...I dont do it, my friend does lol...no really i dont. But my friend just has me stand in the room while he disconnects and gets bak on, so it ensures the game wont go away. (sorry to all the fair players who didn't want me posting that, really im sorry.)

Mar 1, 2001, 05:03 AM
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA, I just "got" this post. LoL sorry man I'm pretty slow.

Mar 1, 2001, 07:08 PM
I'm LV.67, and I'm going to be 100. I don't cheat like this or in anyway. If I do happen to get more than a few chain swords it's not from cheating. So Hollowtip, if you ever see me online when I'm lv.100(not soon) then don't do something to me with your cheat.

Mar 1, 2001, 08:28 PM
This is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life! Keep up the good work guys. You all are wonderful!! hehe, duping by lag. thats a new one.

Yes there is a way to dupe and its MUCH stable than this but this right here.. this takes the cake. =)

Mar 2, 2001, 01:13 AM
Hehe..I like that one too ratsmack, just came out that way I guess.

Mar 4, 2001, 12:36 AM

Mar 4, 2001, 01:17 AM
CodeMaster...the real one at least. Is aquite prolifiant "cheat hacker" with probably the TOP independant cheat code sites around. If you've used a cheat code in the past...he may have had a hand in producing it. There's always gonna be people exploiting the system...that's their business. Play how you play and I'll play how I play.

Mar 6, 2001, 02:25 AM
Well, there is more to dupping that just leaving some guy in a room and exiting....so don't just start trying to dupe unless you want to loose items