View Full Version : Megiverse, Nosmegid or dammegid

May 15, 2009, 03:51 PM
i want to make a full darkrod with 4 megid spells, megid, ramegid for sure...

but what should the other two be?

Megiverse, Nosmegid or dammegid

short answer why you chose wich one

May 15, 2009, 03:53 PM

Dammegid is occasionally useful against Golmoro. Nosmegid because you may need a long-range tech that isn't Lightning.

May 15, 2009, 03:57 PM
Megiverse/Nosmegid. Get Nosmegid for the same reason Magus said, but Megiverse would be better on Golmoro. If they jump behind you, you're shit outta luck with Dammegid. Not to mention Megiverse has further range at higher levels.

May 15, 2009, 04:08 PM
Against Golmoro I would just use Ramegid or Nosmegid...Ramegid has a good area of effect at 31+, hits 4 targets and is sorta fast. Nosmegid, even though it only hits 2 targets, it causes knockdown at 21+ and has long range.

Dammegid could be good against groups of small/medium sized enemies (like the frogs and the sageeta on white beast), and could even be useful against certain big enemies (ubakrada, for example). It's sorta easy to target (depending on the enemy) and it has special effect virus lvl 3 at 31+.

May 15, 2009, 04:32 PM
Megiverse/Nosmegid. Get Nosmegid for the same reason Magus said, but Megiverse would be better on Golmoro. If they jump behind you, you're shit outta luck with Dammegid. Not to mention Megiverse has further range at higher levels.

lol Megiverse hasn't been useful for Golmoros since v1.

May 15, 2009, 04:37 PM
lol Megiverse hasn't been useful for Golmoros since v1.

What'd they change with AOI?

May 15, 2009, 04:51 PM
What'd they change with AOI?

"Surround" techs got a range reduction that only 41+ can still match. Plus with Ramegid hitting 4/5 targets on a TCSM, the DPS is much higher. There are only a few situations I actually use Dammegid on Golmoros and that's when they spawn but aren't targets yet in a tight knight group.

May 15, 2009, 04:53 PM
lol Megiverse hasn't been useful for Golmoros since v1.

Dunno, I seem to own them with it.

Back to the OP's question:

Nosmegid and Megiverse. Yes, Megiverse is a pain to level (lucky for the new users, the Pannon factories are perfect spots), but it does great damage to distracted enemies. Pretty hard to use it when all the monsters are focused on you.

Personally, I really only use Megid and Nosmegid. I do use Ramegid for tagging, or if monsters are not lined up, but I can usually get them lined up. When attacking Golmoros, I shoot out a nosmegid to knockdown 3 (MF in my case) then spam megid until they get back up. Rinse and repeat.

May 15, 2009, 05:00 PM
I don't use Megiverse any more. As soon as you are bumped (maybe 60pts damage or above), tech over. Seems to be much better for techs that allow quick steady strikes than one prolonged one. .

Besides as a MF being the current game example of a class with a major glass jaw it isn't the best to get in the middle of a crowd.

May 15, 2009, 05:01 PM
i use megid/ramegid.dam megid and megiverse.

megiverse sucks at the beginning but at 31+ it actually prety damn awesome. 21+ is when it starts to get good though. getting to 21 isnt easy at that

May 15, 2009, 06:14 PM
Megiverse has its uses, but I find it much more situational than nosmegid and dammegid. Basically, nosmegid and dammegid are useful in a wider variety of situations.

Now, if megiverse didn't have such a long start up time before it starts causing damage, or had a slightly higher flinch effect on it so it weren't so easy to get knocked out of, then it would be much more useful. Vyser nailed it above- it's great on distracted enemies. There are some places where I like using it while soloing, but not too many.

May 16, 2009, 04:34 AM
I say nosmegid and megiverse.
Nosmegid: functions just like noszonde it gains knockdown at lvl 21 but only to two mobs (however at lvl 41 it knocks down 3 mobs).

Megiverse: The only reason why I use this tech is dued to the fact that it acts more like a gi spell. Only differences is it hits five times before it ends and it doesnt cause certain mobs to flinch when u hit them with it. Using this pa at first was quite diffcult at first but once i lvled it up I kicked ass with it :).

On a side note though I lvled all of my dark techs to 41. I dont use dammegid that often however it had its uses to were megiverse was useless in certain missions I did.

May 20, 2009, 09:36 AM
I like knocking stuff over with Nosmegid then using Megiverse/Dammegid to do a bit of damage before they get up.

Nosmegid is powerful and knocks enemies over. It is good.

Dammegid isn't too bad power-wise, and the Virus SE can help in places. Makes things flinch slightly as well, which is always useful.

I would not recommend Megiverse to anyone. It is relatively weak, takes too long to start up, takes too long to hit between ticks, and is too easy to be knocked out of. Not to mention it takes far too long to level, and at levels 1 to 30 I imagine it is nigh-useless thanks to the smaller range (thankfully, I levelled it most of the way before the area effect Techs range was changed).