View Full Version : Videogame music, live!

May 22, 2009, 10:56 PM
I wondered if anyone has gone to a Video Games Live concert and what you thought of it.
I've been friends with one of the composers for a long time, and I remember him working night and day on this project! It seems like it's really received rave reviews, and although I have been invited .. I have never attended. I think I might this year ^^

[SPOILER-BOX]Video Games Live is the largest and most successful video game concert in the world, having performed worldwide to over 300,000 people by 2009 [2]. The concert's debut performance took place on July 6th, 2005 at the Hollywood Bowl featuring the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. Over 11,000 audience members participated in the largest video game concert at that time. Video Games Live was the first video game concert to ever perform in Canada, The United Kingdom, Brazil and New Zealand. It is also the first U.S. video game concert to perform in Asia at the 12,000 seat Olympic Park Stadium in Seoul, South Korea.

The concert features a broad spectrum of video game music, including Final Fantasy, Halo, World of Warcraft, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda and Metal Gear Solid, as well as retro arcade games such as Tetris and Asteroids.

In addition to the music, VGL concerts also include video footage from the games, synchronized to the music and projected on large screens at performances. Due to the environment of the show, all footage is approved for all ages by the ESRB, meaning graphic violence in some of the game music played (ie: Halo, Medal of Honor, God of War) is never shown during a concert. Some VGL concerts may also include exclusive "never-before-seen" video game footage from games that have yet to be released. In contrast to all the other video games featured, SquareSoft has currently opted to retain exclusive performance rights to their Final Fantasy video footage, preventing it from being shown at the Video Games Live event. SquareSoft previously organized a competing series of Final Fantasy music concerts called Dear Friends: Music From Final Fantasy. Footage from the Kingdom Hearts series is also prohibited; instead, footage from Disney films represented in the Kingdom Hearts series are shown.

VGL also boasts energetic lighting (also synchronized with the music), special fx, interactive music segments with the crowd, pre and post show festival activities, and interactive onstage games for selected audience members to participate in. Examples include an onstage Frogger competition, and a "live-action" rendition of Space Invaders.[/SPOILER-BOX]

How could you go wrong with video game music?! :D

May 23, 2009, 12:23 AM
Ha. That sounds like it could either be a lot of fun or a lot of songs you've never heard because you haven't played the games they're from. But they seem to have a lot of catch-all stuff in there like Sonic, Halo, Tetris, and Zelda, so I don't imagine most people who grew up in the 90s and 2000s would be too lost.

Most of the concerts I go to are indie rock or a similar offshoot, and I've seen a lot of shows that run the full gamut from super mellow to crazy as shit, but I don't think I could even picture what a video game music concert would be like. I wonder if there are youtubez...

May 23, 2009, 01:25 AM
You can find a bunch of youtubes on it. I so wanna go to one. I can only imagine the kick ass Metal Contra Jungle Jam as played by Vertexguy and Tommy Tolerico.

Also, I've never been fond of that Tommy dood and always thought he was obnoxious back when he was on G4tv doing that show with that other dood, but I can forgive him for being so corney on the show to watch this.


May 23, 2009, 08:19 AM
I went to the one in Montreal and I was wholly satisfied.

May 23, 2009, 03:40 PM
I went to one in NYC about a year ago and it was excellent. They played some great music, gave great performances, and everyone there was having a great time. I highly recommend it.

I was never a big fan of Tommy Tallarico either, but he's jumped up a quite a few notches for all his hard with Videogames Live.

May 23, 2009, 06:55 PM
Sounds interesting.

May 24, 2009, 06:55 PM
I would LOVE to go to one of these. Too bad they're all in major cities that are far away from my rinky-dink place of residence... >_<

May 24, 2009, 09:56 PM
Thats pretty awesome! They're gonna be in Pittsburgh in July, might think about picking tickets up :D