View Full Version : GC Weapon Descriptions

May 25, 2009, 04:07 AM
While I was playing PSO on GC I came across something called an Ano Rifle. I read the descript on it and it says something like "belonged to a person from a certain country" or something to that extent. Does that have any real meaning or is that ST just trying to make us wonder more than we need to. Some other weapons say they are part of WORKS and TEAM 00. I read something on those entities in a PSO artbook but I still don't understand. Can someone enlighten me or point me in a direction to learn about some of these obscure references and info on this stuff?

May 25, 2009, 07:30 AM
not sure about the Ano Rifle or WORKS but with the TEAM 00 there is a Custom Ray, Shield and Barrier all ver. 00 and if you equip all 3 together you get a 50% stat bonus for weapon ATP, the armor DFP and shield EVP

May 25, 2009, 02:32 PM
y same with desablers buster and shield of desabler. the weapon is bout as powerful as a ortiogito*spelling?* which is like the strongest one handed sword in the game on GC and the DB's armor/shield/sword those are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head

May 25, 2009, 03:39 PM
Orotiagito (though when it gets handed to you it's spelled Orociagito or something like that). i got it on GC and was really disappointed with it. the Delsaber combo is very effective. on BB the Kusanagi, Yata Mirror and Yasakani Magatama combo is also very good.