View Full Version : WIP Looking for something to do... -Strawberry: Coloring

May 28, 2009, 12:59 PM
I haven't drawn in awhile and I wanted something to draw to keep my skills from getting much duller than they are. So I'm gonna do something I've not done here before and take requests. I have a few guide lines before I take a request and I may not take request as "first come first serve".

1) The subject does NOT have to be Phantasy Star related but as this is a PS site I'd prefer it, but who knows.
2) I'm better at drawing women, I could use the practice in drawing men, but I guaranty that the better pictures will be of women.
3) I will draw until I get tired of it, I may do one picture or ten. This also depends on how busy I get with other things such as work.
4) Screen shots should be provided if available.
5) Detail and involvement of the person/s I pick will depend on the information given and the reference material provided. If you give me a good description of what you want and a lot of screen shots of your character, you may not know I'm drawing your request until I post the finished picture.
6) Just one Character at a time please. [EDIT]

Examples of my work can be found HERE (http://www.pso-world.com/gallery/member.php?uid=26602&protype=1)

Currently working on Zyrustiae's request for his character.

Qoxolg's request. ------------- Zyrusticae's request
http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Qoxolg-Thumb.jpg (http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Qoxolg.jpg) http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Teranu-Thumb.jpg (http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Teranu-HiRez.jpg)

May 28, 2009, 01:30 PM
Hey, how many times have I asked you to draw the party from our GxD campaign? :yes:

May 28, 2009, 04:04 PM
Ever tried elves (http://fanart.shurikane.com/Radioelf/radioelf-01.jpg) who can catch the radio with their ears (http://fanart.shurikane.com/Radioelf/radioelf-02.jpg)?

Guns totally optional.

May 28, 2009, 05:45 PM
Oh, hey long time no see here :o

Requests eh? You can give my char a go if you feel like, but I think you'll get plenty of interesting requests already.

Qox.. eh you know who..

eh.. :wacko:

May 29, 2009, 02:59 AM
feel free to draw my character Mimosa, screenies of her front and back are in the spoiler box, if youre interested n.n! i also have some personality/character info n.n

the expression she usually has is kinda spacey/indifferent but shes always happy with friends and her baby pet badira :3


mimo has minty hair and yellow eyes, she usually wears yellow
parts but will change to white in order to look friendly/pure? ;3 she has a bug in her vocal&physical motor which scares ppl at times, (she thinks bright colors will help in the process of making friends xD)


Her favorite weapon is Halarodoc. Her specialty is ground techs but its suppose to be lightning, she cant have her lightning title until she masters zonde/razonde, (in game i have all techs except those two ;P) she masters ground first in order to fight mother who has been infected by the SEED


mimosa is the type who is quiet/bashful however... she has a small case of tourette's syndrome which draws in the most craziest of ppl xD



if you can, plz draw her with a baby pet badira :3 lol

[s]I asked someone else to draw my character and they never did T.T if anyone can, i would be so happeh :3 yus im begging and not ashamed n.n tehe

anyways goodluck xD

Jun 2, 2009, 12:40 AM
Starting with Qoxolg.
I will be working on contest pictures after this one so I'll get back to doing some of the others after that if I feel like it.

Jun 2, 2009, 01:28 AM
Thanks! Lucky me :D can't wait..

Jun 2, 2009, 08:36 AM
No problem Q.

Oh, and just in case you did not notice there is a preview in my first post.

Jun 2, 2009, 10:56 AM
Yeah, it's looking nice already, the face paint looks better then expected..

Anyway, if you ever feel like requesting art from me, feel free to do so!

Jun 2, 2009, 02:27 PM
woah! that looks kickazz, goodluck on your contest! ^^

Jun 2, 2009, 03:37 PM
Yeah, it's looking nice already, the face paint looks better then expected..

Anyway, if you ever feel like requesting art from me, feel free to do so!

Yeah the face paint with the blue eyes and red hair gives the face a jarring quality that I kinda like.
It instantly draws the eye to the face and away from other areas. :wacko:

Jun 2, 2009, 04:52 PM
[BAD EXCUSE FOR NEVER DRAWING FACE PAINT] Those 'areas' have a good functions.. they generate clicks for me you know.. :wacko: [/BAD EXCUSE FOR NEVER DRAWING FACE PAINT]

Jun 4, 2009, 05:17 PM
I'm done with Qoxolg's picture for now, I may add a background later.

Jun 5, 2009, 12:31 AM
Holy crap, new skilled artist taking requests! I like the style you used for qoxolg's picture, fairly different than what's usually seen on this forum. More... Western?

I've always wanted a portrait done of Levia, actually.


I enjoy summarizing Levia as a shy sad-eyed fish girl. Her design is based off the Zora race from the Zelda games (though she spends more time in her human costume), and personality is based off the shy and compassionate personality seen often in anime (Hinata from Naruto is a popular example), combined with the serious subordinate stereotyped personality. If you can somehow elegantly portray her fish side without it being too out of place, then I'd prefer that. Otherwise, her human side is fine (She spends more time looking like that in PSU anyway). Her weapon of choice is the polearm (any model is fine, but I think I'd prefer the Tenora 9*), and also enjoys twin daggers (Serafi daggers are my favorite design).
I'd enjoy a picture of Levia with a dignified pose to an underwater background, if you feel like doing a background. If not, inexplicable levitation is always nice.

I doubt you'll be really inspired to draw my character, so as gratitude for a picture if you decide to draw Levia, I'll play a song from here (http://www.ninsheetm.us/) of your choice, assuming I have the skill for it. You can view songs I've already played here (http://pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161692). I guess I can do non-videogame music too, but I'll need the sheet music for it.

Jun 5, 2009, 01:03 AM
Holy crap, new skilled artist taking requests! I like the style you used for qoxolg's picture, fairly different than what's usually seen on this forum. More... Western?

Interesting I haven't been called a new artist to the this forum since a little over 2 years before you joined. I'm quite amused and a little depressed that there is a few people that think I just now showed up here. Meh.

Anyway thank you for the complement I think my art was influenced by Marvel comics through high school mostly Kubert influenced my style.
But I've experimented with several different styles and genres, and moved away from the style but its still there a little. But I still feel I have much to learn.

Jun 5, 2009, 01:05 AM
Thanks! it looks great :D I like what you've done with the TECH.

Jun 5, 2009, 09:55 AM
Hmm, I guess I may as well.

See pictures here: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2274602&postcount=575

Her name's Teranu, and, as you can quite plainly see, she is not your typical Newman. I actually wanted her to have the build of an Olympic athlete (re: extremely well-defined musculature, practically androgynous) so I got as close as I could given the tools at hand. In fact, just to make your job easier if you DO decide to draw her, here's a good example of what I was going for (Note: NSFW, underwear): [spoiler-box]http://www.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/gallery/flat-chested-idol-gallery/flat-chested-idols-15.jpg[/spoiler-box]

She is arrogant, bullheaded, and has an extreme gung-ho attitude. She loves the thrill of close-combat and never resorts to fighting from a distance if she can at all help it (though she typically carries a handgun just for those stubborn things that like to fly). In battle she can typically be seen with a frightening grin on her face as she swings her obviously-not-sized-for-short-little-Newmans axe at monsters of all shapes and sizes. She can also be rather foul-mouthed and prone to delusions of grandeur.

And just for fun, an expression I wish the game had (that fits Teranu well in high-pressure situations):

Jun 5, 2009, 11:31 AM
Oh, I didn't mean new as in you just got here. Your post count can vouch for you on that. I simply meant an artist that didn't currently have a topic up now does. And this is fuck yeah worthy.

So, comic book styled then? That explains it. I've been getting too used to the anime style that's so often seen.
And, even the masters have things to learn. A common saying among scientists is "The more you know, the more you realize how little you know". If you think you're the best, or if you're good enough, that's when you know that you know nothing.

Jun 10, 2009, 10:45 AM
Yay! My laptop fried itself last night. [/sarcasm]

According to google with the error that I received 70% of the time is caused by a damaged power adapter, and 25% chance its the motherboard, 5% its the battery. And as my hardware warranty ends in 2012 Dell is replacing all of the components, and there throwing in a new set of laptop speakers.

But needless to say I can only draw on my home PC. Well I suppose I can go back to pencil and paper I haven't done that in years. Currently my priority is to create backup images of my hard drives before I let a Dell tech touch my laptop. The sad thing is I am fully qualified to do, and have done, all the repairs needed. However they want a "Dell" tech to do the labor. *sigh*

Jun 10, 2009, 04:49 PM
Solution: Get Dell-certified.

Are they going to replace that f'ed up case lamp, as well?

Jun 18, 2009, 05:24 PM
Laptop back in action. I hope I have enough time to finish the contest picture.

Sep 17, 2009, 05:45 PM
Started working on Zyrusticae's request of his tomboy neweral Teranu.
So far this has been a fun one to draw I think I'm gonna get a bit carried away this it as I have many ideas I want to add to it. Anyone know what PM she uses? :)

Note: I don't know if that is her PM or not of if it is to scale to her as I don't know how tall Teranu is but I'm still working and feel free to correct and critique me.

Sep 25, 2009, 01:48 PM
I haven't drawn on this and a week and now I no longer like the pose so...
I will redraw Teranu over I want to get a more expressive and somewhat violent pose.

Pic now shows new pose.

Sep 30, 2009, 09:51 PM
Wow cool! Yeah this one looks a whole lot better than the first one you did. Before, she was being over looked by the pile on the right. XD..

Oct 2, 2009, 04:02 PM
Yeah. sometimes it's good to take a break and then come back an take a look at it again. And you should never be afraid to redraw anything if you find out it doesn't look right. A lot of times its faster than trying to fix something when your not exactly sure what is wrong in the first place. Just a note I have already redrawn Tenanu in this pic 4 time before landing on this. And I rather like this one but that right (far) arm is not right. I've erased it on my copy and it sort of fits without the arm. I think I'm going to need to spend some time in front of a mirror.

Oct 2, 2009, 06:45 PM
I usually accept defeat, and promise myself to do better next time. The longer I spend on a single art piece, the less I will like it in the end.

A mirror? use a webcam! thats very effective if you have no clue how to draw hands in certain positions.

Oct 11, 2009, 09:06 PM
MaximusLight fan art?

I even did a basic concept for Max:
See, very simple, you can modify it as you see fit to work with whatever you want to draw.

Oct 16, 2009, 07:26 PM
Color has started.

Oct 18, 2009, 02:19 AM
Looks good so far..

... and it look like alot of work man! :wacko:

Oct 19, 2009, 01:28 AM
Yes quite a lot of work left to do. I have finished Teranu for the most part. Now working on the PM and the mob. Then next the background.


Oct 19, 2009, 09:54 AM
Huh. That ended up looking much nicer than I expected from the sketch. That's pretty neat.

Oct 19, 2009, 04:41 PM
Thanks Zorafim... I think... I guess my sketch looked a bit iffy to most people. But for the most part it's looking like what I had in mind.

Nov 13, 2009, 06:58 PM
Well unless otherwise persuaded I'm calling it done. I wanted to do a background but it's just taking to long and I want to do something else. Anyway hope you like it.

Hi rez copy in the first post.

Nov 13, 2009, 07:17 PM
Looks great!

The head of the woman in front looks a bit less then the rest, but that might be just me :wacko:

Nov 13, 2009, 10:29 PM
If you get around to it maybe you could check my character SB if you're looking for a new project.


She has a bad attitude and for some reason Capcom decided to copy my idea and made Crimson Viper which looks very simular to what I had made her to look 3 years ago. Of course PS2 style vs PS3 art/graphics there's a big jump in how they look but overall the orange shades, red braided hair and all black outfit are there. Now she looks like a formal military officer.

Her name is Strawberry but I got tired of that name a couple of months after creating her so now everyone that knows me knows that she goes by "SB" AKA "Stubborn Bitch".

Nov 19, 2009, 07:36 PM
Working on Katy's request.

[Spoiler-Box]http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Strawberry.jpg (http://www.outlawed-sleep-productions.com/images/Strawberry-HiRez.jpg)[/spoiler-box]