View Full Version : Newman GT questions

May 30, 2009, 12:50 AM
I just made a Newman as a new character, and was thinking about doing either fT, MF, or GT. GT was my top pick, because I loved it on my CAST who is now a PT.

Is a Newman GT a good idea? Or am I just gimping myself? As a Newman GT, would I use techs for attacks, or guns mostly? I realize I'll use a mix of both, but which would I use more than the other?

Suzuka Miyamoto
May 30, 2009, 01:06 AM
Leave GT to humans.

May 30, 2009, 01:13 AM
Leave GT to humans.

Why is that? If I want to do a Guntecher should I remake it as a human? In this case, which would I use for offensive capabilities more -- techs or guns?

May 30, 2009, 01:32 AM
The thing is with techs being as slow/weak as they are at the moment, any hybrid with access to something else (and by the virtue of being a hybrid they do) is going to want to level they're bullets/skills if they want to do any real damage. There are a few situations where techs beat out bullets on a Newm GT sure but they aren't many. I've always found the play style of tech oriented GT off-putting too, being as a GT is suppossed to stay mobile but has to stop to cast techs. In those situations where they're giving up their mobility to cast they could also be using one of their stronger two handed options instead (shottie, laser). And even then, with their super low ATP score you're going to need make sure you've got some high bullet levels in a variety of different elelments.

All that aside I say try it and see what you think. When I used to play GT I found things like ice crossbow+rabarta wand to be really effective against Vandas, finding the right combos and getting familiar with your class is part of the fun. It's kind of hard to seriously be gimp in this game, with the right gear and PA levels it hardly matters what you pick.

May 30, 2009, 02:02 AM
i did it its kinda hard but then again i only used twin handguns

May 30, 2009, 03:35 AM
I found GT to be a nice fit for my male Newman. Rifle bullets over 31 are nice, so are attack techs, if you get tired of pew-pew-pew ;)

May 30, 2009, 03:40 AM
GT as newman you'd really be using a mixture of both techs and bullets, BUT at the same time GT is very weak in the attack tech department even as a newman so you'd still be better off relying mainly on your bullets. as Tsavo said, all hybrid classes that can use techs are really better off using the other half of their class because of such a low TP base.

also you dont have to remake your newman into a human just to do GT. this may seem a bit off but try not to listen to people that tell you to "pick this race for this class because its the best combination" unless you really have to do the MOST damage you can as the class you're choosing. if thats what you want then go ahead, but if you just want to play how you want to then make a newman GT. besides.. the stat boosts humans get for being hybrid classes honestly dont put them very far ahead of any other race. they're average through and through.

May 30, 2009, 06:52 AM
The guide for GTs in the stickied thread up top recommends a Beast for the raw attack power they have, since the GT ATA boost covers up their accuracy issues. Would a Beast GT be better than a Human GT?

May 30, 2009, 07:30 AM
I prefer GT on cast. I went GM/FM/MF/WT/GT/FT/Fig on my female newman, capped all of those classes. I saw a very small difference in any race/class (when comparing stats to my female CAST. The big differences were the techer classes obviously. I say go with what you want. When my cast was GT I used guns, and 1 wand/TCSM for buffs. and the rest guns/bows/xbows.
My favorite thing with my female newman is GM. It's only slightly weaker (by numbers) than my cast GM. I would do 950's with a shotgun(female newman) whereas I would do 1100's with shotgun(female cast). This is with using Lumirus kaos knight of course. It's not that much of a difference to use a newman GM/GT or any other class you would want to play.
As for what to use-Newman GT I'd use wand/TCSM for buffs obviously, a bow(might prefer rifles over this, if so use a rifle in this spot instead), twin handgun, rifle, (if you have 31+ rifle bullets) Xbow/wand(wand for ra or gi techs, or debuffs) and a shotgun if you wanted to level those while you were playing an alt character. If not, I'd go with a second set of a wand/TCSM or rifle or twin handguns.

May 30, 2009, 09:02 AM
Theoretically speaking, as a gunner, you will be dealing a lot more damage if your small bullets actually hit. Diminishing those chances with less ATA from say, a Beast type character when your weapon's ATA is fairly low, is not such a good idea.

The weapons that have the most damage potential for Guntechers (Rifle, Shotgun, Laser Cannon, Crossbows) all have rather shoddy accuracy modifiers (aside from Rifles). If you're going to be missing more than 10% of the time as a Beast though, I really don't think the extra attack points are really worth it.

Newmans have the second highest racial base accuracy but have the lowest base attack - cover your weaknesses with high level PAs (level Shotguns, Laser Cannons, Rifles and Crossbows) and keep in mind that in the future, Guntecher will receive an EXTREMELY excellent boost. (Lv. 20 skill to a weapon, Lv. 41+ Longbows and Lv. 31+ support/attack and best yet - as a Newman, you get to choose up to 15 styles to customise your character as opposed to Beast's and Cast's shoddy 10)

Have a good play around as a Newman if I were you, really get into the class and think how you want to contribute to the team (if you are in a team) and understand that if you play a lot of pick-up groups, there seems to be a lot of hate for the Guntecher, Wartecher and Fighgunner classes.

May 30, 2009, 02:59 PM
All races are fine for GT(done them all), but i personally like beast GT most atm.

May 30, 2009, 05:04 PM
Yeah its true you miss more as a beast but the way things die in this game it really doesn't matter. I play beast and love it but I wouldn't mind playing any race. Newman would probably be my last choice because of the points made before about not being mobile while casting techs. If you wanna hit hard and not miss go cast obviously. If you want some teching and still hit hard, go beast. If you want to dabble in both go human. If you really want to use xbows and cast a lot of techs go newman.