View Full Version : Buffs n Deband / Heal n TP

May 30, 2009, 09:08 PM
Didnt find at psupedia nor here...
I want %, values or even formulas. To lvl 1, 11, 21, 31, 41.

1-)How much buffs (shifta, deband, zoldiel, retier) raises?

2-) How much debuffs (jellen, zalure, zoldeel) low?

3-) Healing (Resta n Giresta) on what is based the amount it'll heal?
N TP has influence on it or not?

4-) Is there any difference btw buffs from 41 n 50? N Debuffs? N Healing?


May 30, 2009, 09:34 PM
To all your questions your information can be found here at this website:


Goodluck in your endevors of raising up your techniques. Oh and as you can see there is no difference between 1-10 or 21-30 or 31-40 or 41-50 once you reach 11, 21, 31 and 41 for all debuffs and buffs the percent, duration and pp does not increase on the spell from 21-30 for instance but does jump once you reach 31 for instance, so if you are AT you would only need them to be at 41 to get the maximum effect of the debuff/buff.

As far as resta and GiResta both of these spells are based upon the users TP and GiResta as you know has the ability to revive dead players as well as cast auto recovery for a duration of time. Giresta lvls the same as the other buffs but i cant remember if resta does, I dont believe it does. Resta also has a faster casting speed than giresta and if you are not going to use a quick unit on your character it would be much advised to getting resta.

I dont know what you mean by N Debuffs and N healing?!! Newman maybe. There is no difference in buffs and debuffs but there is for healing because healing is based upon user TP and Newmans have the most in the game, but if you are playing a cast, beast, or human techer, others may tell you dont do it but well you can make it work out. I mean if you are primarly worried about buffing and support possibly one of the hybrid classes may be to your liking, WT and GT have actually become decent, I mean you deffinetly will bring some uniqeness to an otherwise prodominatly non-unique game of master classes since everyone seems to be power mad. LOL.

As for me I stick to what I always do good old traps, axes, swords, shotties, and grenades. PT FTW!!

Good luck again, and have fun hope you stick around with the game for a while.

May 30, 2009, 09:57 PM
Oh and one more thing. PP usage for certain types is greater or less. For example FT gets 20% reduction in PP cost on techniques while MF has an increase of I think 20% but MF also has a higher casting speed. AT has a higher casting speed as well but does not suffer a increase in PP usage but they do not gain anything either. GT and WT have the same casting speed as FT but are like AT in how much PP they consume per cast and this is not based on race. Newmans get something that amounts to a 3% boost in stats when playing FT and I believe AT and humans get a boost of 3% for WT and GT and I believe it is a 5% boost in all stats while playing AT. I wont go through other two races because they do not get any boost playing a teching class. Only humans and Newmans get these small racial bonuses from playing hybrid classes and only Newman gets a boost from playing FT. MF has no bonus tied into it by race. Also the 20% reduction in PP cost. Also PP regen for all techers on casting weapons is 25% greater than the master classes.

Unfrortunatly my class does not get a bonus in anything except our traps get 50% damage bonus. :-) PT FTW!!!

May 30, 2009, 11:03 PM
PP Consumption:
Fortefighters, Fortegunners and Fortetechers have a -20% reduction to PP use (reducing their PP use to 80% of average)
Fighmasters consume +30% more PP each use (increasing their PP use to 130% of average)
Gunmasters and Masterforces consume +20% more PP each use (increasing their PP use to 120% of average)

PP Regeneration:
Occurs every 5 seconds to the equiped weapon(s)
The following information is additional PP that is regenerated (every 5 seconds) for certain weapon types combined with certain types (jobs).
HU: Melee +50%
RA: Ranged +50%
FO: Tech +50%

FI: Melee +50%, Ranged +50%
GT: Ranged +50%, Tech +50%
WT: Melee +50%, Tech +50%

FF: Melee +25%
FG: Ranged +25%
FT: Tech +25%

PT: None

AF: Melee +80%, Ranged +25%
AT: Ranged+ 25%, Tech +80%

FM: Melee +100%
GM: Ranged +100%
FM: Tech +100%

May 31, 2009, 12:24 AM
N = And

I'm Cast 101 AT 20 WT 18 o.o with Har Quick'

I only wasnt able to find the values cause I checked everything but that XD

N my doubt about resta is cause an old player (with two 150) said TP didnt matter on resta, sommethin I didnt agree so I came to ask
But still...resta n giresta amount healed is only reflected on TP? lvl only affects range?


About pp I knew about the difference, but didnt know about that bonus like AT with tech wep +80%

May 31, 2009, 04:02 AM
http://psupedia.info/TECHNICsThat page contains several mistakes, actually =/

May 31, 2009, 08:26 AM
Mistakes? Like?

May 31, 2009, 03:56 PM
Didnt find at psupedia nor here...
I want %, values or even formulas. To lvl 1, 11, 21, 31, 41.

1-)How much buffs (shifta, deband, zoldiel, retier) raises?

2-) How much debuffs (jellen, zalure, zoldeel) low?

3-) Healing (Resta n Giresta) on what is based the amount it'll heal?
N TP has influence on it or not?

4-) Is there any difference btw buffs from 41 n 50? N Debuffs? N Healing?


1) Not sure in exact amounts.
2) Same as 1.
3) Resta has a base percentage that is based of your TP, while Giresta is a full heal and reviving to full hp, along with the heal over time. (Resta is heal. Giresta is buff. Resta cast faster then Giresta.)
4) Just a few seconds added to the duration of them. (Except for resta which just heals for more.)

May 31, 2009, 04:44 PM
I don't know why Special K didn't include this stuff in his post, since it's from his topic (and also buried deep in the JPwiki) >_>

Giresta's Auto-HP recover:
01-10: 1% HP every ~5 seconds for 2 minutes
11-20: 2% HP every ~5 seconds for 3 minutes
21-30: 3% HP every ~5 seconds for 4 minutes
31-40: 3% HP every ~5 seconds for 5 minutes
41-50: 4% HP every ~5 seconds for 5 minutes

1-10: +11% for 2 minutes
11-20: +15% for 3 minutes
21-30: +19% for 4 minutes
31-40: +23% for 5 minutes
41-50: +27% for 6 minutes

1-10: -11% for 30 seconds
11-20: -15% for 1 minute
21-30: -19% for 1 minute and 30 seconds
31-40: -23% for 2 minutes
41-50: -27% for 2 minutes and 30 seconds


The above answers 1 and 2, and indirectly answers 4.

Resta heals for more as it levels. Giresta, the buffs and the debuffs gain no effect from 41-50. Or from any level other than a level that raises their SE (11, 21, 31, 41).

Jun 1, 2009, 05:05 AM
Doesn't Giresta heal more every level, too?

TP affects how much Giresta heals (when cast, not the auto-regeneration), so surely levels should, too. It's hard to test, though, and mine is Lv50...

Jun 1, 2009, 11:20 AM
Hm ty for the values
Now I wonder if I use Har / Quick or Orpa / Force
I have both actually n I dun use offensive techs, that's y I'm wondering i.i

1) Not sure in exact amounts.
2) Same as 1.
3) Resta has a base percentage that is based of your TP, while Giresta is a full heal and reviving to full hp, along with the heal over time. (Resta is heal. Giresta is buff. Resta cast faster then Giresta.)
4) Just a few seconds added to the duration of them. (Except for resta which just heals for more.)

2) o.o I dun full heal with Giresta =0

Jun 1, 2009, 08:19 PM
girestas healing is based off its level not just the users TP. if anyone doesnt believe this, go on MF and giresta someone with alot of hp anywhere over 3k is fine. just have them use megistarides or get damaged from enemies down to under 100hp and heal them with giresta. at level 10 it will not full heal them. now switch to AT which has alot less TP than MF but 50 support and giresta will full heal even a male beast fortefighter at max level.

Jun 1, 2009, 08:43 PM
...now switch to AT which has alot less TP than MF but 50 support and giresta will full heal even a male beast fortefighter at max level.

Ruru is right, in that Giresta isn't a full heal. Resta will actually heal more HP per cast, than Giresta. Giresta depends on user/weapon TP, and PA level, like Resta. Just a nit-picky detail: MF and AT TP are nearly identical, actually. At job level 20, MF TP is 152% of base, while AT is 150%. The big difference really comes from level 10 Giresta versus level 41+.