View Full Version : Name suggestions/generate

Jun 9, 2009, 09:26 PM
Hi, I would like your help in suggesting some names. What kind of name (male and female) goes with each class, as some of my online "friends" want some. (They are not good at English so...they can't think of good and unique names)

Cast names
Beast names
Human names
Newman names

Thanks for the input.

Zivilyn Bane
Jun 10, 2009, 04:39 PM
For CASTs I always like using . or - in place of spaces, and with any suffix/last names in all caps, or with numbers. Gives them a sort of model number look. "1337"speak names just look silly in my opinion. Avoid things like Ph4r0H.

Beasts tend to get Spanish based names, so I would look there for influences.

If you're looking for realistic human sounding names I suggest stuff with less common letters, like X's, V's, and Z's. Xavier, Vincent, Zander, stuff that sounds dynamic.

Newman names tend to be flowing to me. Stuff that doesn't have more than two syllables.