View Full Version : hunt for freeze / resist: Bad luck ? and drop that is not in the chart

Jun 16, 2009, 02:06 AM
Hi guys

I've been running de rol le for freeze resist for like the last 3 days. I have found every item in the drop chart of PSO-World except for freeze resist. I still miss [B] rabol midra and the Ank Tomho itself, which are in the chart of PSUpedia. I have also found [B] Ank Tomho, which is in neither of those.

My question now: How _rare_ is that thing? I've made at least 15 levels on my PM running this thing. I have seen like 10 carapaces of De Rol Le in at least 60 runs(more like 100 runs in total). Do i have to try harder? : )


CJ Johnny
Jun 16, 2009, 02:22 AM
It listed as a 'Special Drop'.
Meaning, It may drop on C run.
With 60+ runs on 'Awoken Serpent', don't you have enough to just buy 1 from player's shop!
Then just move on to do others before you've got burn out by the same run.
The money you spend on it can easily get it back.

Jun 16, 2009, 02:35 AM
I used to run through De Rol Le multiple times a day, but that started getting boring after a while. When I finally got my first Freeze / Resist I pulled back my runs to once a day. If I wanted to get to the Casino I'd beat DRL. Doing it this way it was much easier to focus on other missions, and I eventually got Resists for all four of my characters.

Jun 16, 2009, 12:41 PM
I've seen it drop twice on A rank and never on S. Best advice is just buy one if you need it, they regularly drop below a mil.