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View Full Version : Xbox vs. PC / Ps2

Jul 1, 2009, 08:53 AM
First of all... I did not create this thread to bring out the hotheads who think their platform is better and to make fun of the other. I used to play PSU for xbox 360 and had a lvl 130 beast FF (that was the cap then, not sure what it is now), and i recently decided to play again. I will be starting from scratch on either platform, but my choices right now are Xbox or PC. Pros Cons? better community? thanks a lot.

Jul 1, 2009, 09:17 AM
No help? :-?

Jul 1, 2009, 09:27 AM
You should give people more than just 20 mins to reply ;)

Anyways, I'll only speak about the PC/PS2 population:

The population is friendly but it is very low. And I mean very low. 1 full star at most on good days, at peak hours.

So be prepared to play with few people if you ever decide to join these servers.

Jul 1, 2009, 09:31 AM
Why are the PC servers so low? and i gave everyone 24 minutes BTW =P

Jul 1, 2009, 09:36 AM
Nothing good will come of this.....................

...You say you have a 360 acc already, why start all over?

Jul 1, 2009, 09:40 AM
Why are the PC servers so low? and i gave everyone 24 minutes BTW =P

Because Sega doesn't give us a good enough service for the money we pay.

People mostly like the game but hate the way it"s handled by Sega. I can understand their point for quitting.

Jul 1, 2009, 09:47 AM
xbox has usually a universe fulll... you dont really need more than that... all of them are dicks though... which is fine if your a dick too... im sure youll get on fine... (if thats the case then... here... take your complementary begging shortcut and rappy suit and gtf on my blacklist xD [rappy suits arent free :S])
pc ps2... i guess has already been spoken for...

id go for xbox... i mean... even if your are civilised... at least you have more people to argue with... and more zombies to grind items for you so you can buy em for cheapcheap...

thats what i think...

Jul 1, 2009, 09:51 AM
well is the pc version basically all solo play? or are some people running WB and that wort of thing?

also is it true there is no widescreen setting?

Jul 1, 2009, 10:26 AM
Nothing good will come of this.....................

Yes, and...

...You say you have a 360 acc already, why start all over?

I was wondering the same thing.......

Jul 1, 2009, 10:28 AM
There are a few that run SEED Express and White Beast. With the event that will be released this friday almost everyone will be running it. Even with the low PC/PS2 population, it won't be hard to find a party there.
About widescreen settings, there's only one, 1280x720. x-x

Jul 1, 2009, 10:49 AM
i would much rather play on pc because my xbox is not 100% mine and i would not get to play as much, that being said i have a 130 beast on xbox. though i want to play a cast.

Jul 1, 2009, 10:53 AM
The only difference between severs is that the xbox has more people than the pc/ ps2... same game. Basically it comes down to do you wanna play with more people or less people... I've never played online on the ps2... but im fine with the xbox version ^_^.

Jul 1, 2009, 11:01 AM
basically i just want to know if i get pc version does it still have that same "addictive" feeling to it ordoes the lack of players make it seem boring.

Jul 1, 2009, 11:09 AM
Not having enough ppl to play with makes psu really boring (or at least I think so), but with an event starting soon, it might be a good time to start. It will be alot easier to meet new ppl (since everyone will be at the event), and it'll be easier to make new friends which you could play with after the event ends.

Jul 1, 2009, 11:12 AM
basically i just want to know if i get pc version does it still have that same "addictive" feeling to it ordoes the lack of players make it seem boring.

Well If thats all you wanna know. Don't you think it would be better for you to try the PS2/PC version. Ultimately it comes down to your opinion. I mean you are the only one that know that. I say try the PS2/ PC version for alittle bit, then if it doesn't suit you come back to the 360 version ^_^, but thats just my opinion.

Jul 1, 2009, 11:14 AM
xbox has usually a universe fulll... you dont really need more than that... all of them are dicks though... which is fine if your a dick too... im sure youll get on fine...

*Sigh* Why does everyone think that EVERYONE is a dick on 360? ._. Given there are assholes on here, but they're everywhere on any online game. Of course, PC/PS2 isn't without their own assholes. You just need to go through trial and error with finding friendly players. I tend to find friendly players with no problem on 360, outside of my normal group I run with. On the odd occasion I'll find someone that's acting strange and I'll either leave early or finish the run before I leave. I'll politely say thank you and leave. However, I start my own parties 98% of the time. :/

Jul 1, 2009, 11:18 AM
any1 know what the controls are like on pc?

Jul 1, 2009, 11:26 AM
any1 know what the controls are like on pc?
On keyboard it's W,A,S,D to walk, E to access the pallete, down arrow to attack, right arrow to use a photon art, left arrow to reset the camera, up arrow to switch between left and right weapon, Home to access the main menu, Q for first person view, F1 to F7 for several menus, F8 public chat, F9 party chat, space to talk, ...
If you're using a controller...it's probably the same as a console controller, dunno...XD
You can change the buttons on the options, I think...^^;

Jul 1, 2009, 11:43 AM
My as-unbiased-as-possible opinion:

On the PC, you have the options of having the best-looking and smoothest framerate available, if your hardware is up to the challenge. The downside is that you have fewer people to play with overall, as the population on the PC / PS2 servers is extremely small. Like, we're lucky if we go beyond one star on the "hotspot" universe small.

On the 360, you have better graphics than running it on a minimum-spec PC, you have voice chat without using a third-party system (like Ventrilo), and you have a larger community to play with. The downside is that you (still) are limited by hardware, so while it looks better than minimum, it won't look quite as good as it could. The other downside is you have to buy both the regular game and the downloadable expansion, whereas on PC you could get away with just the expansion (plus, I think it's a bit cheaper on the PC).

Alright, there's my as-unbiased-as-possible opinion. If you decide to hop on the PC version, feel free to shoot me a mail or leave a message in my shop any time you wanna do stuff other than the "flavor of the year" mission that is White Beast. If you need my character name, just look to the side of my post, not hard to figure it out.

I hope this helps.

Edit: Alright, if you have problems using the keyboard in PSU on the PC, then I would suggest trying one of these options for game pads:

1. Hook up a wired 360 gamepad - this is what I used to do, and it works fine.
2. Buy the $20 wireless adapter for PC to use wireless 360 pads with the PC (assuming you already have a 360).
3. Buy a cheap game pad for around $20-$30. Logitech makes a mean pad.

Jul 1, 2009, 11:58 AM
awesome thanks. another question i have is who here plays the pc version alot? like everyday? or is it a once in a while type game? for the most part

Jul 1, 2009, 12:11 PM
If it were me I would study Japanese and play on a PC on their servers. The 360 seems to be just a hardware stress device that tends to break down often for me.

Jul 1, 2009, 12:50 PM
I tend to find friendly players with no problem on 360, outside of my normal group I run with.

You're forgetting theres alot of lil boys who turns an entire different leaf when they hear a female voice through the mic LOLOL!.

- As for the PS2/PC side theres just way too many Weeaboos typing in JP, while in real life it's some...mixed of philipinoe/mexican guy with long hair down to their necks thinking they're a samurai. Huuuuuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur Sorry if I unintentionally caught someone who fits the bill. If you're deeply offended and play the x-box 360 side I will compensate your ego with meseta. >83

Jul 1, 2009, 12:57 PM
awesome thanks. another question i have is who here plays the pc version alot? like everyday? or is it a once in a while type game? for the most part

I try to play at least an hour every day during the week, and tend to play for longer on the weekends. I sometimes go through bouts where I get burnt out and tend to take a break for a few days, maybe a week or two at the most, but for the most part I'm usually playing when not at work. Like I said earlier, feel free to swing by and drop a line in my shop, maybe we can get together sometime.

Dark Phoenix5
Jul 1, 2009, 02:05 PM
go the 360 route.dont listen to the pc/ps2 fanboys becuz they always talk crap about how the 360 server has nothing but jerks.....I dont even know who started that because not everyone is a jerk i meet very few jerks and besides if pc/ps2 even had the population we have then im sure they will get jerks too.

With that said the 360 is better =)

btw the pc/ps2 people are the same people to say a ps3 is the best console when its last in sales and has limited game selection compared to its competition.Just sayin because this site is nothing but 360 haters........funny how the pc/ps2 population is so low but yet this site seems more populated with pc/ps2 users then the 360 which i dont get


Jul 1, 2009, 02:12 PM
go the 360 route.dont listen to the pc/ps2 fanboys becuz they always talk crap about how the 360 server has nothing but jerks.....I dont even know who started that because not everyone is a jerk i meet very few jerks and besides if pc/ps2 even had the population we have then im sure they will get jerks too.

With that said the 360 is better =)

btw the pc/ps2 people are the same people to say a ps3 is the best console when its last in sales and has limited game selection compared to its competition.Just sayin because this site is nothing but 360 haters........funny how the pc/ps2 population is so low but yet this site seems more populated with pc/ps2 users then the 360 which i dont get


- Careful, your post is flame bait material for console/PC fanboys.

- Also, theres many lurkers on the site, just because we don't post doesn't mean we're not here.

Jul 1, 2009, 02:25 PM
- As for the PS2/PC side theres just way too many Weeaboos typing in JP, while in real life it's some...mixed of philipinoe/mexican guy with long hair down to their necks thinking they're a samurai. Huuuuuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur Sorry if I unintentionally caught someone who fits the bill. If you're deeply offended and play the x-box 360 side I will compensate your ego with meseta. >83

I don't fit that description since I'm not one of those doods. I actually don't get why people want to be like a Japanese person, not their own person, and talk that way. It annoys me so much actually.
There's really not too many of those "weeaboos" on the pc/ps2 side.
I play with quite a few people, and I'm always moving around, trying to stay where people are, and I don't see too many people try typing in JP. It's not a problem that people have to worry about when trying to decide which server to play on.

As for the "Huuuuuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur", you say that way too much to take you serious IMO. Not like it matters, but it's in about everyone of your posts. To post a few examples to support my statement-[SPOILER-BOX]
DO IT! SUBSCRIBE! SELL YOUR SOUL TO SEGA! Like i did....huuuuuuur hur hur

You're forgetting theres alot of lil boys who turns an entire different leaf when they hear a female voice through the mic LOLOL!.
- As for the PS2/PC side theres just way too many Weeaboos typing in JP, while in real life it's some...mixed of philipinoe/mexican guy with long hair down to their necks thinking they're a samurai. Huuuuuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuur Sorry if I unintentionally caught someone who fits the bill. If you're deeply offended and play the x-box 360 side I will compensate your ego with meseta. >83

My 42-46% Agito Repcas are safe from this, hur hur huuuuuuuuuuuur.

I don't think you'll like me very much...Huuuuuuuur huuuuuuuuuur


My douchebag of a friend back in high school would've went: "Do you need some ice...cus you just got burnt!" Huuuuur Huuuuuuuuur find something better to do OP.[/SPOILER-BOX]

As for Dark Pheonix's post; There are a lot of "jerks" on the 360 side.
There are some on our pc/ps2 side. It's just that we don't see as many because we don't have as many players as your side. (as you stated)
BUT you do have to realize, our population isn't as pathetic as people think.
Yea, sure, we may only have 1-2 stars (2 on events) a day, but there are still plenty of people to play with. It's really not that bad.

I'd much rather play with 50 people that are nice, and trustworthy as to people that are assholes, annoying, or booters.
The amount of people doing that, (which is not everyone) but it seems to be a major problem because you have so many people.
I'm sure if I started on the 360 side (which I played before, so I have a low ID on both servers, which doesn't matter, it just shows I was there at start.)...I would be defending that server rather than the pc/ps2 side.

I regret ever playing and paying for the 360 server PSU. It was the worst gaming experience I've had. I played for about 3 days, got to level 20 or so and couldn't take it anymore. The amount of people spamming, booting, shouting, being rude, asking for meseta for fissure missions, and just being retarded outweighed the fact that you guys have good people. It's too hard to find people if you haven't played since the start, or for a long time. (about a year is good enough).

Once you play for a while, I'm sure you will find enough people trustworthy and helpful, it's just a matter of meeting those few people.

Dark Phoenix5
Jul 1, 2009, 02:43 PM
wel also its a pc/(ps2) server.who cares about a ps2 anyway?sure it was great in its time but thats last gen and that console is about to die.So that one reason u have a low population.The other reason would be pc gamers play normally better games than psu considering pc is a mmo whore lol

I been playin psu 360 since june 2007...yes assholes but there are so many more people it doesnt matter.remember guys its called a MMO

oh and 2 stars during an event???holy cow we have a server full a day and during events we have like universe 1, 2, 3 and almost 4 full and every other universe has one star..........Hell i thought 3 stars is bad

Jul 1, 2009, 02:55 PM
oh and 2 stars during an event???holy cow we have a server full a day and during events we have like universe 1, 2, 3 and almost 4 full and every other universe has one star..........Hell i thought 3 stars is bad

You'd be surprised how many people are in 2 stars.
It seems like a low amount cause you used to the full universes. Really, the population isn't that horrible. I can mail a number of people everyday and always have a party. I'm okay with the population. Sure, it's not as it used to be, but it's still enough to have a full party everyday.

Dark Phoenix5
Jul 1, 2009, 02:58 PM
360 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Jul 1, 2009, 03:04 PM
If it were me I would study Japanese and play on a PC on their servers. The 360 seems to be just a hardware stress device that tends to break down often for me.

O man do I agree. PC is Definitely the way to go as you do not have to really worry about A piece of .... Red Ringing you every month :mad:

Dark Phoenix5
Jul 1, 2009, 03:08 PM
O man do I agree. PC is Definitely the way to go as you do not have to really worry about A piece of .... Red Ringing you every month :mad:

ooo look another hater.....mine broke twice back in 2006 got it fixed FOR FREE and hasnt broke yet stop cryin u act like every 360 has that problem.....

Jul 1, 2009, 03:24 PM
Join pc/ps2 servers, those are the servers that are needing more players... :wacko:

Anyway, both have their good things and bad things. In my opinion they shouldn't have made them separated in first place.

Jul 1, 2009, 04:41 PM
Why are the PC servers so low? and i gave everyone 24 minutes BTW =P

Online gamers that prefer PC platform have other games to play, that are managed professionally and legitimate with their updates.

Jul 1, 2009, 04:46 PM
OP, I hope you can make up your mind with over 30 posts dissing discussing the good & bad.

This kind of topic pretty much always get locked due to heated/flame-bait comments. Though I wish they are all together so this wouldn't happen, but such is life. Pick your server/platform & play, it doesn't matter which as long as you like it.