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Jul 7, 2009, 01:24 AM
ok the question here is would you rather have a weapon that is weaker but nobody uses or a stronger weapon that everyone in the game is using

Jul 7, 2009, 01:30 AM
It really depends; depending on the weapon type I may choose one over the other, and I don't really ever care if a lot of people are using any particular item as long as I like it and it is useful.

Jul 7, 2009, 01:54 AM
Yea definately. I use a dallgun rod as opposed to the usual Pwand and whatnot....Its such a handsome rod...:-?

Jul 7, 2009, 02:02 AM
It really depends; depending on the weapon type I may choose one over the other, and I don't really ever care if a lot of people are using any particular item as long as I like it and it is useful.

This is pretty much how I feel about it as well. Are you reading my mind xD

Jul 7, 2009, 02:15 AM
Most everything dies when you cough on it, and anything unfortunate enough to survive the first PA chain earns the right to be hit again, so if I'm gonna be bashing a mob repeatedly then my ugly stick better have some bling on it.

Jul 7, 2009, 03:01 AM
Strongest weapons for me.

Jul 7, 2009, 03:13 AM
Defintively Style.

Everything dies too fast anyway, regardless of weapons rank.

Photon Art> Reason

Jul 7, 2009, 03:25 AM
I am all for style.

Most of the time the most damage comes from the photon arts anyway (doesn't matter if it's skills, bullets or techs). I usually just use weapons that I like for the looks, as my Fighgunner still uses sweet death and my Gunmaster has Hyper Vipers.

Jul 7, 2009, 06:32 AM
I'd say about 80% Function, and 20% Style.

Most of the time, I go with whatever hits hardest, Snac, Pakudac, Guld&Milla, etc. but sometimes, I like the look of a wep so much, I have to use it. Ryusaikanoc, Okanoh, Gekitsnata, and Degahna Cannon.

Also, If I can't stand a weapon, I'm much less likely to use it. I don't like Twin Ruby sounds, so I've been using Arb Boa. That is getting a little old now too, so I may switch back to my Twin Varista. Yes, I have and use Twin Varistas. = P

Jul 7, 2009, 06:41 AM
I will choose the weapon I have in my storage :P

x Jeaz Us x
Jul 7, 2009, 06:55 AM
Being someone who solo's a lot of missions it comes in handy to hit them hard. For example, bil de axes are ugly as hell. but they are strong like ox! and have much more pp then the zagza. unfortunetly i have bad luck trying to make a good percent one. spent about 90mil trying to make one. and the best i got were 38%'s. made one random okanoh came out 46%. pissed me off bc they are so week. the 38 bil de axe does much more damage then that little yohmei shit.

Jul 7, 2009, 07:39 AM
I said both. My weapons need to be the highest rank available, as they do generally do the most damage, but unless there's a clear need for having 5 of the same super-uber-powered weapon in different elements and whatnot, I'm happy with varying from there. For instance, how many Fighmasters do you see running around with a Flowen's+? On the PC servers, I haven't seen any (although that may just be my luck). Like I said in another thread though, I do try to keep my stuff varied - my fire weapons are a Crimson, a 2-headed Ragnus, and I think a Huge Cutter, my ice weapons are a Grand Cross, DB's Saber+, and a De Ragan Slayic, that kind of thing.

I think the only difference for me is in some of the less-than-A-rank weapons my people use - at that point, it's the strongest, unless there's something unique. That's why my Fortefighter main uses a Varista (which is being upgraded to a Ruby Bullet) and Fighgunner uses her Earth Drill Knuckles. I kind of wish they had a humorous crossbow weapon that was A-rank, that's the only other weapon she uses that's not available as an S-rank to her.

Jul 7, 2009, 08:55 AM
I try to go for power/%s with weapons, but if there's not a whole lot of difference, looks will win out. Which is why I carry Ryusaikanoh instead of a Meteor Cannon as my second laser on GM. (The first being Needle Cannon)

Jul 7, 2009, 09:37 AM


This. Lol.

I try to go for both on my lower alts. My two mains however, I care a bit more about and go for the function. >.>

Jul 7, 2009, 09:51 AM
Both, I like good looking weapons but also damaging ones.
If a weapon looks good but is really weak, I won't use it. If a weapon is powerful but is really ugly, I won't use it. xD

Jul 7, 2009, 09:59 AM
A bite of both. Sometimes i've brought my Gudda Skela to mission because Gudda Promoto are veeeery ugly.

Jul 7, 2009, 10:29 AM
Both, but I usually prefer style over function. Before I got a Shigga Pakuda I always used a Desta instead of a Baret just because I like it more. And when I'm playing my AF I sometimes use lower % S-ranks instead of higher % A-ranks. BUT there is a limit to that; for example, I'll use a 30%+ A-rank over a 10% S-rank. :lol:

Jul 7, 2009, 10:36 AM
Yea definately. I use a dallgun rod as opposed to the usual Pwand and whatnot....Its such a handsome rod...:-?

Dude, is it gay if some guy on the forums refers to his rod as "handsome"??

Jul 7, 2009, 10:51 AM


Musrana > Tuma (lol tumor?)

Jul 7, 2009, 10:51 AM
Dude, is it gay if some guy on the forums refers to his rod as "handsome"??

Saying it's handsome is still passable as "non-gay." It's when they start to say how their amazingly handsome rod can heal you and make you stronger, if only you rub it the right way that it starts to get a bit...... awkward.

Or, to paraphrase from a great book called Santa vs. Satan, "whosoever holds the rod gains immeasurable knowledge. Whomsoever cups, caresses, and licks the rod will gain even more untold power. You heard me."

And thus my post was deleted.

Edit: Also, "Eets not a Tuma!"

Jul 7, 2009, 04:33 PM
Bah. Another one of these topics. Oh well, style for me. It's more fun to use weapons that actually look nice...as long as they're still sufficient 'nuff to kill things. And yes, as was said here and there, photon arts are the real source of power.

That, and I'm just too lazy to get "TEH MOST UBAR RARZ" in the game. That's too much work, most of them I can't even use, and they sometimes plain suck anyway.

So meh. Going for style is the way~.


Jul 7, 2009, 04:37 PM
This poll would be more interesting if Style, Function, and Don't Care where the only options. Adding Both is a cheap way out. xD

But I voted function. I tend to always go for stats and %s over anything else because I like my big numbarz.

Jul 7, 2009, 05:59 PM
i go for high% good looking weapons...

Bragnoh... definately the best looking axe...
Gekitsnata... apparently its amazing looks are debatable...
Purple-Juice Claws (yamata-misaki)... well... all the other claws are boring... but... well... arza promoto is better looking... but theres no 50... only 49 :/

the list goes on and on...
9* yummy corp rifle is really nice...
theres a lot of nice looking weaps... that perform barely under the considered best equipment... and ofc... the has many exceptions...

Jul 7, 2009, 07:38 PM
This poll would be more interesting if Style, Function, and Don't Care where the only options. Adding Both is a cheap way out. xD

But I voted function. I tend to always go for stats and %s over anything else because I like my big numbarz.

when i made the post i only had 2 choices style or function, maybe i did something wrong which let someone add the other 2

Jul 7, 2009, 08:54 PM
I draw the line when the Melan Knuckles look like Twin Bil De Axes that give off the worst green aura I've ever seen.
However I normally go for strongest, 10/10 Iggac is my exception. :)