View Full Version : WTB Twin Ruby Bullet

Jul 10, 2009, 09:38 AM
Just curious if anyone out there has one they're willing to sell. I'm looking for something somewhat cheap, preferably unbroken and I don't mind grinding it myself, so a 0/10 is cool. I know with the event going on now, there's got to be a few more than usual floating around there than usual. I have (some) money, and one or two mediocre things that might be of value in a trade, so just send some offers my way.

(Pretty much, I'm looking for an alternative to my +2 battlestoppers, that I absolutely will go INSANE listening to while leveling my twin handgun bullets, and just to have a second set so I can throw them in when focusing specifically on twins.)

Jul 10, 2009, 09:59 AM
I got a few 4/10. What have you got to offer?

Jul 10, 2009, 10:07 AM
Money? Also have a few random weapon drops, mainly stuff that isn't amazing but I have bulk of, like.... I think a 25% dark Tyrant Spadac, a few more Spadacs in different elements and percents, some A-rank weapons (again, nothing with a "holy shit that's strong" percentage), and the occasional cool rare mat that drops on this event mission. Like I said, nothing amazing or phenomenal. How much would you be asking for one? I'll warn you and tell you I only have a max of about 7 mil or so, to give you a gauge of my "PSU economic class."

Jul 10, 2009, 10:31 AM
I have a Twin Ruby 8/10 and 0/10, See my wants, If you can give any other offers I might be interested.

Jul 10, 2009, 10:37 AM
This morning I put a 0/10 Twin Ruby Bullet in my shop for (I think) 2.9mil. I honestly forget... it was 100K less than whoever had the lowest price before I added it, as is my custom for items priced in the 1-10mil range...

If it's still there when I get home (~6 hours) and you haven't bought one yet, I'll knock 20% off whatever the price is for a fellow forum member :D We can also negotiate in other goods, I'm easy.

Jul 10, 2009, 10:44 AM
Yeah, sorry Drex, but you're asking for Ferrari and I have Yugo. If I had any of the "bad" stuff you're trading in my possession my head would probably implode due to statistical improbabilities being broken. Thanks for the offer though - I think the best thing I could offer would be a 9* GRM dagger that's 41% ice (or whatever the lower of the two 40% synthrates is), and some other really crappy stuff. I can check my storage when I get back home, but off the top of my head, I have maybe one or two items that might make you consider it, but I plan on keeping the both of them (an orpa / mind and a Flowen's+ at 41%, 2/10).

Maybe a monetary offer on the 0/10 one? I'm not sure of the going rate for them right now, so... quote me a price?

Edit: Smidge, I'll definitely consider it. Are there any random synth materials you're looking for? I might have a few in storage I could pass along to help knock the price down (or out altogether).

Jul 10, 2009, 10:53 AM
I'll have to check. Hapotite is always welcome (The asking price is around 350K each for those IIRC) as well as Neu and Mot Walna. I'll see what I have and, if nobody else has bought it, get back to you.


Jul 10, 2009, 11:27 AM
Alright, Hapotite I got a good bit of (maybe..... 10 or so? I think I'm done making guns for now though, unless a magical Love Inferno board somehow drops from the sky into Nuku Nuku's PM, or a Needle Cannon board), and I have about... 6 Neu Walna? Either way, Neu Walna's not that hard to get ahold of right now, so I can get you some of that. Mot Walna might be in short supply for me, as I seem to be converting them into shitty Muktengeks at an alarming rate (3 this week, only one above 14% and that was only 26-28% or so). I will try to get whatever I can to make this an easy trade for us both. I'll be home around.... 5:30-6:00 PM EST, unless something comes up.