View Full Version : PSU, what do PSO players think about it?

Jul 20, 2009, 04:33 PM
I've asked in the PSU forums about it, but what do PSO players think about it?

Jul 20, 2009, 04:42 PM
Most people here have tried PSU and did not find it to their tastes. I think it's good that you asked in both sections, as it's much fairer this way.

My opinion: I played both, and both games took up a lot of my time in the past 5 years or so. Sega's support of PSU is pretty bad, and at higher levels there isn't too much to do, but a low level shouldn't have any problems finding something to do. Just try and find some friends to run missions with. PSU just couldn't me as well as PSO does, so I ended up quitting permanently a few months ago. But hey, I stuck with it for 2 years.

Jul 20, 2009, 05:06 PM
I've played both. I mastered PSO over the course of several years, and am in fact still playing it, because it has that addictive quality that snagged me early on.

I got PSU the day it was released, and made it to level 19. I didn't like that it seemed to center around the grinding of experience. Let me repeat that I only got to level 19, and felt that it was a grinding experience. THAt says a whole lot about what iwas different between the two games. While I reached level 200 a few times on PSO, I was entertained enough (once I turned the god awful music off) that it didn't ever seem like such a level grind until around 165 or so.

Back then, PSU was lacking a whole of of what I was interested in. There have been countless updates with possibly decent material since then, but I couldn't take it anymore after a little less than a month and a half after release. Strangely enough, it seemed that about 90% of those who started on day 1 couldn't either, and had mostly disappeared even before I signed off for the last time and promptly canceled my subscription.

IN all honesty, I still think PSU sucks. I have been advised that it's better now since Sega introduced some of the old PSO things into it, but that's a problem in itself. If they have to rely on something they'd given up on to keep people interested in their currecnt product, it's just a big hint that their current product still stinks.

Jul 20, 2009, 05:39 PM
I enjoy playing both games though I do like PSO better. I started playing them when they were both released and I stil play both. The only way to tell is just try PSU and see what you think.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 20, 2009, 11:05 PM
I'd probably enjoy PSU more if my computer could actually handle running it.

That being said, I still like PSO more. Too lazy to go into detail, just search for another one of these threads.

Jul 21, 2009, 12:05 AM
I've been playing both games since they both roughly came out (didn't really get into pso much until v.2). I still play both to this day, but I tend to play PSU much more.

I like them both, they both have their good and bad points. There are some things I found to be great improvements in PSU, yet other changes felt like a step in the wrong direction for me. Regardless, they both tickle my different fancies. As burnt out from all the FSOD, BSOD, corruption, hacking and duping, poor official server support, and the years of PSO rage, I still find myself playing it every so often despite the good and horrible memories. As for PSU, it's still young in my eyes and it's still growing. I can see myself playing PSU until the servers go down.

Jul 21, 2009, 03:35 AM
It's ok but nothign compared to PSO. Ive baught and sold PSU several times. I played when it first came out but got tierd of the lvl 20 cap on it. only so many De Ragon and Goug runs can one girl stand online

Jul 21, 2009, 03:42 AM
Never been a level 20 cap on it.
The game now is so much better than at launch, the best bit of pso imo is the bosses. seem much more of a challenge compared to psu's bosses.
The rest of psu however is generally better apart from pso's weapon's were much more varied(even though a few were much to over powered)

Jul 21, 2009, 03:45 AM
That was the problem early on. Sega's thought was lets slowly release content to make the game last longer except the updates were so long coming we lost a lot of players early on. Of all the people I started playing with back in the beginning only three are left. Now theres lots to do but all everyone wants to do is spam White Beast. It's the TTF of PSU. No thanks, I steer clear of that. There are more interesting missions out there.

Jul 22, 2009, 02:29 PM
I love PSU but it just seems kind of simplified in a way. I just simply enjoy PSO a lot more. The biggest problem IMO is that missions in PSU dont balance out. Each mission is either one that no one does that may be fun, but has no payout in any form, and then theres the mission that is a gold mine that everyone only plays and gets dull after a while. I myself play old missions that are fun to me still but...you basically waste your time lol. Plus they tend to be ridiculously easy.

Jul 22, 2009, 02:36 PM
I love PSU but it just seems kind of simplified in a way. I just simply enjoy PSO a lot more. The biggest problem IMO is that missions in PSU dont balance out. Each mission is either one that no one does that may be fun, but has no payout in any form, and then theres the mission that is a gold mine that everyone only plays and gets dull after a while. I myself play old missions that are fun to me still but...you basically waste your time lol. Plus they tend to be ridiculously easy.

I hear what you are saying but in PSO there is TTF. That's the only mission most people do. I logged on to Blue Burst earlier and on the busiest ship there was over ten teams doing TTF. I really can't see the difference there.

Jul 22, 2009, 02:41 PM
True but many people still do other quests. Whereas in PSU its mainly the one and same mission which atm is White Beast. Though I will have to say I have noticed a small spread of people doing different missions nowdays.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 22, 2009, 03:42 PM
TTF is enjoyable in a talkative party who kills everything. I hate the groups that go LOL RUSH MOAR EXP when you could easily get a boss worth of exp by killing everything. >_>

Max Attack is great fun, and definitely a challenge.

Jul 22, 2009, 03:45 PM
I dare ya to try Spring Clean up in Ult.

Jul 23, 2009, 12:07 AM
iv played pso and psu and id hate to say it but even after getting to lv 125 with a bunch of awsome gear, maxed jobs and pa's, and a popular shop that made tons of meseta. psu just got boring. every time they came out with new content everyone had the new gear in a week and the waiting game starts all over again. i can still go back to pso and play it offline with no such issues i dont know what it is but i just had to quit psu. i felt i was being ripped off due to lack of challenge, rare hunting seems more rewarding in pso.

Jul 23, 2009, 06:03 AM
I must admit I miss rare hunting. That's what kept me hooked on pso. In psu hunting rares only seems to happen when there is an event on and everyone rushes the same quest to find the same item. Then everybody seems to have the latest weapon and the individuality of the player seems to go out the window. If you have a decent amount of meseta you can just go to others shops and buy that latest weapon, taking the fun out of rare hunting all together.

Jul 23, 2009, 07:01 AM
Just curious, seeing as I'm (hopefully) going online with PSO soon, what does TTF mean? I don't wanna pee people off lol. Can't think of anything I'd do in game that might stand for TTF anyway but thought I'd get my lingo down. Any other abbreviations I should be aware of too?

Sorry this has gone slightly off topic, didn't think it worth starting a new thread though if it can be answerd in one post.

Jul 23, 2009, 09:40 AM
Hey Talwin TTF is the mission Towards The Future. Its the mission everyone does cos its quick for exp. Most pso vets are fed up and bored with that mission. The max attack missions are more of a challenge, not so boring and offer decent amounts of exp also.

Jul 23, 2009, 10:21 AM
Ah I see, cheers!

I wanna do TTF!!!! lol, jus kiddin :p

I rarely do missions as I often play with my other half on split screen rather than single player. Kinda sucks, but EPIC awsome at the same time.

Back on the PSU track, how do missions on PSU compare to PSO, I know PSO missions went into the story, gave NPC's a personality and a told more of the story. From what I understand PSU online is completely seperate to the offline mode (I might have my wires crossed here though)

Jul 23, 2009, 05:54 PM
PSO vet here.

I fucking hate PSU and find very few redeeming qualities about it.

Jul 23, 2009, 06:44 PM
I still play PSU.

I think PSO is the better game, but PSU has some good qualities to it. But I think my biggest problems with PSU are
1. Grinding (so much grinding in this game to do)
2. The network code (I'm not a fan of how EVERYTHING is handled through the network)
3. Weapon Grinding (Really, who loves to see there weapon break when grinding?)