View Full Version : T Milla, W: 10/10 guns (guld, pakudac...etc...) and stuff...

Jul 23, 2009, 05:02 PM
does noone have a 10/10 guld..? lol


Will check lists
Pakudac 10/10
Guld 10/10
Psycho Wand 10/10
Agito Repca 40+ (prefer light)
SangeYasha 40+ (prefer dark)
Pushan 10/10
50% Zagza (prefer ice)
50% Bil de Axe (prefer ground)
Guld & Milla (nothing under x/9)

Jul 23, 2009, 07:44 PM
okay...not ground, bur light...i got a 50% light bil de axe...and cause of 060, my plan to get one in last hours is failed, i need to trade a milla

Jul 23, 2009, 08:10 PM
well id definitely prefer a group...but im also deinitely interested. u got a list i can check?

Jul 24, 2009, 01:01 AM
i got no list with good stuff...i just use a lil list for shop and crap things. i just listed what i trade or sell there. and from your wants...just a 50 bil axe is interesting for u. i could add 2 unbroken pushans if u need them...

Jul 24, 2009, 10:50 AM
mm...ill thnk about it, but i probably wont settle for just a light bil...wut are the grinds on the pushans? 0/10 or 2/10?