View Full Version : Some Protector delta info

Jul 24, 2009, 03:36 PM
B route has profitable stuff im intrested in.

First go took 45mins. My last run was 36mins. Still finding a routine on how to engage spawns when to use traps and SUV.

Shotgun & Twin handguns. Dispatch koltovas with shotgun, use twin handguns on the jarbas to be safe, i really hate getting caught by a dambarta that didnt look like it hit me or a megid for that matter. If the secondary jarba is occupied with your npcs feel free to put a shotgun to their back.

B-a: All Dark based mobs
Rifle & Shotgun. The tether for the carriguines is in the connecting hallway you went through to enter the room. Use that to your advantage with a rifle. Keep your eyes for the megid volley. 2 containing traps on the ceiling, dont venture in too deep, until you dispatch all 4 carriguines. If you still have SUV from Main1 You should use it on the first or second wave with a carriguine to dispatch the small mobs.

B-b: All Lightning based mobs
Laser & Shotgun use a shock unit. Block 4 of Lightning Beasts. Pretty much straight forward. When the gainerozoidz-things spawn there will be 3 and only 3 of them, save your SUV for B-c and just use Virus trap G and shotgun them down, focusing on one until it dies. You will be pelted by twin zondes, not a big deal if you have alteast 30% lightning armor. Pick the one that isolates itself from the rest of them or the one thats focused on you.

B-c: All Dark based mobs.
Laser, Twins, Shotgun & Rifle. Block 3 of 4th Seal. Open up with your saved SUV. All delis shoudl be dead leaving you with the venas. Drop a Burn Trap G, whip out your rifle and focus fire. If you see the Venas atempting to charge its 3 shot Foie Volley, dodge it, make a wide circle around him so all 3 Foie's miss you. If one Foie hits you the one following it will usually hit you resulting in death. Venas uses a instant megid attack at short range. Keep it occupied with your 31+ rifle shots.
When theres a venas in a wave i try to take it out first with a rifle, while making use of the tethers in place. The last spawn with a venas you should have SUV charged up again

Main2: All Fire based mobs.
Laser, rifle, shotgun use a stun unit. laser the first wave of koltovas. 1st Gol Dova spawns, use your rifle and shotgun to dispatch it. Take 2 shots with your rifle to push it on its side, 1 shot with a shotgun, 2 shots with a rifle again when its upright, rinse and repeat, be aware of the Vahras and keep di's and tri's ready to use as they cast hard hitting foie's. Use combination of laser and shotgun to dispatch the waves of vahras and koltovas. When the twin Gol Dovas spawn you wil just have to be creative. Use SUV at your own advise here, i can pull off 4 SUV blasts in here, usually only 3 is needed.
You can actually get the gol dovas stuck behind the right side of the block crystal, with your back to the entrance you came in. Lure one in by standing where you want to get it stuck behind. When it charges move to the oppsite side, they dont turn or lock-on you when they charge. Pull out a shotgun and unload on its face.

Final Block:
1st - Motherbrain - take out the two arms with a shotgun - then unload twins or rifle on her face.

Final Dark Falz - Dark version of de rol le. projectiles move faster, raft layout feels smaller, raft buttons seem to be more sensitive to where you are standing.

The part that gave me the most problems was the first room of B-c where you first enter "b3 of 4th seal" My solution is to save SUV from the last part of the B-b and use it there. There pretty much is no tether to take advantage of in this first room

Mind you i all of my bullets are 46+ and the only non 10/10 weapons on my pallete are 8/8 & 7/7 G&M. 36%+ storm lines

AnNoInTeD dEaTh
Jul 24, 2009, 11:32 PM
me and my friend are doing the event and we want to finish block c but we dont know what to do in block c-b because there is a switch that we cant get to we tried everything please if you can help send me a msg over xbl and ill invite you to party my gt is AnNoInTeD dEaTh please help thank you

Jul 24, 2009, 11:36 PM
You have to be a gunner with a rifle to hit that switch. There is no other way, sorry.

Jul 25, 2009, 09:50 AM
On c-b...u mean to disactivate the 3 "lightning shooters"?
Wheres the switch? I looked around n didnt find a thing (I was soloing anyway =0)

Jul 25, 2009, 10:27 AM
Theres two places where you need a gun to progress. The first is with those 3 'lightning shooters'. Go back out of the room where they are and hang a left, the path won't continue (you'll hit the place where the stairs are) but it gives you a clear view of the ceiling above the traps. Take a shot at the debris up there and it falls to destroy the traps.

The second place you need a gun is at a seemingly dead end. There is a pressure plate inside a fence, and a grid blocking your path. Shoot debris on the ceiling which will fall onto the pressure plate.

Sorry FMs...

Jul 25, 2009, 10:33 AM
Hm thanks...
I think my bow reach it =3 (Playing as PT these days)

Note: That' y I dun play FM...
Note2: Thats y sometimes I think to change my AT ranged from Card to Handgun ._.'

Seere LaBeyken
Jul 25, 2009, 09:04 PM
My pistol works just fine ... o.o

Jul 26, 2009, 06:24 AM
Any gun with first person view will work everywhere in Egg Thieves.

Jul 26, 2009, 07:11 AM
And that's why there is a box with a handgun in it right at the start.