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View Full Version : To other PS3 players with official Headset.

Jul 28, 2009, 03:41 AM
First off, apologies for writing here, rather than at another games' forum; I can't seem to register at Playstation's forums, nor at the forum's for the online multiplayer game I'm trying out during PSU's 065 issues.

I've a first generation Ps3 - 60GB, chipset backwards compatibility.

Been trying that Transformers: Rise of the Fallen game. Noted that other players online would occasionally speak mid - game, apparently through a headset. So, I picked up an official Ps3 Headset, and used the little usb cable to pair it up with the Ps3.

All good. I could even 'hear' myself through the audio device menu option.

But, once playing multiplayer online on TF: RoTF, no one apparently could hear me.


Jul 28, 2009, 02:11 PM
My guess is that either the other players blocked/muted you, or there's a volume issue somewhere. Has your headset worked before previously on this game, or on any other games that support voice chat?

Jul 28, 2009, 11:38 PM
I'd thought that it'd be a muting issue - but it kept happening over multiple sessions.

This is actually the first online multiplayer game I've tried with the ps3; haven't had much time for gaming in general, besides what I spare for PSU, so I'm not certain about all this current gen MMO stuff.

Jul 29, 2009, 12:50 PM
If it happens with multiple games, it might be a port issue, if you've got a router or something that's controlling traffic to your PS3. Otherwise, I'm not sure. =x