View Full Version : T/S: 50% 9/9 FM Weapons, Guld & Milla, SN/G, and More!

Jul 30, 2009, 12:53 AM
50% 9/9 :light: Carriguine-Rucar
50% 9/9 :ground: Bil De Axe
50% 6/10 :fire: Sweet Death
47% 6/6 Flowen's Sword+ (in shop)
42% 0/10 Muktengek (in shop)
38% 0/10 :light: Mugunburga (in shop)
30% Fire Rabol Orrachio (in shop)
SN/G 5/10
Guld & Milla 0/10
Hize / PP Generate

Vijeri / Resist
46%+ Mugunburgas (:ground: :light: :fire:)
Mugunburga Boards
50% :fire: Ank Zagza
50% Gekitsnatas (:fire: :ground: :lightning: :dark:)
38%+ Armas Lines (:light: :fire: :lightning:)

If you have a 50% :fire: Ank Zagza or one of the Gekitsnatas I want, I can throw in a 46% one as a replacement if needed.

Jul 30, 2009, 01:18 AM
red / knight +200m for ur 50%dark armas:D

Jul 30, 2009, 01:28 AM
How about all the stuff on this list for your 50% light armas :O

Jul 31, 2009, 11:55 AM
added some random junk...

Willing to accept meseta offers on everything except the 50% Rucar and Bil De Axe...

Jul 31, 2009, 01:26 PM
When I resub, I'd like your SN/g. I have 6 burga boards. I've been off the game for a few weeks now, so you'll have to tell me how much they are worth.
I want that cause I broke mine to shit. :(
You can also heck my Trade list, I don't have many melee or even guns anymore, cause I broke em all :(
But you can check it.

I also haven't updated, but I have like 8 pwands.

Jul 31, 2009, 01:39 PM
When I resub, I'd like your SN/g. I have 6 burga boards. I've been off the game for a few weeks now, so you'll have to tell me how much they are worth.
I want that cause I broke mine to shit. :(
You can also heck my Trade list, I don't have many melee or even guns anymore, cause I broke em all :(
But you can check it.

I also haven't updated, but I have like 8 pwands.

Well for the last month or so they've been worth 25-30 million each. Now they are rising in price (although I bought all but 2 Mugunburga boards that were 30 million or less).

Jul 31, 2009, 01:57 PM
Well, would 6 burga be enough for it by the time I get back? (within 2 weeks)
Note that the first 5/10 I got I got for a [B]damn good deal, so my price check on the SN/g would be different than what everyone else would be.

Jul 31, 2009, 02:08 PM
PM'ed you

Jul 31, 2009, 02:54 PM
Well, would 6 burga be enough for it by the time I get back? (within 2 weeks)
Note that the first 5/10 I got I got for a [B]damn good deal, so my price check on the SN/g would be different than what everyone else would be.

*shrug* I paid about 300 million for the SNG. Honestly I'm just hoping to throw it in as a sweetener towards a 46%+ Mugunburga.

Aug 1, 2009, 08:36 PM
Ok, updated opening post with some of the things are up in my shop...

Meseta is low priority now since there are no more burgas in shops...

Let me know if you want something for a lower price

Aug 1, 2009, 08:55 PM
Once again I offar smex on everything.....Iam sure this will be enuff

Aug 4, 2009, 03:49 AM
Milla is now a Guld & Milla... anyway still haven't gotten a Vijeri / Resist... willing to offer quite a bit.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:29 PM
Free bump =o