View Full Version : Relationships

Aug 2, 2009, 06:58 AM
If you don't mind getting a little personal here, how is your romantic life? Like, how often do you go on dates, and do you have any standout moments that are related to this subject that you'd like to share (like a longterm relationship that ended badly or even... well)?

Aug 2, 2009, 11:33 AM
My brother's wedding was yesterday. I manned the soundboard and played the music... Despite being very tempted to Rick Roll the reception. :wacko:

Though a friend did bring a friend of hers along to the wedding, who was absolutely enchanting. The only real problem is that she lives in Georgia, which is even farther out of the way than where my mom, brother, etc. live in Mississippi.

... :/

Aug 2, 2009, 01:20 PM
No romantic life here anymore. :(
I give up for a little while, gotta be more focused on school and other goals.
Money money money, then women women women.

Aug 2, 2009, 05:00 PM
My love life is as dead as a door knob. :wacko:


Aug 2, 2009, 05:26 PM
My wife and I have been happily married for six years. I'd say that there are two real keys to a successful marriage: first and foremost, marry someone with a large overlap of common interests with yourself, and second, also of dire importance-- don't go picking fights like a damned idiot.

Aug 2, 2009, 05:30 PM
Single. I really want to get through college first, before I get involved. My main reason is that I want to meet someone who has the same interests as me and also someone who doesn't mind the career I have.

Aug 2, 2009, 05:34 PM
My romantic life has been pretty.... negative. But that's ok, I have video games. :P

Aug 2, 2009, 06:26 PM
I useto date girls constantly, nothing serious until I met someone who I could be serious and how to say "really fall in love" the relationship was bad even though I tried my hardest to make it better but in the end the feelings were never returned and I ended it.

Staying single now, I dont want to go through that hell again

Aug 2, 2009, 07:10 PM
Single. Been single my whole life (22, for the record). I've gone out on a few dates here and there. Only problem with me is that I never get a second date with any girl, even when they say they would want to go out again.

My female friends have complemented me on my looks and ask how it's possible that I haven't had a single girlfriend yet. I smile, shrug, and go, "What can I say? I'm no one's type"

Aug 2, 2009, 08:01 PM
Currently single, I've been out with a few women but things never worked out (one was blatantly trying to use me to get drunk every night, so I ended it, and another relationship ended because we were too close friends and it felt awkward).

I'd love a relationship where both parties are happy, but for the time being I'm looking while focusing on my life more (I need a reliable income before a partner, honestly).

I have to admit though, currently I feel like I'm be falling for someone I know, but there are...obstacles that make it very difficult to get anywhere. It doesn't help that I'm naturally extremely reserved/shy, and one of the quietest people around :disapprove:

Aug 2, 2009, 08:13 PM
Single. Been single my whole life (22, for the record). I've gone out on a few dates here and there. Only problem with me is that I never get a second date with any girl, even when they say they would want to go out again.

My female friends have complemented me on my looks and ask how it's possible that I haven't had a single girlfriend yet. I smile, shrug, and go, "What can I say? I'm no one's type"

I feel you on that.
Up until I was 17 I had 0 girlfriends. After that, I fix'd my ID to say I was 21, then started going out with friends. (I always hung out with older kids)
Got introduced to my first girlfriend, and after her it's been non stop til about 2 months ago :(

Aug 2, 2009, 09:26 PM
Well, I did TRY to get a girlfriend, but I never succeed. Every girl I try to get with leaves me for another guy. I try my best but I still can't succeed at this kind of thing. Anyway, 23 years and still single, never having had a relationship.

Aug 2, 2009, 09:46 PM
I had a girlfriend once. That happened when I was 17, and we were together for about a year before we called it quits. Since then, there have been no others, but I've had a few crushes here and there. And since then, I haven't been looking (not that I could succeed, heheh 83).
It's not that I've got any hangups or anything after my ex, because she's a very nice girl. We're still friends. But being in a relationship with anyone now sorta makes me feel queasy. I don't even date. I don't really think that I could come to love anyone, honestly. :wacko: That's why I broke up with my previous girlfriend - I felt like I was wasting her time.

Aug 2, 2009, 09:59 PM
My romantic life has been pretty.... negative. But that's ok, I have video games. :P

That's gonna be the entirety of this thread most likely.

Aug 3, 2009, 12:07 AM
my love life... pretty dead. althou i do have a crush on a girl on another game forum. i'm to afraid to even ask her about herself.
I had a past tragedy with internet dating were a girl used me to make her grilfriend (yes thats right) jealous.
so i'm scared to even try....
actually ive kinda been afraid to even try getting to know a girl since that incident. and girls never seem to show any interest in me.......

Aug 3, 2009, 01:11 AM
I date on Phantasy Star Universe thank you very much.

Aug 3, 2009, 01:53 AM
I haven't dated anyone in over a year a year, and it's bittersweet. :wacko: On one hand, I feel good about being a single for the first time in... ever, but it also sucks a little. I guess I could get a boyfriend if I really wanted to though. Just rather focus on my career and other points in my life that need my attention; it'll happen when it happens, which is usually the best way.

Aug 3, 2009, 02:27 AM
I'll start dating after I get married.

Aug 3, 2009, 03:55 AM
I'll start dating after I get married.

A graduate of the Silvio Berlusconi School of Romance, I see. Well played. Just make sure you own all of your country's media before you make that first extra-marital sex tape.

Aug 3, 2009, 11:20 AM
It's going swimmingly. My girlfriend and I celebrated five years just last month.

I had a steak and she had some sort of seafood pasta dish. (Hers was better.)

Aug 3, 2009, 01:12 PM
I had to choose between my wife and the PSO-world Forums.
I chose the PSO-World Forums. You guys treat me better.
Good Riddance.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 3, 2009, 01:20 PM
my love life... pretty dead. althou i do have a crush on a girl on another game forum. i'm to afraid to even ask her about herself.
I had a past tragedy with internet dating were a girl used me to make her grilfriend (yes thats right) jealous.
so i'm scared to even try....
actually ive kinda been afraid to even try getting to know a girl since that incident. and girls never seem to show any interest in me.......
lol internets

Anyway, unlike most people, I've actually decided not to get into a relationship. I don't feel like I'd be responsible enough for that. Plus, I'm not really in a good financial/emotional situation as of late. I really need to focus on school. I've really screwed up on it, I can't hurt someone else by not being able to spend with them.

Aug 3, 2009, 01:31 PM
I had to choose between my wife and the PSO-world Forums.
I chose the PSO-World Forums. You guys treat me better.
Good Riddance.

Someone get this man a cigar.


Aug 3, 2009, 01:47 PM
I had to choose between my wife and the PSO-world Forums.
I chose the PSO-World Forums. You guys treat me better.
Good Riddance.


It's not like we even treat you well in the first place.

Aug 3, 2009, 03:16 PM

It's not like we even treat you well in the first place.

He clearly likes it rough.

Aug 3, 2009, 03:20 PM
It's going swimmingly. My girlfriend and I celebrated five years just last month.
Sounds like it's going nowhere!

Aug 3, 2009, 04:15 PM
Sounds like it's going nowhere!

I'm gonna get me a motor car
Maybe a Jaguar
Maybe a plane or day of fame

God, what do you want us to do - get married? We're far too young to be thinking like that.

Aug 3, 2009, 04:28 PM
My love life is practically non-existent. I blame the fact that I have the personality and charm of a used dish sponge.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 3, 2009, 04:29 PM
You soak everything up without reacting and smell funny?

Aug 3, 2009, 04:35 PM
Yeah, pretty much.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 3, 2009, 04:53 PM

Aug 3, 2009, 05:50 PM
He clearly likes it rough.

Damn right.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:17 PM

Aug 5, 2009, 02:58 PM
I tried to leave my room once. I went into this huge hall called the Outside Hallway. It was really tall, and I couldn't see the ceiling, but I could see a big bright moving light. I started at it for over an hour until my eyes hurt. Then I went back indoors, because the lighting in the room was too bright (I think they had something a bit higher than 100 watt bulbs in their lights). Unfortunately, until I build me a robo-girlfriend, my chances at actually having a real live relationship with a real-live person are next to nil.

Plus, living in the middle of nowhere doesn't help things much. Plus, the only women who find me interesting either see me as that magical "F" word (yes, THAT F-word.... "friend"), or have completely different tastes in everything (I like horror, sci-fi, and comedy movies, not to mention anime and CG movies, while they hate "that sort of stuff," I am pretty tech-savvy while they wonder why there's a cup holder in their computer, I like classic rock and some other random types of music while they like rap, R&B, and Disney Channel-turned-"non-PG" singers).

Yeah, I'm most likely going to be alone, with my Stretch Armstrong still in his "mint in box" condition until the day I die, but sometimes life's like that.

Aug 5, 2009, 05:38 PM
Relationships?? PFFFF.... I got Three Wolf Moon!!!


Aug 5, 2009, 10:09 PM
That shirt must get all the bitches.

Aug 5, 2009, 10:21 PM
Relationships?? PFFFF.... I got Three Wolf Moon!!!

I'm so jealous, I've heard so much about that shirt. :wacko:

Yes, it does get all the ladies.

Aug 5, 2009, 10:49 PM
ive been married 15 ish years to some punk dude i had a crush on in hs

we still are prettty romantic no kids though,
we like to joke around (sick humor) and still are attracted to each other. tis fun....XD

Aug 6, 2009, 12:04 AM
I'm so jealous, I've heard so much about that shirt. :wacko:

Yes, it does get all the ladies. This one gets all the fat, bearded, bald men. Allegedly.


Aug 6, 2009, 02:10 PM
My girl and I are hopelessly in love. I haven't talked to her, so she just doesn't know it yet. But she will.

She will....

Aug 6, 2009, 02:41 PM
My girl and I are hopelessly in love. I haven't talked to her, so she just doesn't know it yet. But she will.
She will....

Lol nice.

Aug 6, 2009, 03:44 PM
My girl and I are hopelessly in love. I haven't talked to her, so she just doesn't know it yet. But she will.

She will....

So you're a creepy stalker? Awesome.

Aug 6, 2009, 10:16 PM
My girl and I are hopelessly in love. I haven't talked to her, so she just doesn't know it yet. But she will.

She will....
I know your exact situation. Just one thing: hiding in bushes is really itchy, so avoid that when possible.

Aug 7, 2009, 07:45 AM
My girl and I are hopelessly in love. I haven't talked to her, so she just doesn't know it yet. But she will.

She will....

Nothing quite says "I love you" to a gal better than going through her bins and hanging around the bushes outside her house in night vision goggles :wacko:

Aug 7, 2009, 08:39 AM
Well, there is ONE thing that you could do to let her know how you really feel....

Launch some tear gas in through her windows in the middle of the night, storm the place with some friends in a two-by-two cover formation, clearing rooms as you make your way to her bedroom, storm in, zip-tie her hands behind her back, then leave a little love note saying how if she was held hostage in her house, you would be her savior and do this same exact thing to the guy who held her. Of course, leaving the house without a trace and making sure there are no witnesses who saw your face (a face mask and/or combat helmet with a visor is recommended for all involved.)

I think I've been watching too much Full Metal Panic recently, though...

Aug 8, 2009, 02:32 AM
I had sex two weeks ago, with a guy who was already in a relationship. He didn't tell me, until we finished. Yeah... life is crazy.

Aug 8, 2009, 02:35 AM
So one time, like, five years ago, I was in the lobby, waiting for boss to decide which ship to hop on. Eventually, he decided P2. He was at the front counter, talking to this blonde chick in a green uniform. Next thing we knew, he disappeared. He sent me a message to join him, and that the pass was taco. Obligated to follow duty, I headed towards the counter. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, a pair of long, slender legs just crossed in front of me. I looked up. She was in an orange chair, and winked at me. She had a cute yellow blouse and skirt, her panties were black, and we both knew it. She winked at me, and I could feel my hands melt away. Suddenly, my communicator beeped. I was expecting Captain Donoph to yell support for his 932nd TTF run. "Crystal sent you a guild card. Do you accept? I flashed her a smile and rushed off to my mission. And the whole time, I was thinking '... oh yeah, she gave me her guild card'

never seen her again, shucks.

Aug 8, 2009, 03:33 AM
I had sex two weeks ago, with a guy who was already in a relationship. He didn't tell me, until we finished. Yeah... life is crazy.

This is why I always return home alone.

Aug 8, 2009, 04:00 AM
Relationships? Well, my penis and right hand have been going strong for several years now. 8D

Seriously though, I hate the fact that I've been single all my life. I just saw my cousin, who's my age, get married this summer, and every time I look around, someone I know is getting hooked up while I'm still by my lonesome.

I'd love hanging around a hot, big-boobed nerdy chick who was into the same stuff I was, but I never see any such girls around where I live... either that, or they're always hanging around other guys. Me being a pretty quiet and reserved guy doesn't help my social skills either. ;_; It's weird, because I've had several teachers tell me that I'm an excellent writer...

Aug 8, 2009, 04:27 AM
[SPOILER-BOX]Relationships? Well, my penis and right hand have been going strong for several years now. 8D

Seriously though, I hate the fact that I've been single all my life. I just saw my cousin, who's my age, get married this summer, and every time I look around, someone I know is getting hooked up while I'm still by my lonesome.

I'd love hanging around a hot, big-boobed nerdy chick who was into the same stuff I was, but I never see any such girls around where I live... either that, or they're always hanging around other guys. Me being a pretty quiet and reserved guy doesn't help my social skills either. ;_; It's weird, because I've had several teachers tell me that I'm an excellent writer...[/SPOILER-BOX]

How old are you Tet?
I'm turning 21 this month, and it seems everyone my age is having a baby.
I haven't had a girlfriend long enough to consider having a baby with.
Longest relationship was 2 years or so, and I would never think about having a baby with that chick. She was a crazy betch.
I've known two, maybe three couples from high school that got married not long after graduation. One of the two or three are still together.
They make me sick how happy they are, but then again(this may sound corny) it's beautiful how happy they are. I'd love to have something like that, but my luck with ladies usually doesn't seem to last more than a month or so nowadays. :(
I think I have to somehow mature myself up a little bit before I try again. I'm not so financially fit to be in a relationship, and I need to focus on school.
Now, if some amazing girl comes along and just blows me away, I'm not going to turn her down because I don't think I'm ready. I'll let the relationship take it's course. But until then, I think I will be myself and chill a bit, start some college classes, and work more.

Aug 8, 2009, 04:53 AM
How old are you Tet?
I'm turning 21 this month, and it seems everyone my age is having a baby.
I haven't had a girlfriend long enough to consider having a baby with.
Longest relationship was 2 years or so, and I would never think about having a baby with that chick. She was a crazy betch.
I've known two, maybe three couples from high school that got married not long after graduation. One of the two or three are still together.
They make me sick how happy they are, but then again(this may sound corny) it's beautiful how happy they are. I'd love to have something like that, but my luck with ladies usually doesn't seem to last more than a month or so nowadays. :(
I think I have to somehow mature myself up a little bit before I try again. I'm not so financially fit to be in a relationship, and I need to focus on school.
Now, if some amazing girl comes along and just blows me away, I'm not going to turn her down because I don't think I'm ready. I'll let the relationship take it's course. But until then, I think I will be myself and chill a bit, start some college classes, and work more.:wacko:
Anyway i'm not in one yet, only 14. And even then I dont even care. It just gets on my nerves when people at school say they have girlfriends. I tried explaining to some that its not considered a relationship, but people are way to fucking stupid these days.

Aug 8, 2009, 05:03 AM
I didn't mean like...shoot me lol. :D
If that's why you :wacko:'d me. :wink:
I think under 16 is too young to date anyway. Not meaning I wouldn't have, but after what my sister went through (pregnant when 15)
I wouldn't imagine any younger than that and being in a responsible relationship.
Kids is kids, ya dig? Kids having kids is a horrible thing.

Aug 8, 2009, 05:30 AM
I didn't mean like...shoot me lol. :D
If that's why you :wacko:'d me. :wink:
I think under 16 is too young to date anyway. Not meaning I wouldn't have, but after what my sister went through (pregnant when 15)
I wouldn't imagine any younger than that and being in a responsible relationship.
Kids is kids, ya dig? Kids having kids is a horrible thing.

and yet a co worker of mine was talking about how her daughter in the special education program at school whos only 7 has already began puberty.
O.o next i'm going to hear about a kid who hit puberty at the age of 4 i tells yah!

Aug 8, 2009, 03:06 PM
This thread has changed to who is more depressing and pathetic.

Not to mention who holds the strongest tie to their penis.

Aug 8, 2009, 03:32 PM
This thread has changed to who is more depressing and pathetic.

Not to mention who holds the strongest tie to their penis.

Not really.

and yet a co worker of mine was talking about how her daughter in the special education program at school whos only 7 has already began puberty.
O.o next i'm going to hear about a kid who hit puberty at the age of 4 i tells yah!

Jesus Christ, 7 years old.

Aug 8, 2009, 04:14 PM
I've been engaged to my fiance for almost 2 years now ^-^ Looking forward to us having the money for a nice wedding someday.

Aug 8, 2009, 04:40 PM
Yay Biggie! :wink:

Aug 8, 2009, 05:50 PM
Inorite? :3

Aug 8, 2009, 05:58 PM
Lol. Correct. :P

Yay Ida too! :D

Aug 8, 2009, 06:04 PM
How old are you Tet?
I'm turning 21 this month, and it seems everyone my age is having a baby.
I haven't had a girlfriend long enough to consider having a baby with.
Longest relationship was 2 years or so, and I would never think about having a baby with that chick. She was a crazy betch.
I've known two, maybe three couples from high school that got married not long after graduation. One of the two or three are still together.
They make me sick how happy they are, but then again(this may sound corny) it's beautiful how happy they are. I'd love to have something like that, but my luck with ladies usually doesn't seem to last more than a month or so nowadays. :(
I think I have to somehow mature myself up a little bit before I try again. I'm not so financially fit to be in a relationship, and I need to focus on school.
Now, if some amazing girl comes along and just blows me away, I'm not going to turn her down because I don't think I'm ready. I'll let the relationship take it's course. But until then, I think I will be myself and chill a bit, start some college classes, and work more.

I turned 23 last January. I have to jerk off every day, often multiple times, to keep myself satisfied. -_-X

College is starting up again for me after next week, so maybe I'll get lucky... probably not though. Like I said, it's hard to find hot nerdy chicks in a redneck state where most people don't know what an "anime" is... :disapprove: Of course, I'll always be busy having to do something related to my major as well...

I hate being a wallflower.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:15 PM
I turned 23 last January. I have to jerk off every day, often multiple times, to keep myself satisfied. -_-X

College is starting up again for me after next week, so maybe I'll get lucky... probably not though. Like I said, it's hard to find hot nerdy chicks in a redneck state where most people don't know what an "anime" is... :disapprove: Of course, I'll always be busy having to do something related to my major as well...

I hate being a wallflower.

Hate to say this to ya, but it's kinda depressing to me that you have to do that.
I'm not saying I'm any better than you though. I just mean, I know a few people like you, and I always try to help em out by getting them to come out with me, and meet new people.
One of my very good friends specifically has a problem meeting new people.
He's very picky about girls he agrees to meet, and never likes them. I think he's too shallow though.
I really can only make suggestions, and I'm no expert on relationships, but I love meeting new people, and love talking to whoever listens :D
I suggest meeting new girls with friends at a social gathering. To me it's a lot easier to be sort of "cocky" or confident when talking to girls when your friends are around.
Who knows Tet, you might actually like a redneck girl that doesn't know what anime is. You can teach her about the things you know! Don't be too picky like my friend, or you'll never get a girlfriend! :D

Aug 8, 2009, 06:16 PM
These cookies I just made are really tasty.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:29 PM
These cookies I just made are really tasty.:lol:! That's terrible unless I'm totally off on the interpretation.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:37 PM
:lol:! That's terrible unless I'm totally off on the interpretation.


Aug 8, 2009, 06:40 PM
It's kinda cold outside today.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:46 PM
It's hot as hell over here, on my side of town anyway. And traffic sucks.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:50 PM
Time for dinner it seems. *Om nom nom nom*

Aug 8, 2009, 06:54 PM
I'm also eating dinner, and it's surprisingly cool outside today, being Florida and all.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:58 PM
I turned 23 last January. I have to jerk off every day, often multiple times, to keep myself satisfied. -_-X

College is starting up again for me after next week, so maybe I'll get lucky... probably not though. Like I said, it's hard to find hot nerdy chicks in a redneck state where most people don't know what an "anime" is... :disapprove: Of course, I'll always be busy having to do something related to my major as well...

I hate being a wallflower.

Some tips for you:

1 - Talking so openly about your....shall we say...."sex life" *cough* certainly isn't going to get any girl's attention.

2 - While looks in a mate are an important factor for any person seeking a relationship (with varying degrees of shallow-ness and priority) constantly saying you want a "hot" girl is going to make most girls avoid you like the plague - women aren't objects and you'll never get a good girl with that mindset.

(Oh, and don't even fucking tell me you don't think of them that way, since the preceding line of yours about "LAWL I HAVE TO JERKOFF ALL THE TIME TO BE SATISFIED" right before "I WANT A HOT GIRL" isn't helping your case at all)

3 - While on the subject of wanting a "hot" girl, are you worth any hot girls looking at? Seriously now, people can't expect to get a hot girl / guy if they really let themselves go. I'm not saying you have to be God-like in beauty or anything, but do you at least get some exercise in on at least a semi-regular basis? Do you make healthy choices to keep your body clean? Are you severely overweight? Do you brush your teeth more than once a month? Why should any half-decent looking girl give you more than a passing glance if you aren't going to hold your own body to the same standards?

5 - Self pity and begging is a turn off to everyone but manipulative people. Quit being so whiny all the time dammit - you don't have to think you're the best guy ever or act like an egotistical jerk, but at least be a little more aware of what problems are worth ranting to people about and what's better kept to yourself - either because its TMI (see: point 1) or because it just makes you sound suicide-inducing-whiny (see: almost all your posts about Sega).

Learn to see girls past being sexual objects, shape up, MAN up, realize you probably aren't ready for a girl right now anyway, address your own problems and confront them, and you are on the right path.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a shy guy who has been single for about 5 years and decided to focus on bettering himself instead, he's begun bettering himself physically, mentally, and financially and does not beg girls for sex or treat them like crap, so before anyone screams "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" or finds any inevitable truths in this post to be offensive, kindly STFU / GTFO while I laugh at you because you are obviously ignorant and aren't going to listen anyway.

Aug 8, 2009, 06:59 PM

I had a date last night, and t went well IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LADIES. 8-)

[SPOILER-BOX]He paid the bill, and I never put out.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Aug 8, 2009, 07:12 PM
Oh bummer, because I totally thought Paying for the bill = SECKS. I mean, no guy out there couldn't possibly want a nice night out with a lady, It would definately have to end in sweaty hot- okay I'm done. Right?

I'm sure they'll more than have earned it by a few means when the time comes.

Aug 8, 2009, 07:14 PM

I had a date last night, and t went well IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LADIES. 8-)

[SPOILER-BOX]He paid the bill, and I never put out.[/SPOILER-BOX]

*Thumbs up* Way to be, Kylie. XD

Aug 8, 2009, 07:16 PM
[SPOILER-BOX]Some tips for you:

1 - Talking so openly about your....shall we say...."sex life" *cough* certainly isn't going to get any girl's attention.

2 - While looks in a mate are an important factor for any person seeking a relationship (with varying degrees of shallow-ness and priority) constantly saying you want a "hot" girl is going to make most girls avoid you like the plague - women aren't objects and you'll never get a good girl with that mindset.

(Oh, and don't even fucking tell me you don't think of them that way, since the preceding line of yours about "LAWL I HAVE TO JERKOFF ALL THE TIME TO BE SATISFIED" right before "I WANT A HOT GIRL" isn't helping your case at all)

3 - While on the subject of wanting a "hot" girl, are you worth any hot girls looking at? Seriously now, people can't expect to get a hot girl / guy if they really let themselves go. I'm not saying you have to be God-like in beauty or anything, but do you at least get some exercise in on at least a semi-regular basis? Do you make healthy choices to keep your body clean? Are you severely overweight? Do you brush your teeth more than once a month? Why should any half-decent looking girl give you more than a passing glance if you aren't going to hold your own body to the same standards?

5 - Self pity and begging is a turn off to everyone but manipulative people. Quit being so whiny all the time dammit - you don't have to think you're the best guy ever or act like an egotistical jerk, but at least be a little more aware of what problems are worth ranting to people about and what's better kept to yourself - either because its TMI (see: point 1) or because it just makes you sound suicide-inducing-whiny (see: almost all your posts about Sega).

Learn to see girls past being sexual objects, shape up, MAN up, realize you probably aren't ready for a girl right now anyway, address your own problems and confront them, and you are on the right path.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a shy guy who has been single for about 5 years and decided to focus on bettering himself instead, he's begun bettering himself physically, mentally, and financially and does not beg girls for sex or treat them like crap, so before anyone screams "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" or finds any inevitable truths in this post to be offensive, kindly STFU / GTFO while I laugh at you because you are obviously ignorant and aren't going to listen anyway.[/SPOILER-BOX]

At least he's honest?
It's not that big a deal, to me anyway. If I can listen to my RL friends talk about their sex life, and how they banged or didn't bang a chick last night, I certainly can read about it lol.
Your tips are decent. I definitely agree with the last part before your disclaimer (lol)
I definitely see what you mean by wanting a "hot" girl. Though "hot" is how you see the opposite sex.
To Tet, "hot" might be someone he's attracted to, most likely it's the "typical hot girl" he's looking for, but either way, you have to be attracted to the person your after.
Now, only going for a hot girl is kinda shallow, but people get over that. It's not that big a turn off to want someone very attractive. I am not the best looking guy, and I don't consider myself really good looking, but I can talk to anyone of the opposite sex "like super hot" girl, and not be scared. Confidence with a little bit of cockyness, but not too much will most likely bring you success, in most cases.
In my experience, girls will talk to whoever comes up to them, as long as you can keep them entertained, and without being a total turn off by insulting them, or yourself, and making yourself look like a douche bad. Good luck Tet!


I had a date last night, and t went well IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LADIES. 8-)

[SPOILER-BOX]He paid the bill, and I never put out.[/SPOILER-BOX][/SPOILER-BOX]
You'd be surprised how many guys that pay for the bill and hold the doors open and all the nice stuff, don't want you to sleep with them on the first date.
Unless they are real assholes, and do that just to get in your panties.

Aug 8, 2009, 07:17 PM
Oh bummer, because I totally thought Paying for the bill = SECKS. I mean, no guy out there couldn't possibly want a nice night out with a lady, It would definately have to end in sweaty hot- okay I'm done. Right?

I'm sure they'll more than have earned it by a few means when the time comes.That's why it was such a significant success because, really, no woman on earth ever wants to have sex with anyone. :roll:

Aug 8, 2009, 07:17 PM
You'd be surprised how many guys that pay for the bill and hold the doors open and all the nice stuff, don't want you to sleep with them on the first date.

*Raises hand slowly* Yeah that's me. :3

Aug 8, 2009, 07:21 PM
It's been my experience that those guys are just bold-faced liars! :rant:

Aug 8, 2009, 07:22 PM
*Raises hand slowly* Yeah that's me. :3

Me too :D

It's been my experience that those guys are just bold-faced liars! :rant:

You meet assholes, with big egos then, don't'cha?

Aug 8, 2009, 07:26 PM
It's been my experience that those guys are just bold-faced liars! :rant:

Oh yikes...that's really unfortunate. Seems I'm a part of a dying race of chivalry. Hard to find people like that these days.

It's like when I do nice things for people where I work, all the guys in my department snicker and laugh because they're ogling at all the women craving sex. I just do my job and treat everyone with respect. Just because I do nice things doesn't mean I expect anything in return. It's just...the way I am, I guess. People don't see my type of characteristics anymore. I know people who act nice in order to obtain some higher goal, like sex, and I let'em know how I feel. People like that really make me irritated. You can't simply treat a woman with respect and dignity? You have to shower them with gifts and kindness just to get some action? *Facepalm* I hope I'm not too alone on this. :P

Aug 8, 2009, 07:26 PM
No, I just watch too much Roseanne.

But in all seriousness, and a twist in the story, I actually have more faith in men than women. o_O

@Dante: You're an alien, aren't you?

Aug 8, 2009, 07:30 PM
@Dante: You're an alien, aren't you?

Let's just say throughout my life, I've seen a lot of my friends get disrespected by scum like those you explain. Not only that, I just modeled my behavior after the environment I lived in; do the opposite. My town's full of assholes. So, in turn, I developed myself into a very sweet, kind and well-mannered individual. It's just weird when I get praise because I just see my actions as something normal, in my eyes, I mean.

Aug 8, 2009, 07:37 PM
Seems I'm a part of a dying race of chivalry. Hard to find people like that these days.Tbh, I find a lot of chivalrous people, especially around my campus.

Thought you were exaggerating a bit, but then:

My town's full of assholes.I guess your statement above probably is true.

Aug 8, 2009, 07:40 PM
Let's just say throughout my life, I've seen a lot of my friends get disrespected by scum like those you explain. Not only that, I just modeled my behavior after the environment I lived in; do the opposite. My town's full of assholes. So, in turn, I developed myself into a very sweet, kind and well-mannered individual. It's just weird when I get praise because I just see my actions as something normal, in my eyes, I mean.Eh, I was mostly joking around, but I have been burned by boyfriends a lot. Four of them have cheated on me, and I found out about it. Who knows how many others have also cheated on me but never got caught. It hasn't been all bad though. I've also dated a lot of decent guys, and I don't regret dating the ones that weren't decent. You lose some, you win some; I guess, and you lose most of them anyway. :-P

Aug 8, 2009, 07:41 PM
I guess your statement above probably is true.

Yeah that happens when you live in a community of 90% snobby people. And 5% drug addicts.

Aug 8, 2009, 08:08 PM
*Facepalm* I hope I'm not too alone on this. :P

Not really. I see why people say we'd get along good now >=S

I agree with you fully, actually.

Aug 8, 2009, 08:13 PM
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I treated people like objects, it just isn't right. However, it makes me feel great when I prevent scum from doing that to the ones who are close to me; it helps being a really tall guy. ^_^

Aug 8, 2009, 08:15 PM
Urp, I'll bite.

Five months ago my fiance and I parted ways, and I was, well, emotionally wrecked the fuck up. I've known her practically my whole life because since the time we were little our families stayed at the same cabin-resort in Mackinaw, Michigan. We would always go the Saturday after the Fourth of July. We got really close and one thing led to another. Then It went downhill.

We were both up there this past July and we started hanging out throughout the week. It got to the point where we would sleep together at night and be very sensual, nothing sexual because after that week it would be over. Then, the week ended. I've talked to her a few times since then but, I'm still in love with her. It sucks.

I'm not taking it very well, and drugs and alcohol only help so much. Lonely Lance is pretty depressed actually. At this point I just want someone to hold. I'm very far from being a sexual person, but I am obsessed with passion. Right now I am dying for passion.

I want her to be the one I hold though. I'm holding out on the dream of that and not bettering myself. Pretty fucked up, right? Haha

Aug 8, 2009, 08:17 PM
I just do my job and treat everyone with respect.

I'm kinda with you on that.

"Kinda" because, on my end, I treat everyone with equal disrespect.

I also have to say the first part of that thread was much more entertaining than the last one. :<

Aug 8, 2009, 08:18 PM
Urp, I'll bite.

Five months ago my fiance and I parted ways, and I was, well, emotionally wrecked the fuck up. I've known her practically my whole life because since the time we were little our families stayed at the same cabin-resort in Mackinaw, Michigan. We would always go the Saturday after the Fourth of July. We got really close and one thing led to another. Then It went downhill.

We were both up there this past July and we started hanging out throughout the week. It got to the point where we would sleep together at night and be very sensual, nothing sexual because after that week it would be over. Then, the week ended. I've talked to her a few times since then but, I'm still in love with her. It sucks.

I'm not taking it very well, and drugs and alcohol only help so much. Lonely Lance is pretty depressed actually. At this point I just want someone to hold. I'm very far from being a sexual person, but I am obsessed with passion. Right now I am dying for passion.

I want her to be the one I hold though. I'm holding out on the dream of that and not bettering myself. Pretty fucked up, right? Haha

It's hard to move on from something as deep as that. I'm really sorry to hear about that. I know you must love this woman, but under the certain circumstances, it is best to just try and move on rather than allow the situation to drag you through the dirt. Diving into drugs and alcohol will not fix your situation; these items will just make you temporarily forget the negativity, but then it all comes back as a heavier load.

Just live your life to the fullest, Carpe Diem. Seize the Day.

Aug 8, 2009, 08:31 PM
Its just a bad time for me. I'm too unmotivated to do anything about it now.

Aug 8, 2009, 08:35 PM
Its just a bad time for me. I'm too unmotivated to do anything about it now.Get on BB and I'll show you a good time. ;)

Aug 8, 2009, 08:37 PM
Its just a bad time for me. I'm too unmotivated to do anything about it now.

Let the words settle in with time and you'll move forward. Just try not to dive into the drugs and alcohol for a while, alright? That isn't helping you, it's just making the situation worse.

Aug 8, 2009, 08:39 PM
My computer sucks...OH, I see what you did thar.

Yeah, drugs are bad. It happens.

Aug 8, 2009, 09:40 PM
Some tips for you:

1 - Talking so openly about your....shall we say...."sex life" *cough* certainly isn't going to get any girl's attention.

2 - While looks in a mate are an important factor for any person seeking a relationship (with varying degrees of shallow-ness and priority) constantly saying you want a "hot" girl is going to make most girls avoid you like the plague - women aren't objects and you'll never get a good girl with that mindset.

(Oh, and don't even fucking tell me you don't think of them that way, since the preceding line of yours about "LAWL I HAVE TO JERKOFF ALL THE TIME TO BE SATISFIED" right before "I WANT A HOT GIRL" isn't helping your case at all)

3 - While on the subject of wanting a "hot" girl, are you worth any hot girls looking at? Seriously now, people can't expect to get a hot girl / guy if they really let themselves go. I'm not saying you have to be God-like in beauty or anything, but do you at least get some exercise in on at least a semi-regular basis? Do you make healthy choices to keep your body clean? Are you severely overweight? Do you brush your teeth more than once a month? Why should any half-decent looking girl give you more than a passing glance if you aren't going to hold your own body to the same standards?

5 - Self pity and begging is a turn off to everyone but manipulative people. Quit being so whiny all the time dammit - you don't have to think you're the best guy ever or act like an egotistical jerk, but at least be a little more aware of what problems are worth ranting to people about and what's better kept to yourself - either because its TMI (see: point 1) or because it just makes you sound suicide-inducing-whiny (see: almost all your posts about Sega).

Learn to see girls past being sexual objects, shape up, MAN up, realize you probably aren't ready for a girl right now anyway, address your own problems and confront them, and you are on the right path.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a shy guy who has been single for about 5 years and decided to focus on bettering himself instead, he's begun bettering himself physically, mentally, and financially and does not beg girls for sex or treat them like crap, so before anyone screams "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" or finds any inevitable truths in this post to be offensive, kindly STFU / GTFO while I laugh at you because you are obviously ignorant and aren't going to listen anyway.

1 - Don't worry - I don't tell everyone that. Usually just my close friends, or other people who probably don't give a shit.

2 - I know women aren't objects. I also said I wanted a nerdy girl... as in one that like video games and anime, etc. like I do. Of course I don't want her to be ugly. That just reinforces your 3rd point. I've always liked naturally busty women... it's just a fetish of mine (no, I don't go around telling girls that either). Whatever creams your twinkie. I look for good morals and qualities in everyone - don't think I don't. I may jerk off a lot, but I don't go around looking for some bimbo to bang me all the time.

3 - Look at the photos in my profile and you tell me. =P I'll admit I've put on some weight over the summer, but I'm sure I'll lose a lot of it once marching band season kicks back in.

4 - You need to learn how to count, lol. :3

5 - I "whine" because writing about is all I CAN do sometimes to get things off my chest. You want me to go around raping girls or fly over to Sega HQ and go Rambo on everyone?? Also, I DO occasionally have to take medication for depression (which in turn causes me to have an increased appetite and eat more, making me gain weight), so fuck off. Besides, I'm not forcing anyone to read my posts.

For the most part, you're telling me things I already know, so you're not really helping me. =/

Aug 8, 2009, 09:52 PM
I'm not sure "busty" really counts as a fetish any more than "naked ladies" counts as a fetish. Other than that, carry on folks.

Aug 8, 2009, 10:00 PM
I'm not sure "busty" really counts as a fetish any more than "naked ladies" counts as a fetish. Other than that, carry on folks.Unless you mean the girls from Eiken. :o

Aug 8, 2009, 10:29 PM
rofl :lol:

Aug 8, 2009, 10:35 PM
Anyway, unlike most people, I've actually decided not to get into a relationship. I don't feel like I'd be responsible enough for that. Plus, I'm not really in a good financial/emotional situation as of late. I really need to focus on school. I've really screwed up on it, I can't hurt someone else by not being able to spend with them.

People have this strange idea that a romantic relationship is something between a friendship and a business agreement. Business agreements usually involve a lot of money, so people think that a romantic relationship should cost a lot of money. If finances are a concern, then you're going out of your way to attempt to impress someone; spending money that you wouldn't normally spend. Tell me: if you have to put up this sort of facade to impress her, then have you actually found someone who is interested in you? It seems to me as though she's interested in the character that you are playing before her.

It's better if you can find someone that you're likely to interact with everyday, anyway. Someone who has a similar routine. By the time you've entered into a relationship with good footing, you'll find that the two of you are pooling your resources, to the mutual improvement of your lives. Spend the extra money on her if you are compelled to-- not because you believe it is something that needs to be done in a successful relationship.

O.o next i'm going to hear about a kid who hit puberty at the age of 4 i tells yah!

The youngest mother on record (Lina Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)) was 5 years old, when her child was born. She was only an infant when she began menstruating. The number of mothers on record aged 9 and 10 is disturbingly high.

Aug 8, 2009, 10:44 PM
I don't take relationships at this age to heart.

I much rather wait it out when people get their heads straight.

My standards are also high. ;|

Aug 8, 2009, 11:15 PM
Suddenly, Debbie Downer looks like the happiest person on Earth now.

Aug 9, 2009, 12:13 AM
The youngest mother on record (Lina Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)) was 5 years old, when her child was born. She was only an infant when she began menstruating.

Wow. That's all I can say, really.

Aug 9, 2009, 01:01 AM
People have this strange idea that a romantic relationship is something between a friendship and a business agreement. Business agreements usually involve a lot of money, so people think that a romantic relationship should cost a lot of money. If finances are a concern, then you're going out of your way to attempt to impress someone; spending money that you wouldn't normally spend.

I wouldn't want to be a poor guy with a girlfriend. If a girl is worth your time, she's worth your money, no matter who you are.
If you cant go out on dates, you might not have a very good social life, or romantic life. Girls, and guys like to be treated to dinners, movies, or even just a social gathering at a bar or restaurant, or anywhere else.
Just my opinion. I mean I've known people that hat a girlfriend, or boyfriend and had no job, and it works...for a little while. Not saying money was the problem though, but I'm sure going out and hanging with others that do fun activities would take some stress off.

The youngest mother on record (Lina Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)) was 5 years old, when her child was born. She was only an infant when she began menstruating. The number of mothers on record aged 9 and 10 is disturbingly high.
Oh my wow..I thought my sister was bad.

Wow. That's all I can say, really.

I'm with you on this one...Just...Wow...

Aug 9, 2009, 02:15 AM
So far it's been shitty. But whatever, I've got time. :wacko:

Aug 9, 2009, 02:32 AM
Oh yikes...that's really unfortunate. Seems I'm a part of a dying race of chivalry. Hard to find people like that these days.

you would be suprised how many people ive seen try to use chivalry to get in a girls pants.
whats worse is when they reverse it and make fun of people and depress them to get into a girls pants... its more disturbing when it actually works. all i tell myself is these 2 people have lost every shred of their humanity.

as for me, if a girl i took on a date, if i could find a girl to take on a date that is, even said she would like to go on a second date my mind would be blown.

oddly i was asked out by a girl at work once, a good looking girl to boot, i almost considered it until right afterwards she started telling me about the 20 some guys she slept with in the last 3 days. then she started asking for discounts and fee items... yeah.....

The youngest mother on record (Lina Medina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)) was 5 years old, when her child was born. She was only an infant when she began menstruating. The number of mothers on record aged 9 and 10 is disturbingly high.
holy cow, how could her body handle being pregnant at that age? i wouldn't think her body or hips would have developed enough to give birth.
last time i heard about youngest birth was when i was 9 years old, a teacher in school told us the recorded youngest birth was a 7 years old girl and the father was an 8 year old boy. (awkward)
the mothers aged 9-10 i feel alot of those were likely caused by child molestations.

Aug 9, 2009, 09:13 AM
4 - You need to learn how to count, lol. :3

Skipping 4 when making a list is a long running in-joke of mine, I assure you I can count to at LEAST 7 before I start having any problems.

5 - I "whine" because writing about is all I CAN do sometimes to get things off my chest. You want me to go around raping girls or fly over to Sega HQ and go Rambo on everyone?? Also, I DO occasionally have to take medication for depression (which in turn causes me to have an increased appetite and eat more, making me gain weight), so fuck off.

It's perfectly fine to get stuff off your chest, but you still need to try to identify and tackle problems after you rant and rave and can think clearer.

Besides, I'm not forcing anyone to read my posts.

I'm not forcing you to read or reply to my posts either. And I didn't say anything about your posts because they personally annoy ME to no ends, I was just saying that stepping back and realizing how you come off to others, you might want to be a little more aware of what you say and how you say it sometimes.

For the most part, you're telling me things I already know, so you're not really helping me. =/

General advice is free, real help costs you >:O

The youngest mother on record (Lina Medina) was 5 years old, when her child was born. She was only an infant when she began menstruating. The number of mothers on record aged 9 and 10 is disturbingly high.

That's extremely sick :<

Aug 9, 2009, 11:55 AM
you would be suprised how many people ive seen try to use chivalry to get in a girls pants.

This is total truth. I've seen this happen to my long time friend over and over again. She always tells me about these really great guys and how she thinks that they are sweet and caring, but by the end of the next week they've screwed her and leave her.

People can lie so easily to someone they've never met. They can make themselves sound like a knight in shining armor, but underneath that facade of armor is an asshole.

Aug 9, 2009, 02:43 PM
Oh yikes...that's really unfortunate. Seems I'm a part of a dying race of chivalry. Hard to find people like that these days.

It's like when I do nice things for people where I work, all the guys in my department snicker and laugh because they're ogling at all the women craving sex. I just do my job and treat everyone with respect. Just because I do nice things doesn't mean I expect anything in return. It's just...the way I am, I guess. People don't see my type of characteristics anymore. I know people who act nice in order to obtain some higher goal, like sex, and I let'em know how I feel. People like that really make me irritated. You can't simply treat a woman with respect and dignity? You have to shower them with gifts and kindness just to get some action? *Facepalm* I hope I'm not too alone on this. :P
No kidding. I've lost count of how many times I've paradoxically heard "you're too nice for a boyfriend" from single girls on top of "girls would kill for a nice guy like you" from the committed ones.

There's not really a reason to be rude or uncouth to someone who hasn't earned it - and apparently, this is a bad quality or something.

Just from further observations, I'm guessing that honesty, dignity, and the occaisional doing-nice-things-just-for-the-sake-of-doing-nice-things are also unfavorable traits.

Aug 9, 2009, 02:52 PM
This thread has changed to who is more depressing and pathetic.

Not to mention who holds the strongest tie to their penis.

That was great...:D

Aug 10, 2009, 12:07 PM
You'd be surprised how many guys that pay for the bill and hold the doors open and all the nice stuff, don't want you to sleep with them on the first date.
Unless they are real assholes, and do that just to get in your panties.

Wow, you mean I'm not the only genuine nice guy in the world? Must be the area I live in then, as every guy I've seen who has a girlfriend seems to emit this aura of utter asshole around them, and make me ask myself, "What in the hell do women see in a guy like that?" Then I think to myself it's probably because they're not your average Joe Schmoe - they can actually do something exceptionally well. I have the amazing talent of.... not standing out in whatever it is I do, no matter how hard I try. I GUESS that's a talent - not being able to stand out and draw attention?

Anyway, my "mini-rant/abash myself" session's done with for now.

Edit: Yeah, I just heard on the ham radio some 9-year-old girl gave birth to a female baby, who herself was already 2 weeks pregnant. Talk about crazy....

Aug 12, 2009, 01:04 PM
My love life is DoA. Hell, it hasn't even arrived. The cycle of things for me seems to be like this; 1) I like them and they dont feel the same way or 2) they like me but I dont feel the same way. I also have the curse of being known as the "sweet" guy or the "nice FRIEND who's always there to talk". Heh, whoo! :P

I'm getting over a lass who I know i can't get and im pretty attracted to another, evenm tho shes really timid and doesnt feel good enough for anyone...

Another obstacle I face is myself. I can be a pretty out going guy but when it comes to lasses it takes while for me to make an advance because I can be quite self conscious. I was never exactly the fittest of guys although thats been changing lately ;D

I dunno, feels shit sometimes but I guess theres plenty of time ahead and anything could change! :D

Aug 13, 2009, 11:32 PM
I wouldn't want to be a poor guy with a girlfriend. If a girl is worth your time, she's worth your money, no matter who you are.
If you cant go out on dates, you might not have a very good social life, or romantic life. Girls, and guys like to be treated to dinners, movies, or even just a social gathering at a bar or restaurant, or anywhere else.
Just my opinion. I mean I've known people that hat a girlfriend, or boyfriend and had no job, and it works...for a little while. Not saying money was the problem though, but I'm sure going out and hanging with others that do fun activities would take some stress off.

Well, if you can afford to take a girl out on a date, then by all means, you should take her out to do the things that you like to do. If she's a match for you, then she'll also enjoy the things that you like to do, and all will be happy. The point is that there isn't a specific formula that ensures a successful relationship. It's not like playing StarCraft against a computer-opponent, where a specific build order will ensure your victory early on. What's really important, is that the both of you need to have plenty of overlap in activities that interest you.

Aug 14, 2009, 12:31 AM
I get people staring at me, complimenting me and pointing me out wherever I go. I think it's just because of the way I dress, though. If I dressed like a regular Jenny, I don't believe anyone would bother me. Sometimes it's nice, because I don't have the courage to walk up to people and talk to them myself so they walk up to me and talk to me. But it's also the subtle things - like the salesperson who stopped mid-sentence to look up and smile at me. Or the dude who smiled and winked at me before attempting to run me over with his car. (I think I'm in love with that man.)

This is just in person, though. Over the internet, it's ten times worse because you're allowed to be ten times worse on the internet. It seems every guy I talk to wants something a little bit more than friendship out of me. I used to be really nice about it and gently wave them away, and I felt very guilty if I was mean to them. But after 5 years of finding out that doesn't work, I am now able to take a more direct approach and outright tell them to get the hell away. I have a LOT of stories to tell regarding this, but we can save that for another time. :3

Aug 14, 2009, 01:17 AM
Edit: Yeah, I just heard on the ham radio some 9-year-old girl gave birth to a female baby, who herself was already 2 weeks pregnant. Talk about crazy....

.................................................. ......................... 9 year old girl who gave birth to a baby girl who is 2 weeks pregnant.............. >.>
I could see a 5 year old giving birth but this? no.

Aug 14, 2009, 01:31 AM
How the davy can a fetus get pregnant?

Aug 14, 2009, 02:33 AM
I get people staring at me, complimenting me and pointing me out wherever I go. I think it's just because of the way I dress, though. If I dressed like a regular Jenny, I don't believe anyone would bother me. Sometimes it's nice, because I don't have the courage to walk up to people and talk to them myself so they walk up to me and talk to me. But it's also the subtle things - like the salesperson who stopped mid-sentence to look up and smile at me. Or the dude who smiled and winked at me before attempting to run me over with his car. (I think I'm in love with that man.)

This is just in person, though. Over the internet, it's ten times worse because you're allowed to be ten times worse on the internet. It seems every guy I talk to wants something a little bit more than friendship out of me. I used to be really nice about it and gently wave them away, and I felt very guilty if I was mean to them. But after 5 years of finding out that doesn't work, I am now able to take a more direct approach and outright tell them to get the hell away. I have a LOT of stories to tell regarding this, but we can save that for another time. :3 Stories, do tell. This sounds like fun. I'm very intrigued. There's a creepy dude online who wants to get uncomfortably close, and .. it's quite unsettling, honestly. How do you manage though? You don't mind just telling people off? Ugh, some people just don't get the message.

what do you wear that's so .. eye catching? Around here in ny, the better majority of people just go by unnoticed. Eye catching elsewhere is the norm here. Eye catching here is another level up.

Aug 14, 2009, 03:41 AM
My boyfriend and I started our relationship 5 years and a half ago, and we've been living together since last year. He's the most wonderful person I ever known, and I love him like the first day... or more. I feel good and safe at his side, and I'm 100% sure that he's the man I'm gonna marry with, I can't imagine my live without him. The only bad thing is that he doesn't like MMORPGs hahaha :P

Aug 14, 2009, 07:51 AM
NONE. I have had and am currently having crushes though.
Although, I've never kissed a girl.
Funny I'm sharing my personal life with forum people than with my friends.

Aug 14, 2009, 08:04 AM
How the davy can a fetus get pregnant?

Magic. Magic and rainbows. They explain all of life's mysteries.

Try it sometime. Someone asks you a question, just respond exactly like that: "Magic. Magic and rainbows."

Aug 14, 2009, 08:54 AM
I get people staring at me, complimenting me and pointing me out wherever I go. I think it's just because of the way I dress, though. If I dressed like a regular Jenny, I don't believe anyone would bother me. Sometimes it's nice, because I don't have the courage to walk up to people and talk to them myself so they walk up to me and talk to me. But it's also the subtle things - like the salesperson who stopped mid-sentence to look up and smile at me. Or the dude who smiled and winked at me before attempting to run me over with his car. (I think I'm in love with that man.)

This is just in person, though. Over the internet, it's ten times worse because you're allowed to be ten times worse on the internet. It seems every guy I talk to wants something a little bit more than friendship out of me. I used to be really nice about it and gently wave them away, and I felt very guilty if I was mean to them. But after 5 years of finding out that doesn't work, I am now able to take a more direct approach and outright tell them to get the hell away. I have a LOT of stories to tell regarding this, but we can save that for another time. :3

Hai Tessuuu~ wanna cuddlez? ;3 (Oh god, I am not that creepy.)

Aug 14, 2009, 10:24 AM
I think this recent back-and-forth on Penny Arcade is worth linking to: http://penny-arcade.com/2009/8/10/

They're discussing the Seduction Community - basically a subculture with a series of rules dictating how a guy can pick up a girl. Tycho and Gabe go back and forth with it for a bit with Gabe playing the devil's advocate. It's a good read.

The most frightening thing about people who subscribe this brand of crazy is the psuedo-misognynistic idea that women are different creatures than men. If you skim through some of those ideas, there's this subtle idea that women are almost some other species that you have to learn to tame. Definitely creepy.

Though, before creepy or frightening, I really find the whole thing more sad (and even a little pathetic) than anything. Yes, it can be very tough trying to find someone of the opposite sex, but in my experience it really is as easy as learning to relax and just having a good time. If you hit it off with someone, great! If you don't, it's not the end of the world!

Aug 14, 2009, 01:16 PM
Yes, it can be very tough trying to find someone of the opposite sex, but in my experience it really is as easy as learning to relax and just having a good time. If you hit it off with someone, great! If you don't, it's not the end of the world!

This has been pretty much been my philosophy for the past year. Since I transferred to an actual university, my real goal was just to meet new people. That's about it. I wasn't getting hellbent on finding someone to love or anything like that. If I did find someone to go on dates with and start a relationship with, it would be nice. If nothing happens, I don't mind since I have made a bunch of friends along the way that I can enjoy my time with.

Granted, I will admit to having those little moments where I do wonder when my time will come for me to finally be in a relationship seeing that most of my friends are in one (or have been in a few for that matter). But I know it's going to happen. Hell, I have a feeling something good is going to happen soon. I just don't know what >>

Aug 14, 2009, 01:52 PM
i think people put too much of an emphasis on relationships. some people find that the most important thing for them to do is "find a girlfriend that makes them feel better." i just dont get it... it really doesnt change anything for that person. i read an article saying that "relationships and hookups are on the rise during the recession." and i guess i understand that. when financial times are tough, people lose their jobs and lose their self-confidence, i could see relationships suddenly becoming more important since theres not too many options in improving their career life and are stuck in a rut. people want to feel loved, feel needed.

its like in winter time, almost virtually the "no mans land" of hookups over a 3 month stretch(aside from a few get-togethers, new years eve, etc)... everyone begins settling in, hibernating because of the harsh weather outside. theres a distinct separation between "outdoors" and "indoors": "indoors" being "comfortable, warm, and safe" and "outdoors" being "cold, dry, uncomfortable, and depressing"... and in winter, people want a relationship so they can get cabin fever with someone else by their side. the same from a financial situation... someone loses their job, they lose their ambitions in their career field, they figure that they might as well settle into their "after work" lives, and just start "hanging out" with friends more(but not actually doing anything, because nobody has any money), so the one failsafe option to "being bored hanging out with a group of friends at a place" is to find someone to have a fling with. in this financial winter, "hanging out with friends, partying, not accomplishing anything" is now the "indoors," and "trying to find a new job, continue with my momentum to be where i want to be" is now becoming the "outdoors." its like when you watch a sitcom, the show's first season is good, its about the actual "plot" of the show... the careers, the attitudes, the environment are all reflected brilliantly in the first season. but then the show no longer knows where to take it, the careers and environment becomes a back seat to character's over-exposed and exaggerated personalities, to the point where every story arch is just some sort of drama-filled episode that has no relevance to an over-arching storyline.

lol holy shit that has nothing to do with this topic. but it's already been written, i cant backspace. I REGRET NOTHING.

moral of the story:

and really, i do "my best" with relationships when i really dont give a shit about "how the relationship is doing"... which is 9/10ths of the time. so yea, if you're under 35, don't fish for a relationship

Aug 14, 2009, 04:18 PM
i think people put too much of an emphasis on relationships. some people find that the most important thing for them to do is "find a girlfriend that makes them feel better." i just dont get it... it really doesnt change anything for that person.
I have a feeling some may put so much of an emphasis on relationships because they didn't get much attention when they were growing up, and they want someone that is willing to give them that attention they never received...

Or at least that's the case with one of my friends...

Yeah, she's crazy like that... :disapprove:

Aug 14, 2009, 10:39 PM
lol holy shit that has nothing to do with this topic. but it's already been written, i cant backspace. I REGRET NOTHING.

You have no clue how much I do this...

so yea, if you're under 35, don't fish for a relationship

I understand what you mean in this statement, but I'm the kind of person that would like a family in the early stages of life. I don't want to wait until then to start having kids.

Aug 15, 2009, 11:49 AM
I think the important thing is trust in a relationship. I'm still searching for her/letting her come to me at the moment. A few people have said I am very sweet and considerate of a girl's feelings.

See I'm not shallow and I don't look at girls based on race or political views and such. All I require from her is an open mind, dresses decently, has respect for herself and for others.

As for me, I'm not the party type. I march to my own beat on life (meaning I'm not a follower/poser/etc). And unforently that rubs some people the wrong way for some damn reason.

Hmm...hey tell you what, if any of you live here in the baltimore area...please PM me and we could hang out and perhaps introduce me to a lady who's searching for a real decent guy.

Aug 15, 2009, 01:39 PM

Aug 15, 2009, 11:04 PM
so yea, if you're under 35, don't fish for a relationship

Unless you're planning on having kids. Once you hit 30, the odds that your kid is going to be born with a birth defect shoots up dramatically.

Really, the whole "Pfft, who wants a relationship when you can get milk by screwing cows" ideal is just as bad as the "I need to find a relationship or my poetry won't be interesting anymore" school of thought.

Basically, they're both trying too hard.

Aug 16, 2009, 12:56 AM
well, not quite. it isn't that relationships are something that you should X out of your life completely... it is just that the motives and goals of the "other party" typically are to settle in and most goals are strictly short-term, about "how they are feeling right now." instead of planning their lives for the future to better themselves(and i dont mean "having children" or "hoping for some promotion at the same damn company in the same field" sort of shit), most people in a relationship in their 20s end up getting upset because they didnt take their careers far enough, explore, or just plain "live" enough while they were single before they got married, to the point where that thinking has become cliche, and most of the time i'd say it's justified when people think like that. i just said "35" as a rough age where someone is settled into a certain lifestyle where they can make an informed decision to decide to settle in. but hey, everyone is different, and people want different things... some people can be content with lifestyles, careers, and choices that others would find insufficient.

but being younger, and constantly looking for someone else i feel is just wasting valuable time in building yourself. and you can always find someone who is "hot" and "caring," but to find someone who is willing to work with you with your own schedule can be tough enough in the younger years of your professional life, and putting forth so much effort to make it work can end up handicapping you in other areas of your life that could be detrimental in the future. sure, it's great finding that relationship that really makes you feel ALIVE, but if it sucks all the energy out of you, how is that helping yourself? if someone really loves you, then the other party should be supportive on decisions you make that may require you to relocate and be indisposed for what could possibly be long periods of time if the overall outcome is to better your life. sadly, many people do not think of things this way, and instead want to lock in the first thing that makes them feel passionately, period.

like usual, i went completely off-topic. but trying to get back on topic, my main problem is that people get into this mode where they are searching hard to find someone that FEELS and it ends up taking up a majority of their time, and it gets to consume that person completely to where that is all they will want to talk about... their relationship problems. and most of the time, they will just get with a series of uninteresting girlfriends that fizzle out and try to fabricate this feeling of being "in love," because they're afraid they will never actually find it so they are just going rapid fire trying to hit on every attractive girl that comes around, hoping one of them is interesting.

like think about when you were playing the original pokemon years ago and you're trying to find pikachu in that first forest area. i remember in 6th grade i spent like 2 fucking hours looking for a pikachu and just kept getting those fucking pidgey birds and WEEDLES to the point where i just felt i could have gotten 3 badges in the amount of time it took me to search for one pikachu, because they have that yellow rat asshole on all the commercials, and being 11, i had to have a pikachu as well. well, as i'm leaving that forest area and had given up hope, BOOM, i got that pikachu.


but you could find a million pikachus when you kept on going through the game at that like powerplant or something, which could be inserted into the analogy as well. but whatever, i'm tired as hell, none of this probably even made any sense at all anyway

oO 0uTcaSt Oo
Aug 29, 2009, 06:24 PM
Why is everyone focusing on the financial or even "right time" to have a relationship.. If it happens then it happens. Then If it fails it fails.. that life :)

Aug 29, 2009, 07:15 PM
My relationships are non-existent and dying. And I like it.

I don't have time, or energy, to spare on fishing out ladies. Especially since here....well I won't go into details, but finding a decent person who isn't either complete slob or a stupid sexual/party maniac is rather difficult, much less finding a girl that would have remotely similar interests, etc, etc.

Sure, it gets lonely, but not enough to cry at night. Also, I will have approx. next 60 to 80 years to find someone. That's a lot of time, so I do not feel any hurry (as some people around do) to find *that someone*

My love life is as dead as a door knob.


My door knob is actually very lively. It regularly sabotages my doors and whails like a haunted sword.

It seems every guy I talk to wants something a little bit more than friendship out of me.

I swear I have nothing to do with this, and I am assuming rest of FKL either. Right?...RIGHT?

Aug 30, 2009, 12:44 AM
27, never had a girlfriend, hell, I'm practically invisible to them. Only girls who seem to actualy like me are either grotesquely fat, old enough to be my mom, or only view me as a "little brother". In other words, most girls find me to be asexual. so fuck it don't even bother talking to them... AT ALL. I give up.

Bring on the hookers!

Aug 30, 2009, 09:13 PM
27, never had a girlfriend, hell, I'm practically invisible to them. Only girls who seem to actualy like me are either grotesquely fat, old enough to be my mom, or only view me as a "little brother". In other words, most girls find me to be asexual. so fuck it don't even bother talking to them... AT ALL. I give up.

Bring on the hookers!

At least it isn't "old enough to be my grandmother."

Working in a grocery store can be quite scary sometimes, especially when you're being a very outgoing and courteous associate and they then joke about inviting you over for dinner...

The problem with this is that some of them actually meant it, and I had to turn them down as politely as I possibly can. But I will admit this would have made for some humorous jokes about dating older women or me being a pimp (at the nursing home, no doubt).

Sep 3, 2009, 04:50 PM
This is not directed at anyone specifically, but some of you posting in this thread have been exhibiting symptoms of "Nice Guy" syndrome such as bitterness towards women, entitlement, etc. Here are a couple of links describing it(the first is more definitive, the second is less harsh):
It has some advice that others, such as Aisha(numbersomething), have already given. I'm pointing this out to help you, not to be a jerk. Maybe I'm just reading my own past problems into those of others, but I think these are entertaining reads nevertheless. I'm a recovering "Nice Guy" and sometimes still lapse into it for a bit, but generally I'm over that garbage. My friends occasionally called me out on my "Nice Guy" tendencies, and gradually it sunk in and I started to do something about it. Thats why I posted this, hoping it helps another dude simmering with unexamined/unrecognized hostility and/or entitlement (start to) get over it, (begin to) confront and solve their problems and move on to bigger and better things. Good luck to everyone in your various endeavors.

Sep 3, 2009, 08:07 PM
I really wish people could come up with better terms for some things.

There are people who identify themselves as being a nice guy... Because they are, in a literal sense, a person who is nice and respectful to others, just because it's the morally-sound thing to do and it comes naturally to them. People like myself, and probably several others that have posted here.

And then someone had to come along and come up with the "nice guy" thing, taking the identifier that the aforementioned "literal nice guys" used, and turn it into something wholly bad and unfavorable. The "colloquial nice guys," being those that are insecure, socially-inept, etc. and happen to actually have drastic personality flaws that are conducive to malformed and unstable relationships.

Are people so uncreative and willing to attack an unrelated group of people, that they can't come up with a better name? Or at least make sure that they specify whether or not they're using it in the literal or colloquial sense. -_-

Sep 3, 2009, 08:07 PM
I have a girlfriend. We've been going out for almost four years, I think. We see each other maybe once a month. I occasionally wonder if I actually like her anymore sometimes but am afraid to break up because I'm a complete loser and I can't see myself finding another girlfriend for a long time.

Nitro Vordex
Sep 3, 2009, 08:32 PM
This is not directed at anyone specifically, but some of you posting in this thread have been exhibiting symptoms of "Nice Guy" syndrome such as bitterness towards women, entitlement, etc. Here are a couple of links describing it(the first is more definitive, the second is less harsh):
It has some advice that others, such as Aisha(numbersomething), have already given. I'm pointing this out to help you, not to be a jerk. Maybe I'm just reading my own past problems into those of others, but I think these are entertaining reads nevertheless. I'm a recovering "Nice Guy" and sometimes still lapse into it for a bit, but generally I'm over that garbage. My friends occasionally called me out on my "Nice Guy" tendencies, and gradually it sunk in and I started to do something about it. Thats why I posted this, hoping it helps another dude simmering with unexamined/unrecognized hostility and/or entitlement (start to) get over it, (begin to) confront and solve their problems and move on to bigger and better things. Good luck to everyone in your various endeavors.
Who are you?

I don't really know what to say to this, other than "i lol'd".

Sep 3, 2009, 09:03 PM
I have a girlfriend. We've been going out for almost four years, I think. We see each other maybe once a month. I occasionally wonder if I actually like her anymore sometimes but am afraid to break up because I'm a complete loser and I can't see myself finding another girlfriend for a long time.

Just get it over with. You are going down a road that you don't want to go down. Trust me.

Sep 4, 2009, 12:05 AM
Shimmy shimmy shaw shimmy yea, shimmy yea, I see some drunk mother fuckers shimmy yea shimmy ya oh yea.
Fuck relationships, it's all about fucking bitches and hoes.
JK I'm fucked up.

Sep 4, 2009, 12:29 AM
You know what, I really love relationships, and only been in relationships.
I've never been out of one, cept now, and I miss my ex:(
Forgive me, I really do prefer realtionships.
I wish my ex would take me back.

Sep 4, 2009, 07:47 AM
My best friend, who I am rooming with in college this semester, has been getting a lot of flirty texts and pictures from his long-distance-relationship gf in Japan, and it makes me so jealous because she's so pretty and he always describes her as being very sweet. She even has a nice rack... =x

It's almost uncanny: every time I DO see cute girls around college, they're ALWAYS hanging out with guys. ALWAYS. All the girls in our anime club (girls that would share common interests in me) either AREN'T attractive, or already have boyfriends. And every time I turn around, I see one of my old friends or classmates getting married or "hooked up" with someone else. I can't help but feel jealous and sad from it because I've never even had a girlfriend to begin with, and I'm not going to drastically change who I am just because I'm the silent, nerdy type. People should be able to accept you as you are, right?

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this, because I can't stand it... >_<

Sep 4, 2009, 10:24 AM
People will accept you for who you are, but they will never know who you are if you don't put yourself out there. You can't just sit in the back of the room and expect a beautiful woman to fall in your lap. Life doesn't owe you anything, you have to go find what you want. I used to be like that until a started getting into the college party scene way back when. If you don't push your way to the front, nobody will notice you.

Sep 4, 2009, 11:00 AM
If you don't push your way to the front, nobody will notice you....but don't get too carried away :wacko:

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Sep 4, 2009, 11:29 AM
I just be myself. I mean after my harsh breakup with my ex-fiancee I've pretty much had a jaded view of relationships and dating. But now after 4 years I just suddenly stopped caring. Most people would love to die old and grey with they're significant other. I wanna die looking like Zeus. All ripped and stuff with a look that says "I will rip your head off with my butt cheeks!".

Sep 4, 2009, 12:08 PM
...but don't get too carried away :wacko:

Yea, I'm not saying you need to be a dick, but you'll need to take an active approach and not wait for women to come to you.

Sep 4, 2009, 12:28 PM
Yea, I'm not saying you need to be a dick, but you'll need to take an active approach and not wait for women to come to you.

I've been aware of that, but I never know what to say to people I don't know. If I share common interests with someone (for example, someone new I see in the anime club on campus), then it's a lot easier for me to carry on conversations. If I randomly say something to someone I don't know, then I'll get this "who the fuck are you, and what do you want with me?" look from people. Then I just make a fool of myself... I guess I lack that sort of charisma. =x

Also, keep in mind that I'm not the party/frat boy type, so I don't go around looking for some random chick to get drunk with and bang that night. I'm usually very quiet and reserved, and hang out with my closest and most trusted friends. It's just a lot easier for me to talk to people if either I share some sort of common ground, or if they approach me first.

Sep 4, 2009, 12:56 PM
I realize that hanging out with your friends feels safe and comfortable, but if you want to meet people, you're going to need to step outside of your comfort zone. You aren't going to meet anyone hanging out with the same 5 people. Sounds like you may need to work on your self-confidence though. Who fucking cares if they think you're a fool? You'll probably never see them again, and you walk away with a funny story about how you were awkward.

Sep 4, 2009, 01:21 PM
Alright then, answer me this:

You see a really hot girl sitting a few tables down from you in the cafeteria. You don't know her, or anything about her, and she doesn't know you exist, yet you feel compelled to talk to her because she's beautiful. What would you say to her?

Sep 4, 2009, 01:35 PM
You could always start out by saying hello.

Sure, it's not a conversation in itself, and some of us aren't spectacular at building one from there (Heh, believe me, I would know). But it's a start.

Sep 4, 2009, 01:44 PM
Well first, I don't walk up and talk to every pretty girl out there. I have shit to do. :p I usually only approach women that do something to pique my interest. Wearing a shirt from a band/show I like, overhear them talking about something I recognize, or probably the best: watching them screw up something I can do well. :D

Anyway, let's say this girl is wearing a Nevermore t-shirt (one of my favorite bands). Go over, say hello, say you like the shirt and the band, say something to at least show you know what the hell you're talking about, ask her some related question. If you don't get totally shut down (get used to this btw), ask her name. There. You've won half the battle.

Sep 4, 2009, 01:57 PM
Hey, does this rag smell like Chloroform to you ?

Sep 4, 2009, 04:10 PM
You could always start out by saying hello.

Sure, it's not a conversation in itself, and some of us aren't spectacular at building one from there (Heh, believe me, I would know). But it's a start.

A strong blow on the back of the neck does the job pretty well too.

Sep 4, 2009, 06:53 PM
Yeah, but that's hard to get away with in public.

...I would imagine.

Sep 4, 2009, 11:25 PM
Yeah, but that's hard to get away with in public.

...I would imagine.

If you're going to start off with that attitude you might as well break out the tissues and lotion because that's as far as that negative attitude will ever go.

Sep 5, 2009, 12:13 AM
Smile. Seriously.

Sep 5, 2009, 04:40 PM
You can always buy out genetic laboratory and get them to produce/grow a perfect woman and condition her however you like.


Tough, saying hello is cheaper. Quicker too.

Sep 5, 2009, 10:44 PM
A strong blow on the back of the neck does the job pretty well too.

Sounds kind of creepy to me. I wouldn't want some random person breathing on me. o.O

Sep 5, 2009, 10:54 PM
Sounds kind of creepy to me. I wouldn't want some random person breathing on me. o.O

When you feel the breathe, it's already too late. :wacko:

Sep 6, 2009, 03:57 PM
When you feel the breathe, it's already too late. :wacko:That must be some stanky breath... Oh wait, Frenchie. :wacko:

Sep 7, 2009, 07:17 PM
When you feel the breathe, it's already too late. :wacko:

O_O' Oh my...