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Aug 5, 2009, 12:35 PM
just asking why everyone speak shit about FM? i mean u need a melee class in the party? right?:-? someone who take the damage in the frontlines!!!!!:-x not everyone has to be a gunmaster becuz its the easiest class to play witheasy to get the weps and doing tons of damage with the shotgun and laser cannon(highest damage i've seen Shotgun=1300x5 and sometimes x10 or 15 against big monsters per bullet Lasser=1900 per bullet) as it is rightnow on the american server shotgun should get nerf too i'm mean i dont really care about tornado dance and jabroga i got al the other PA to 50 and i love using spiral and absolute dance and of corse breaking some skull with anga dugrega :-x i only use TD against anoying monster like seed venas and all his kind... so stop hating on us !!!!;-)

Aug 5, 2009, 12:47 PM
Yea, same here. I don't frequently play fighmaster, as my favorite class to play is Masterforce, though I've noticed much negativity towards Fighgunner/Fighmaster classes as well. Fighmaster is a fighter class with improved speed: It's fun to play! What gives?

Aug 5, 2009, 12:55 PM
reasons I hate some fighmasters:

spamming TD the whole time

spammng TD on a large enemy that spins(Bil, Rainbow Beast dude)

using the wrong elements on enemies

doing a Jabrago on small enemies, not killing them, and scattering them everywhere(if u can't 1shot the small enemy, don't do it)

Aug 5, 2009, 01:04 PM
It is kinda like when you are behind a slow/horrible driver and you get a look at the person when you pass them and they are old. >_>

Usually when you see people sucking at the game and slowing down the party, they are fighgunner/fighmaster. <_<

Lately, for me in the past couple of days, I have been seeing noobish masterforces. They were stopping the party to buff everyone with lvl 10 buffs while using a rod and would get angry if you left before they could switch rods to cast lvl 10 giresta. And forces that REFUSE to use madoogs... Lame.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:04 PM
reasons I hate some fighmasters:

spamming TD the whole time

spammng TD on a large enemy that spins(Bil, Rainbow Beast dude)

using the wrong elements on enemies

doing a Jabrago on small enemies, not killing them, and scattering them everywhere(if u can't 1shot the small enemy, don't do it)

Your last two reasons can fit for just about every other class though. I see various gunners, melee players, and techers use incorrect and sometimes even the same element attacks on enemies. Also, there are many people who use attacks that cause blowback, not just fighmasters.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:13 PM
Your last two reasons can fit for just about every other class though. I see various gunners, melee players, and techers use incorrect and sometimes even the same element attacks on enemies. Also, there are many people who use attacks that cause blowback, not just fighmasters.
But it is mostly coming from the Figh classes and thats the point.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:16 PM
Your last two reasons can fit for just about every other class though. I see various gunners, melee players, and techers use incorrect and sometimes even the same element attacks on enemies. Also, there are many people who use attacks that cause blowback, not just fighmasters.

I can see ur point on the knockback but the wrong element thing doesn't exactly apply to gunners and forces. U can use a wrong bullet element or technique elem and still do good. Reason for this is the SE the bullet or technique has. Like shocking an enemy so it can't attack or confusing an enemy so it's techniques won't hit u.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:16 PM
Gunners and techers sometimes can't help but use the wrong element on enemies a lot of times, or else their bullets and techs won't be all leveled. We have to level those bullets and techs up to be more useful in your parties. Fighters on the other hand can level their PAs on any element monster if they have the right weapon. It's not like there are six different Dus Majarra skills of each element that you have to level up.

Also, about knockback. The only real thing gunners and techers have for knockback is Grenade launchers (which is very annoying), mayalee prism, and regrants.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:17 PM
And forces that REFUSE to use madoogs... Lame.

This really bugs me....... a force with nothing but rods >.>

Aug 5, 2009, 01:22 PM
Alright, allow me my two cents on all here:

1. My fighmaster - he's temping as a fighmaster to add it to his resume while working on his alt's PAs, and getting the last ONE PA he does use to 50 (which is Gravity Break). Every other PA usable by that class that's not a sword PA isn't even level 31 yet (Spiral Dance is close at 30, but not quite 31 yet). He's a Fortefighter by trade, and a swordsman at that, so unless it's a sword or a saber, or even a twin saber, he doesn't use it (except handguns - he needs to shoot things every now and then).

2. When I do play as fighmaster, I don't try to use annoying skills unless they seriously need to be leveled, and even then I ask if it's ok to use said skills (I have Jabroga at level 1, have yet to even assign it to an axe. Tornado Dance is level 6 or so from using it on the Many Magashis room on Delta C-C.)

3. My gunmaster alt levels her bullets one at a time, until it hits the next boost level (11, 21, 31, 41), then switches to the next weapon. This means if I'm leveling fire bullets, I use fire bullets in my rifle, shotgun, and then laser, in that order, only using an ultimate bullet if the fire bullet for that weapon is already at the next boost level. Yeah, a bit inconvenient at times, but sometimes that one guy burning enemies, or confusing them, or whatever does have its advantages. I'd rather have all my bullets be somewhat alright than have one bullet at 50 and the rest at 11 or so. (They're all 21 right now, except Fire [31] and Killer Shot [27 or 28], and Barada Maga [24].)

4. I'm not a big fan of them either, but I try to be as accommodating as I can. I'll ask if they can stop using Jabroga on every enemy in sight, since it just scatters them about, but that's about it. Some people love them. Some people don't. As long as you're not told "you don't know how to play the game" after playing it since launch, I'd say it's a good day.

Edit: Yeah, when I go out into battle, I take whatever elements I'll need with me, and that's it. I don't carry 6 swords, 6 spears, 6 axes, and 6 doublesabers as fighmaster, I carry 2 swords, 2 doublesabers, an axe, and a spear, and I try to make it equivalent elements between those 6 weapons (for instance, 2 ice weapons, 2 earth weapons, and 2 light weapons for the one Protectors mission). If we go nowhere near a dark enemy for me to use my light spear on, oh well - I guess spear doesn't get leveled until all my useful-element weapons get drained, upon which I spam the spear until it's dead, then switch back to a useful element. I don't use chargers.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:22 PM
Iknowright? Its like a gunmaster that only uses rifles >_>

Aug 5, 2009, 01:26 PM
Because fighmaster is a weak excuse for a fortefighter.....but thats my opinion. I dont like double sabres by the way so that doesnt help either.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:42 PM
Eh, I'd use Fighmaster if it had more than just those four weapons. Then again, my dream of a Swordsman style character, who can use sabers, swords, daggers, and their twin equivalents up to level 50, is a bit "super-customized" to what I want specifically. Maybe just give fighmasters fists? SOMETHING to break up the monotony of their few weapons.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:46 PM
This really bugs me....... a force with nothing but rods >.>

Why is that? I really only use a wand/TCSM combo for resta/reverser/giresta.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:51 PM
What bugs me is Masterforces with Psycho Wands but weak techs that dont justify uber stuff.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:59 PM
I make all FIGHMASTERS look good. My Jabroga one shot kills almost everything and if JA'd, it slaughters everything including motherbrains arms. And Tornado Dance tears through big four legged creatures and keeps them in control and unable to move like the carrigs.

There is NO ONE that can look at my stuff/stats and think I am one of those questionable fighters, not with my high(above 40% weapons) and level 50 PAs.

I'd like to see someone say I'm a horrible fighmaster.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:07 PM
You're a horrible fighmaster. (Just kidding :3)

But in all seriousness - I love the class. My 4 favorite weapons, plus a speed boost? Hot!

You people are indeed predictable...

Aug 5, 2009, 02:11 PM
Why is that? I really only use a wand/TCSM combo for resta/reverser/giresta.

well I'm a serious player so I use the right weapons for each situation. A tech mag does more dps than a rod(a 10/10 Pushan is better than a 10/10 Psycho). So a person using a Ra-tech with a high grind Psycho will be slower than a person with a high grinded Pushan using the same technique. The only times a Psycho will be better than a Pushan is with nos-techs and dam-techs.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:20 PM
just asking why everyone speak shit about FM? i mean u need a melee class in the party? right?:-? someone who take the damage in the frontlines!!!!!:-x not everyone has to be a gunmaster becuz its the easiest class to play witheasy to get the weps and doing tons of damage with the shotgun and laser cannon(highest damage i've seen Shotgun=1300x5 and sometimes x10 or 15 against big monsters per bullet Lasser=1900 per bullet) as it is rightnow on the american server shotgun should get nerf too i'm mean i dont really care about tornado dance and jabroga i got al the other PA to 50 and i love using spiral and absolute dance and of corse breaking some skull with anga dugrega :-x i only use TD against anoying monster like seed venas and all his kind... so stop hating on us !!!!;-)

Interesting how you think that GM is the easiest class to play :)
Because leveling bullets is just as easy as skills right?

Aug 5, 2009, 02:31 PM
well I'm a serious player so I use the right weapons for each situation. A tech mag does more dps than a rod(a 10/10 Pushan is better than a 10/10 Psycho). So a person using a Ra-tech with a high grind Psycho will be slower than a person with a high grinded Pushan using the same technique. The only times a Psycho will be better than a Pushan is with nos-techs and dam-techs.

Even with the 12% elemental boost the PW has over the Pushan? And the fact that a 10/10 PW has almost 440 more Tech than a 10/10 Pushan? I'll have to check that out.

I consider myself a pretty serious player as well and I know the advantages of using a TCSM over a rod, I just found myself completing missions faster using my PW's than using Pushans....but I never really compared them directly.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:43 PM
Run with me. I will show you how a real FM does it.

Aug 5, 2009, 02:58 PM
Even with the 12% elemental boost the PW has over the Pushan? And the fact that a 10/10 PW has almost 440 more Tech than a 10/10 Pushan? I'll have to check that out.

I consider myself a pretty serious player as well and I know the advantages of using a TCSM over a rod, I just found myself completing missions faster using my PW's than using Pushans....but I never really compared them directly.

It's been tested. Inazuma tested this and the Pushan was better. I'll see if I can find the link to the test he made.

EDIT: found the link http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?t=260978

it's a comparison of MF vs. FT but u can see the damage difference between a Pushan and Pwand.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:10 PM
Interesting how you think that GM is the easiest class to play :)
Because leveling bullets is just as easy as skills right?

What does the amount of time invested in leveling P.A.s have to do with difficulty? It's a bit simplistic to say a GM is only point and shoot, because I recognize that it's about knowing the appropriate tool for each particular situation. But it's the same deal for FM, and for them excelling definitely requires more skill overall to time attacks and ensure everything is in range.

Beyond my own experience as someone who's used both types, I think this difference is evident in time attack videos put out by each type. The one's done by GMs are far less impressive than those put out by FMs, at least to me.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:11 PM
It's been tested. Inazuma tested this and the Pushan was better. I'll see if I can find the link to the test he made.

EDIT: found the link http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?t=260978

it's a comparison of MF vs. FT but u can see the damage difference between a Pushan and Pwand.

But I also think it depends on how many casts it takes for you to kill a mob. If you can easily kill them in 1 or 2 casts, then a rod would be the way to go.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:19 PM
But I also think it depends on how many casts it takes for you to kill a mob. If you can easily kill them in 1 or 2 casts, then a rod would be the way to go.

update: I did a test with a lvl160 Sageeta with Foie. 9/9 Psycho vs. 9/9 Pushan.

A Sageeta has 5k HP and the Pushan with lvl50 Foie and lvl2 Buffs did 3k. The Pwanf did 4.1k So it still take 2 casts with the Pwand meaning the Pushan is better.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:23 PM
But I also think it depends on how many casts it takes for you to kill a mob. If you can easily kill them in 1 or 2 casts, then a rod would be the way to go.

This strikes me as a "Thief vs. Brute" debate - the speed a Thief offers can get the job done faster with more hits in less time, but that spends a lot of energy to do it. The brute takes more time, but can kill it in fewer hits than the thief, thus spending less energy to do it. Which is the correct way?

Well, if you want "speed, hot nasty, bad-ass speed," then go with the Pushan. If you want "Hulk smash," then go with a psycho wand. At least, that's how I'm seeing it - some people care about numbers more than dps, and some dps more than numbers. People like me who care about tanking are kinda left high and dry.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:29 PM
so... when did this become about masterforces?

Aug 5, 2009, 03:33 PM
Easy, because FM takes very little effort to be somewhat effective. Scrubby 1-2 month FMs can just level Majarra/Jabroga and can easily buy 30%+ elemental weapons. By far the easiest class to abuse. That's my reason for hating on it, and other melee types.

And TC, you're wrong. GM isn't overpowered. It takes a lot a effort to make it good unlike FM. A 1-2 month GM would most likely be crap. Most good GMs have been playing it for a long time to be able to own everything as you described.

I have a fighmaster as well, but it's only for bragging rights of using all 3 fighting styles. It doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy it. At this point, I already quit masterforce for good, so Gunmaster is the only thing left going for me. FM deserves a nerf before GM does TC.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:42 PM
I'd have to agree that FM complaints are about PA misuse in party play, as I've heard it is a very fun class to play.

Also, not sure why a Force type would neglect TCSMs. MF + Rod + Har / Quick is pretty handy, but 2 Zonde per second with Promoto Pit definitely wins in terms of group damage, yeah? Dunno why any MF would bother buffing. Retaride and go.

Aug 5, 2009, 03:50 PM
But it is mostly coming from the Figh classes and thats the point.

Well since most people playing the melee types are those classes of course it'd mostly come from those :o

Any melee capable class does it(if they're playing like noobs), even acrotechers lol.

Aug 5, 2009, 04:11 PM
It's been tested. Inazuma tested this and the Pushan was better. I'll see if I can find the link to the test he made.

EDIT: found the link http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?t=260978

it's a comparison of MF vs. FT but u can see the damage difference between a Pushan and Pwand.

Interesting numbers and thanks for the link! While I'm not disputing the numbers nor the validity of the person who tested and posted them, I would like to perform my own tests as there is no way I would ever just rely on one person's test.

I mean, there was no mention of the PWand having all dark techs mapped to it (which would boost the damage) nor was there an explanation of how DPS was calculated (did this person add up the damage over 10 seconds and divide by 10? Did they add up the damage over a minute and divide by 60?) Also, this person listed some exception notes at the end of this post AND this test was primarily to test the speed of a MF vs. the power of a FT and not to test PWand v Tech-Mag.

Again, I'm not disputing the numbers but I'd like to perform some tests of my own where I can control the conditions! For instance, a Pwand with four like elements assigned vs. a Pushan with 2 like elements assigned.

Another factor to take into consideration is inventory space. In order to assign 20 different techs, I can either carry 5 Rods or 10 Tech-Mags.

Also, with my play style, I like to have pretty much all of my techs to be readily available to me at all times. Just counting Tech-Mags, I can only have 12 techs ready vs. 24 total available with rods.

I hypothesize that I will find Rods are best in certain situations and Tech-Mags in other situations. The PP on Tech-Mags is a real turn off though!

Thanks for all your help.

Aug 5, 2009, 04:15 PM
If there's any problem I have with the majority of FM I see, it's not that they spam Majarra and Jabroga and nothing else, it's that they spam Tornado Dance ahead to the next room while everyone else who's -not- Fighmaster has to run and get to there just as the last enemy dies. It's inconsiderate and it happens all the time.

Aug 5, 2009, 04:16 PM
Interesting numbers and thanks for the link! While I'm not disputing the numbers nor the validity of the person who tested and posted them, I would like to perform my own tests as there is no way I would ever just rely on one person's test.

I mean, there was no mention of the PWand having all dark techs mapped to it (which would boost the damage) nor was there an explanation of how DPS was calculated (did this person add up the damage over 10 seconds and divide by 10? Did they add up the damage over a minute and divide by 60?) Also, this person listed some exception notes at the end of this post AND this test was primarily to test the speed of a MF vs. the power of a FT and not to test PWand v Tech-Mag.

Again, I'm not disputing the numbers but I'd like to perform some tests of my own where I can control the conditions! For instance, a Pwand with four like elements assigned vs. a Pushan with 2 like elements assigned.

Another factor to take into consideration is inventory space. In order to assign 20 different techs, I can either carry 5 Rods or 10 Tech-Mags.

Also, with my play style, I like to have pretty much all of my techs to be readily available to me at all times. Just counting Tech-Mags, I can only have 12 techs ready vs. 24 total available with rods.

I hypothesize that I will find Rods are best in certain situations and Tech-Mags in other situations. The PP on Tech-Mags is a real turn off though!

Thanks for all your help.

np I just did a test with 9/9 Psycho and 9/9 Pushan. Both weaps took 2 casts to kill a lvl160 Ice Sageeta( both were elemented)and used a lvl50 Foie on them. In the end, the Pushan would kill it faster since u can cast faster.

Aug 5, 2009, 04:21 PM
I must state that I think Gunmaster is pretty easy as well. In the durration of the carnival, I capped a new charecter and got to lvl 20 gunmaster. All lazer PA were 41+. Most shottie PA 41+. and 2 rifle PA were 41+. (Starting off with lvl 1 PA)

The new gunmaster that I made in the carnival easily trumped my masterforce that I have been working on since before Firebreak >_>. But I will agree that GM is harder than FM. However, to have uber weapons for FM is a cajillionbillion times harder than GM.

I was told by a few people that lvling lasers was just as hard as lvling barta and zonde. I can tell you now LOL NOT TRUE AT ALL!!! Rifle PA do take a while though. Its like lvling a tech.

Aug 5, 2009, 04:51 PM
np I just did a test with 9/9 Psycho and 9/9 Pushan. Both weaps took 2 casts to kill a lvl160 Ice Sageeta( both were elemented)and used a lvl50 Foie on them. In the end, the Pushan would kill it faster since u can cast faster.

I'm not saying Pushans aren't better than PWs for ra-techs. They are better imo actually, but that test doesn't prove anything.

Say you were doing 2k dmg per rafoie on the ice sageeta with a pushan. Lets also say you were doing 2.5k dmg with a PW against that same enemy using rafoei also. Lets now assume that the sageeta has roughly 3.5k hp. It would take easily 2 PW casts of rafoie to finish off that sageeta easily and barely killed it with the pushan using rafoei. Of course the pushan is faster to kill it since it casts faster.

Now lets take a tougher enemy with more health. Lets use a simple light sageeta at WB, which probably has about 9k HP if I were to guess. Now it would take 5 casts with a pushan and 4 casts with a PW.

See what I'm saying? I'm agreeing with you that pushan is definitely faster to kill enemies with ra-techs then a PW, but your test was a little one sided due to the fact that usually pushan and PWs don't kill the same enemies in the same number of hits.

Aug 5, 2009, 05:08 PM
You're a horrible fighmaster. (Just kidding :3)

But in all seriousness - I love the class. My 4 favorite weapons, plus a speed boost? Hot!

i love this gurl :-D

Aug 5, 2009, 05:57 PM
i love this gurl :-D

And I love this "gurl"

Aug 5, 2009, 05:57 PM
Nothing is wrong with FM as a class. It's just too many players abuse and misuse it. Every online game has a particular job or class that's like that. PSU is no different. In FFXI, DRK attracted a lot of noobs, and from what I understand in WoW, Paladin does the same thing. Here, it seems FM falls in that category. But that's no reason to hate the class.

Aug 6, 2009, 09:38 AM
Personally, for having wrapped up Fighmaster months ago (capped all PAs), I would basically play it fair-- in the sense that I asked if my party minded me using some specific PAs at the beginning of the mission (notably, Jabroga, Majarra and Tornado Dance; if I was refused, I'd switch PAs to something else or just not spam the weapon type, depending on the situation). It's what I saw so many other FMs spam out exclusively and it was pretty annoying to me AS a FM myself, for spreading things all over the place. Keep enemies in one spot-- it's more fun for the entire party as they can just keep bashing them and thus wind up killing them faster. Oh, and depending on the situation-- let others tag maybe? Just saying.

Aug 6, 2009, 09:42 AM
Now lets take a tougher enemy with more health. Lets use a simple light sageeta at WB, which probably has about 9k HP if I were to guess. Now it would take 5 casts with a pushan and 4 casts with a PW.

Yes, but the argument is that the Tech-mag casts the Tech faster thus 5 casts with a Pushan is faster than or equal to 4 casts with a PW. It is pure DPS or "How can I kill this thing the fastest".

I think my main problem with the Tech-mag is only being able to have two techs on it. I like to use my full pallette of techs. For example, if fighting a group of fire creatures, I would start them out with Barta if they are in a straight line or Rabarta if standing abreast then as they all get closer, I would start Dambarta unless a few get behind or to the sides of me, which I would then use Gibarta. Having all four of those techs on the same powerful rod is much easier than just putting two on a Tech-mag and "making do".

Aug 6, 2009, 10:01 AM
Fighmasters are very easy to pick up - you only need to use two powerful classes before you meet the requirement for it. Gunmaster and Masterforce require you to use a powerful class (at least in theory) and a much weakened version of it. Many would agree that leveling Guntecher or Wartecher after being a Forte-type was a grueling task.

(Okay... arguably, Fighgunner/Fortefighter could be considered weak as well against each other but whatever, muscle head)

With that in mind, Double Agitos/Sweet Deaths are extremely easy to synth/purchase, Ank Zagzas, Bil De Axes and Ank Butis are rampant in player shops, Gekitsnatas, Mugunruks and Huge Cutters are no longer an issue to hunt. Even a Kan Yu for those that can use it, are easy to obtain.

With the flood of S rank Armours provided across player shops, 20 Trimates, 10 Photon Charges and 20 Megistarides available to any player, old or new, it's no surprise that Fighmaster is easy to pick up. Even with Lv. 1 PAs, they are all fairly powerful due to melee weapons' accuracy (probably not Doublesabers though...).

With that 2x PA boost as well..? The most powerful PAs (Absolute Dance, Anga Jabroga, Dus Daggas, Spinning Break) just became ridiculously easier to level. EVERY class became easy to level with that PA boost. I still can't believe people were complaining about how long it was taking to level Rifles, Lasers, SHOTGUNS, CROSSBOWS and well.... anything.

But since it's fun to smash into things with Anga Jabroga/Tornado Dance or fling things all over the place, let them do it. You not in a rush now, are you..?

Aug 6, 2009, 10:14 AM
People hate me when I am FM because I kill things too fast and they whine about tagging/whatever... Many people have called me hacker, kicked me, flamed me via mail, etc.

On contrare, many people really like me because of FM brokenness...

*shrug* You win some you lose some...

Aug 6, 2009, 10:51 AM
Anyone who can dish out 75,000 damage with one attack deserves to be hated.


Aug 6, 2009, 10:53 AM
People hate me when I am FM because I kill things too fast and they whine about tagging/whatever... Many people have called me hacker, kicked me, flamed me via mail, etc.

On contrare, many people really like me because of FM brokenness...

*shrug* You win some you lose some...

Lol I love people who scream hax for no apparent reason.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:30 AM
I used to just ask if they could slow down a bit so I can tag the stuff when I was lower level. Now that I'm higher-level (156 or so, working towards 160), I just ask if I'm killing things too fast when playing with lower-level people, regardless if I'm fighmaster, fortefighter, or hunter. I just like being considerate though, so go figure...

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Aug 6, 2009, 02:11 PM
Honest to god I've been called a speed hacker when I'm playing as Reimu (she's an AF) because of the speed of my attacks. Also everyone seems to use they're strongest skills when I'm on Jotaro (A Hunter). Honestly, I'm surprised this hasn't happened to me.


Aug 6, 2009, 02:21 PM
People who play FM and can't learn to let other players get some EXP tags are the worst. A lot of them would learn something if they tried playing a class like fT in a team of FMs. It can be a pain to get reliable EXP tags when everything gets blown around the room and/or killed in one PA. There's a difference between playing solo for TA and playing in a team. It's no wonder a lot of FMs are hated in teams when they're stuck in 'TA mode' all the time.

Serriously, all they need to do is be more conscious of the other players in the team. Not everyone wants to play FM, and likewise, not everyone wants to see everything get repeatedly killed by the FM Tornado Dancing ahead all the time.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Aug 6, 2009, 02:44 PM
Oh dear god I HATED that. People would equip a double saber and TD ahead of everyone and kill everything. They're excuse: "Well I just want to get to the boss quickly!". Thats BS. Whenever I see that crap I quit the team. I'm not gonna get shafted from a small exp amount (I always tag when I'm in a team.) just because some ass wants to have a "Super fast" run. Chill the hell out dude and put down the Red Bull. Enjoy the mission for Christ's sake. I hate to say it but thats a really "noob"ish move. Right there. In one run I only got a sliver of EXP before getting to the boss. Also, MFs are a pain in the ass as well. Nothing says wonders like a lvl 150+ in an A rank or below mission OHKO'ing a group of enemies with a high level AoE skill while trying to "Help" his/her friend level. Good going sir. Here is a raw sewage container. Crack that puppy open and rub your face in it's contents.

Aug 6, 2009, 02:54 PM
The only thing I hate about FM is that shit goes flying. Other than that, I don't care what class anyone plays.
Other than a techer(for obvious reasons) I don't really even notice what classes other people play. lol. I pay attention to my screen and watch what I'm doing.
Now, if I see things go flying around, I know there's a fighter in the party, and I ask them to stop making shit fly.
If I'm leader (I almost always am since I don't do randoms UNLESS I'm lead). I ask them to stop, up to 3 times before I boot someone. I've only had to boot someone once in almost 3 years. AND that wasn't even for making stuff fly, it was for something else.

Aug 6, 2009, 02:55 PM
I only use Tornado Dance when trying to catch up to other people. Usually I'm running just a tad ahead of them anyway, just so I can go in and at least tag a mob spawn with one sword swing.

Aug 6, 2009, 05:07 PM
I still like my beast as a FM, i don't hate the class even though my cast is being one as well.

Aug 6, 2009, 05:20 PM
My advice to all FM's: only use swords. No one will complain about tagging ever again.

Aug 6, 2009, 05:59 PM
What irritates me, people who bitch about DPS all the time. DPS isn't the only thing important.

Theres also the rule of cool, as such some people will sacrifice a bit of damage to look stylish

Aug 6, 2009, 06:09 PM
Well yeah even I sacrifice DPS for looks, and I'm probably one of the biggest DPS whores out there.

I can't stand double agitos! Much prefer crea doubles/rucars for their looks, even though the have the same DPS.

But there's a fine line between DPS whoring and complete uselessness. Using only swords makes you take up space and makes you less useful than Bruce. At least Bruce will heal you and you do not have to worry about his well-being.

Cloudstrife xx
Aug 6, 2009, 07:17 PM
Haha ive read about 50% of the post on this thread why so much hate on Fighmaster?
1: A Good Fighmaster will speed up your runs and get you more boss run more boss runs = more drops over time
2: struggling to keep up with me while i clear out the entire room of monsters?? come on peole getting exp/lvling in psu isnt that hard and once you are 160 you need not worry right about hitting mobs cause heck id never try to lvl a pa in a random party if i want to lvl a tech/bullet ill go solo

Im always happy when i good fighmaster enters the run makes it even more faster for me(=
Heres Alittle taste of what party of Fighmasters can do!

Im XeMNaS in the video the red coat you can here near the end lol
Kudos to mark for recording the vid

Cant wait for Bruce s2 to come out we will have to run a super fast time on that one also(=

Aug 6, 2009, 09:23 PM
Haha ive read about 50% of the post on this thread why so much hate on Fighmaster?
1: A Good Fighmaster will speed up your runs and get you more boss run more boss runs = more drops over time
2: struggling to keep up with me while i clear out the entire room of monsters?? come on peole getting exp/lvling in psu isnt that hard and once you are 160 you need not worry right about hitting mobs cause heck id never try to lvl a pa in a random party if i want to lvl a tech/bullet ill go solo

Im always happy when i good fighmaster enters the run makes it even more faster for me(=
Heres Alittle taste of what party of Fighmasters can do!
Cant wait for Bruce s2 to come out we will have to run a super fast time on that one also(=

HOLY TOLEDO! That's insane! It makes me want to get my fighter out of his room! Nice video!

Aug 6, 2009, 09:33 PM
GM For the win, and shouldn't be "nerfd" there's plenty of traits a FM is better than a MG at doing.. especially big monsters. The heck yo

Aug 6, 2009, 09:53 PM
just asking why everyone speak shit about FM? i mean u need a melee class in the party? right?:-? someone who take the damage in the frontlines!!!!!:-x not everyone has to be a gunmaster becuz its the easiest class to play witheasy to get the weps and doing tons of damage with the shotgun and laser cannon(highest damage i've seen Shotgun=1300x5 and sometimes x10 or 15 against big monsters per bullet Lasser=1900 per bullet) as it is rightnow on the american server shotgun should get nerf too i'm mean i dont really care about tornado dance and jabroga i got al the other PA to 50 and i love using spiral and absolute dance and of corse breaking some skull with anga dugrega :-x i only use TD against anoying monster like seed venas and all his kind... so stop hating on us !!!!;-)

Its not that players hate the FM class. Players hate the FM's that play it like noobz.

Aug 6, 2009, 10:32 PM
This really bugs me....... a force with nothing but rods >.>

I used to be like this, until I saw a certain thread and watched MF TA videos.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:30 PM
I don't hate any class. I have grown past calling players newbs... we were all newbs at one point.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Aug 6, 2009, 11:36 PM
I just don't like people going on some sorta crazed bloodbath, hacking and destroying everything in they're wake and when they don't get a certain item they piss and moan about not getting it and then kick everyone out because they were being allegedly being dicks.

Aug 7, 2009, 12:11 AM
Fighmaster to me has a poor weapon choice. Fortefighter and fighgunner has a better weapon choice to me since i enjoy claws daggers knuckles and the rest of the weapon choices.
Also fighmaster lacks 1 essential thing! A Pistol which is needed in a growing number of missions with a big portion of them being in events!!

Aug 7, 2009, 12:33 AM
I just don't like people going on some sorta crazed bloodbath, hacking and destroying everything in they're wake and when they don't get a certain item they piss and moan about not getting it and then kick everyone out because they were being allegedly being dicks.

I hate when people act like that as well. The "OMFG, I DIDN'T GET THAT KILLER ELITE BOARD! RAWR RAWR REPTAR!!" attitude just doesn't cut it with me. My response would be "QQ moar, bai!". I can't stand to be around people like that. Want a guaranteed way of a drop going your way? Solo, or find a friend to help you get a drop. Otherwise, you just have to overlook it.

I was lucky enough to get a Killer Elite board the first day Gamma was released and I managed to sell it for 95M. After that day, two Killer Elite boards, an Armas Line board, and many Hizeri / Stamina units dropped. Do I wish I would have gotten those items? Yeah, but everything doesn't go my way. That's the idea that some people need to accept.

Fighmaster to me has a poor weapon choice. Fortefighter and fighgunner has a better weapon choice to me since i enjoy claws daggers knuckles and the rest of the weapon choices.
Also fighmaster lacks 1 essential thing! A Pistol which is needed in a growing number of missions with a big portion of them being in events!!

Fighmaster doesn't have poor weapon choice, just not as much variety as an advanced class.

As far as not being able to accomplish tasks that require a ranged weapon, solutions can include:

Changing that character to another class that isn't Fighmaster or Masterforce.
Switch to another character that specializes in a class that can use ranged weaponry.
Leave the task up to another party member that uses a class that can accomplish such a task.