View Full Version : Beating the Dragon on Hard

Mar 3, 2001, 07:12 AM
Okay, what's the trick?

Every since my RAcast, Decker, hit 20th level, I've been playing the Forest online in Hard mode every now and then (more XP, niftier items, more challenging). While it takes me a while, through cautious work, I make it through the levels just fine (if rather ponderously).

Except for the dragon. Everything I try, does a bunch of big fat zeros to him. Now, I've still gotten XP when he keels over (thanks to the other, more productive members of the party I may happen to be in), but it's starting to get annoying.

I mean, Decker's currently a 36th level RAcast. I got some decent weapons -- nothing overly amazing, but with ATPs in the 450-550 range. But still nuthin' on the big lizard. Is it because I haven't 'offiically' earned the right to play on Hard mode (not having beat the offline game in Normal yet), or do I just suck? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 3, 2001, 07:21 AM
you have to hit it in the neck/head. Thats all. Use a gun or spells, or a sabre when it lyes down. But don't let it flame you, as it does heaps of damage - but anyway - HIT THE HEAD!

Mar 3, 2001, 06:19 PM
Hmm, while I usually targetted the body, I seem to recall my headshots weren't doing any damage either (I like shotgun-type weapons, so it pretty much covers all the areas on the darned beastie). But I'll try it again, and be a bit more specific in my aiming, and see what happens. Thanks!

Mar 3, 2001, 06:22 PM
Actually, you can hit anywhere you want during the majority of the fight, but at one point (after you have done a decent amount of damage) the Dragon will actually put it's head down on the ground... this is when you need to start wailing away on his head in neck. He is most vulnerable now.

Mar 3, 2001, 10:48 PM
Another thing to remember is that, for level Hard and Very Hard, the dragon is immune to weapons that aren't specific to Nature monsters. Find yourself a weapon that has a + for nature monsters, the higher the better, and you should be able to take him down.

Mar 3, 2001, 11:13 PM
Hard mode isnt suggested for people lvl20 because it worse than being lvl1 on normal.

Mar 3, 2001, 11:18 PM
ah, im just level 22, but i find hard mode is fine when you're in a team, albeit, a team that has at least two level 30+ members. But then it's fine, especially as i can use magic alot to do lots of hits from a distance and get lots of EXP.

I wouldn't do it offline though. Currently the ruins are still v hard on offline, but caves and mines are fine, although Da Rol Le is still hard, although i've never died to him.

Mar 3, 2001, 11:21 PM
I don't know what you're talking about, NeoSigma. The dragon is not immune to weapons without a bonus to Native.

Anyway, Socrates, I'd use a type other then a shotgun for the Dragon. Although it is possible to do damage to the body, you'd need a pretty damned good weapon, (At your level, anyway) and even then, it'd be better to just focus on the head. Since you're a RAcast, I'd suggest you use a rifle type.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: RuneX on 2001-03-03 20:23 ]</font>