View Full Version : Fomar weopons

Aug 7, 2009, 07:22 PM
What would be the best weopons for a FOmar any lvl:???:

Aug 7, 2009, 07:36 PM
Fire Scepter: Agni

Aug 8, 2009, 04:11 PM
Depends on whether you're using him for melee or spells. For casting, the fire scepter is very useful, for melee, just wait for one of the many posters here who play them that way to tell you, because I don't really know.

Aug 9, 2009, 10:13 PM
Varies greatly by level and what you're trying to do with them.

What version are you playing? And if GC, are you offline or online?

Is this Fomar your "main" character, or a diversion from playing your main?

Answer those, and I can give you some more specific suggestions.

Aug 9, 2009, 10:23 PM
Magnus_84- here's more info on his character...
-Section ID is Redria
-he is offline on gamecube.
-is his main character.
-current level is 32. and rising
-my brother's main reason is to cast magic/spells (whatever you want to call it) and attack with a range projectile like with the hildebear's cane. idk if it's the special attack or not (cant remember) but it fires a fire tech at enemies..
-He will not really get up close (or at all) unless ambushed like say by a delsaber or any enemies that rush him.

I know he was kind of vague about his post, i'm sorry so i hope this helps everyone who answers this thread out a bit ^^

Aug 9, 2009, 10:40 PM
Alright. Well...the main reason people build Fomar to use its ATP is due to playing online, where tech damage is absolutely horrid. If you're offline, that's not nearly the case. However, the available boosts for techs kinda suck. The biggest chunk of your damage is going to come from tech level. MST boosting is great for early levels, but I wouldn't suggest devoting materials to its usage.

My usual wall of text is far more detailed than your brother will need. .

You won't really be able to "hunt" much of anything that's worth hunting until much later on (like...when you're in Ultimate).

For now, use a Wand-type weapon for its MST boost. You'll eventually want to upgrade to something that provides a % boost to technique damage.

As far as tech boosts go, the best readily obtainable ones are:

-Fire Scepter Agni (as Viewtiful mentioned)
-Storm Wand Indra
-Ice Staff Dagon

In roughly that order. You want them because they provide a 20% boost to all three levels of techs in their given element.

Check the item databases here (linked on the left-hand side) for information on them. Yellowboze and Purplenum (both pretty good Fomar IDs) can find at least the first two, if not all three. Pinkal finds more of all of them than you'll ever need, but I wouldn't suggest making a Pinkal just for them.

Aside from your wand, grab a Handgun-type weapon. If you have a higher-leveled friend, have them buy you a nice Autogun, Lockgun, Railgun or Raygun from the shop. Look for something with a number in the "Hit %" row, and a Charge or Heart/Mind/Soul special. Charge spends meseta to do more damage, while Heart/Mind/Soul restore your TP.

You'll mainly want the gun to keep around for single enemies and bosses that are hard to hit with techs.

I'd highly suggest building a Mind mag for starters (pump -Fluid type items down its throat as much as you can). In Normal-Very Hard, tech damage is still relevant. If you happen to run into a spare mag in your trips through the Mines, hold on to it. Eventually, you may want to raise a Pow/Dex mag to use with Slicers/Mechguns/Handguns.

The combination of those three weapon types with your offensive techniques will give you a tool for nearly any situation, even in Ultimate.

But that's at least 40 levels off. For right now, grab a Wand-type weapon, feed your mag fluids and go nuts with tech casting. If you find any "Material" type items, save them in your bank. Don't use them. It's better to have a plan in mind for what you're doing, as the numbers of each you can use are limited.

Aug 9, 2009, 10:48 PM
nicely put magus. i'll tell him this when he gets back from vacation. mean while i'll be the one leveling his character up for the week to come. :( bummer lol. but thanks for the tip ^^
Force characters aren't the easiest to level up so these tips do help alot. thanks

Aug 9, 2009, 10:55 PM
Protip: Learn to time your casts so you can finish casting and move out of melee range before they can hit you. Running away like a pansy works fine, as they'll be dead long before they'll be able to start making fun of you.

Protip 2: After they're about level 10, keep Deband up all the time, and use Jellen on anything that you think will be able to hit you with a physical attack.

Protip the 3rd: Gilchic lasers are not physicals. :(

Aug 10, 2009, 01:55 AM
Protip the 3rd: Gilchic lasers are not physicals. :(

Protip 3a: God/HPs are a godsend, and may let you actually get the full use out of lvl 30 Resta.