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Aug 18, 2009, 12:55 PM
So, I'm curious as to the customization options that everyone's been planning out in their head with the upcoming release of the supplemental update (I'll just call it ver3 for simplicity). This thread is for listing your class and style customization plans along with any commentary on the upcoming system updates.

I'll kick things off by listing my own ideas.

With all the AP requirements, I have even less reason to think about branching into multiple characters. And, as a die-hard Cast, it kind of saddens me to see humans get double the customization slots for each class. But at least it will silence some of the complaints and make more Illuminus members. (...I can't wait to see human supremacy titles and signatures...) But, overall, I like the idea and it seems pretty fair.

My main classes are Acrotecher and Acrofighter, so I guess I'll start with my thoughts on those. For AT, it's obvious that I'll go for cards, twin handguns, and twin daggers to get the tier changes. Then I'll just use the other 7 levels to add element plus to all of them and the other melee options. That leaves one level which I guess will go to my whips. For AF, its looking like I'll just give twin handgun, saber, dagger, claw, and slicer one level up each and an element plus each.

The other classes running through my mind right now are Guntecher and Protranser. For Guntecher, it's relatively easy: one level up for each of their melee options (full saber and dagger combos, finally...) and one level up for every gun except rifles and handguns. For Protranser, I'll go for all 5 levels of axe (since I'd be insane to pass up the growth of Jabroga) and then one for each gun that I'd use. Don't know what to do with the last slot yet.

As for base abilities, ATP and STA for everything. The STA is mainly to make up for the Paradi nerf and add death immunity to every class I play without bothering to deal with Vijerina / Resist. The ATP is just because everything else is pretty useless.

With special abilities, tech classes will get support range and everything else will get Exact Counter +. Every class will get Exact Attack +. Not really interested in Full Custom Power just because I'm too lazy and too cheap to grind things to 10.

I won't touch attribute proficiencies anytime soon out of Cast pride. Though I do hope they one day decide to add an option to up GT's support to 31+.

As far as style, the things that interest me right now are Element Weapon, Stun Crusher (for my Adac collection), Enchant Stun, Enchant Death (why not?), Element Field, Middle Grade Trap, and Two Times.

For the order, major tier changes come first (bullets, AT twin daggers, GT melee) and then stamina (whenever it's released), and then PT Jabroga. After that, probably Element Weapon, Element Field, and Middle Grade Trap. I'll deal with the rest as it's released over the next six months to a year...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the supplemental update came earlier than expected, as AoI did, but I don't want to get my hopes up either.

Aug 18, 2009, 01:22 PM
Hrm. This is a hard one for me, since I'm currently only using 2 of my 4 character slots (still thinking on what to do with the other two) and neither one has capped their job or level yet.

My CAST Fortefighter/Protranser will likely specialize in axes, however, to capitalize on her high ATA relative to all the beast fighter-types. Maybe that'll matter when they un-break Jabroga, anyway. My beast is a Fighgunner; perhaps I'll have her master something like twin daggers to capitalize on her high ATP and compensate for her ATA issues. And you know working on twin pistols is a must for a Fighgunner.

Aug 18, 2009, 03:13 PM
I'm still not exactly sure how it all works (will probably be wrong and going pass limits or not even using enough within the limits in most cases...) but I'm gonna try something like:

- ATP/TP+ all the way: For my CAST characters I may dip into the STA category after seeing how all my END ends up adds up from the Paradi nerf. Probably won't bother though as I'm hoping to have a Vijerina/resist by the time GAS is even released here.

- Exact Damage+: seems to be the more flexible option for me. I don't have all 10/10 weapons to make the most out of Full Custom Power. My GM/MF are still left out in the cold though I guess. They don't block enough to make Exact Counter+ worthwhile I would think.

WEAPON/STYLES (eh, even more confusing.)
Shield Styles, Elemental Field seems to be the only one I would bother with so I would use them on all my character classes. Extras, it's either Wild Blast for my Beast, Middle Grade Trap for PT, and I dunno what for whoever is left since the rest of the Extras doesn't seem so great (unless Two Times turns out to be awesome? There is no info on it in psupedia). I may try Trusty Parnter for lulz see how much more Tylor/Bruce can hit for when solo'ing.

More class specific stuff (tl:dr unless you care)
- AF: only thing I'm sure of tweaking is Slicer and Knuckle/Twin Claws. Lately I haven't been very impresse AF's Twin Handgun (Using 10/10 Twin Ruby) and not sure if lv.31+ would really make a HUGE difference as I'll like without Element Weapon, at least not enough to sacrifice leveling up other weapons for it.

Element Weapon seems like a safe, easy choice but I'm liking the idea of Burn or Virus Crusher when taking down big mobs since I burn/virus them first anyways before taking them down. Freeze/Stun/Sleep Crusher with proper Srank RCSM could really improve Slicer spam. There are a lot of interesting combos I want to try with this class when GAS hits so what I want to do with this class isn't set in stone like some of my others.

- PT: Think I'll put more effort into bullets than melee with this class (shotgun/lasers) though I may think about Jaborga. They probably won't suffer that much from the ATA nerf since they can prep Jaborgas with EX Freeze but I'll have to see how bad it is in practice. Seems like they can enjoy many interesting options from the Crusher abilities too but think I'll just use Elemental Weapon to further enhanced the guns.

- AT: Whip, Dagger/Saber, Twin Handgun or Cards (seeing how they compare all when it's all said and done) tweaking. Torn between Element Weapon (to further make range weapon less sucky) or Stun Crusher for Adac spam. Enchant Stun also interested me some on this class.

Masters: Will they be all to use all Damage+ abilities at one time or I'm not reading it right? If so then not really much to explain on that part.

My FM will probably be using Sleep Crusher for Sleep Trap > Jaborga spam or just roll with Elemental Weapon if the former isn't as amazing I think it is. GM and MF will be using Elemental Weapon. MF will also be using Limit Breaks. They can use them all at once right? If not then Diga/Foie will take the most priority for big mob/bosses (still not the best option but a much improvement, been waiting on something like this a long time).

Pretty sure I messed up somewhere.

Aug 18, 2009, 03:24 PM
I'll probably be switching my Beast GM over to Guntecher and upgrade all her shotgun bullets to at least 42, Support Range+, Shotgun Element+, Elemental Weapon, and Elemental Field.

Aug 18, 2009, 03:45 PM
There's not many difficult decisions to make. It's rather cookie cutter actually...

Weapon Style: Elemental Weapon is generally the best in every situation that doesn't involve fighting neutral enemies with A rank weapons. For Lasers and Techs, the appropriate Crusher in a single element mission isn't bad, though it won't necessarily help you kill faster if you have bad luck on landing status early enough. Whip users just need to match their whip and they can use it any mission.

Shield Style: Ragan's Breath / Force, Trimates heal you to full regardless, so taking 10 less damage from Elemental Field, or having another 200/350hp pool doesn't change much. Of course the types with higher base HP will be marginally better off with Elemental Field, but 200/350hp in GAM is a 30-50% increase for those missions, much more useful.

Extra Style: Two times saves you the hassle of scrolling to your buff item and back to trimate once or twice a mission. Photon Crafter saves you a trimate over the course of a mission if you're a pure techer. Mid-grade trap is obvious for PT but it's not going to change much. Trusty Partner is 25% damage boost to your npcs, but...they're npcs.

Stats: Going for stats to make trivial S2/S3 stuff easier comes after allocating points for GAM. Which usually means DFP to equip Serafi, and then enough ATA/ATP until you can equip the next rank up of weapons. As an example, GM with 2 in DFP = Serafi = LKK = 500-600 per shotgun bullet. GM with 0 in DFP = no armor = no unit = 200 per shotgun bullet. Race/type will be the main factor in how much you have leftover to throw in luxuries like stamina.

Special: Full Custom Power if you have 10/10. Exact Damage+ is a must for anyone using Skill PAs. Counter damage only applies to the first part of the combo, similar to the invincibility during Counters. Great if you don't grind to 10/10, else get FCP instead. Attack Range+ increases distance traveled and area of effect for all techs, it's a must have. Support Range+ can be mitigated by choosing more ideal times to buff. FT/AT should only be buffing mid-mission one time anyways if your party is at all decent. WT/GT buffs are such a pitiful increase over item buffs that I'll just use that if they're too slow or I miss it.

Weapons: First level in all bullets you plan on using, first level in skills if it means an extra combo hit. Element+ for the rest. The fewer weapons you're attached to using, the less this category will hassle you. Ick Hick, Spinning Strike, Jabroga, Grenades, and Longbows are the most worthwhile for a full 40~50 (30~40 Jabroga) treatment. At least in terms of pure % gained anyways, Spinning Strike really isn't as useful as the rest of those!

Attributes: MF has room for all limits and support+. Everyone else gets one in every element they plan on using, then max earth obviously. If you aren't a cast fill up with light, Regrants is very nice for locking down Ardites and other Dark stuff once the damage reflection is toned down.

Aug 18, 2009, 04:23 PM
Just a random question for enchant weapon styles, is it just for melee or would it work with a photon-less gun or (mayalee prism) just a melee weapon with no SE? If it could work with mayalee prism(or photonless laser) I'm so getting enchant death on it for PT for the lol robot missions >.>

I'd be surpised if it did work but still its only se 1 >.>

Aug 18, 2009, 04:31 PM
I honestly don't think I could bring myself to waist points on raising DFP just to play as Gunmaster in the new challenge mode. My pride would force me to either stick to something with enough DFP to equip Serafi or just pull out an old A rank armor and play Fortegunner.

And thanks for the notes Ceresa. I never would have thought about using Ragan's Breath for that.

Aug 18, 2009, 04:39 PM
Weapons: First level in all bullets you plan on using, first level in skills if it means an extra combo hit. Element+ for the rest. The fewer weapons you're attached to using, the less this category will hassle you. Ick Hick, Spinning Strike, Jabroga, Grenades, and Longbows are the most worthwhile for a full 40~50 (30~40 Jabroga) treatment. At least in terms of pure % gained anyways, Spinning Strike really isn't as useful as the rest of those!

The PT will have one heck of a time trying to get all those up to the new skill caps.


I honestly don't think I could bring myself to waist points on raising DFP just to play as Gunmaster in the new challenge mode. My pride would force me to either stick to something with enough DFP to equip Serafi or just pull out an old A rank armor and play Fortegunner.

No S-rank armor means no S-rank arm slot. Why gimp your gunner like that?

To be honest, most of these boosts are for the /R missions alone. It's not like we need the added damage as the normal missions are already too easy.

Aug 18, 2009, 05:10 PM
Title of thread: "Dealing with GAS."Use Rolaids.

But seriously, I'll contribute my thoughts on this when I better understand the concept of GAS. All I know as of now is I'll be boosting HP/ATP, get some of my PAs to 42, and acquire that passive skill/trait/whatever that adds elemental % to your weapons.

Aug 18, 2009, 05:25 PM
No S-rank armor means no S-rank arm slot. Why gimp your gunner like that?

To be honest, most of these boosts are for the /R missions alone. It's not like we need the added damage as the normal missions are already too easy.

It's not really needed, it's more a pride and optimization issue given the constraints of how much I care about certain things. But, anyway, as I mentioned, my ideal solution was just not to play as a class that I couldn't equip Serafi as already. Which only leaves me with every hunter-related option. The STA will actually come up and the ATP is merely a matter of my annoyance with human Acro capable of completely surpassing Cast in output, even if it is just by 2%, only on a few weapons, and there's still the whole SUV thing. But even that doesn't explain why I'd care on a class like Gunmaster, much less Fortegunner. I guess you can consider it an evaluation of how much I expect to play the /R missions.

So I'll let someone else do it.

Aug 18, 2009, 05:59 PM
The PT will have one heck of a time trying to get all those up to the new skill caps.

Cast PT is the main one that has a difficult choice. Of those I listed, Jabroga, Grenade, and Longbow are the important ones. If you don't play enough for a good Axe collection, then Grenade + Longbow is probably no contest. If you do have good Axes, then Jabroga is useful for clearing missions and bosses, as opposed to Grenades just for bosses.

As for Longbows, there are few situations on PT where you will use them outside of level 5 burn. At the current state of JP PSU, the only worthwhile mission with a flying boss is Dark God S2. How often you run that mission (or Dimma/Onma S3 if you enjoy them) will determine its value. Otherwise customizing for a future where they will enjoy widespread usefulness is dubious since that future may never come. Also, depending on how many other types you want to play on that character, the day may come when you can just recustomize every few days to adjust to different missions.

Moving on,

For /R missions, if you aren't in any hurry to do them as they're released, the 2nd Stage Sacred Stream is by far the best way to accumulate AMP once it's released. Enemies here have massively reduced stamina, making Killer Shot the most efficient way to kill everything except the Ubakradas, Beed Groode, and Sinow. For those you'll want a Spear or Dagger. Which pretty much screams Fortegunner. Adding to this is that all units are banned from this mission, so spending DFP to equip Serafi and S units won't help you here.

You'll still need to suffer through the first stage missions for 500 points to be eligible to play that one, but if you don't mind otherwise ignoring the other 5 /R missions, then customizing for regular missions is viable.

The benefits of the other R missions are as follows:

De Ragan: Fastest way to accumulate beef weapons for Delivery Points.
Onma: Completely worthless!
Dimma: Fastest way through Stage 1 points with a good group
Linear Line: Fastest way to get Photon Boosters for the various trade-ins, like the best (by 40atp!) grenade: Tippo Dogma+
Agata: Only source of Shag Hodogg (4 way shotgun fire) and Photon Boosters

Aug 18, 2009, 06:02 PM
Use Rolaids.

Lol, I totally misread this thread's title too... XD

I'm all for earning ways to upgrade your character's stats... but Sega better make some damned good harder missions or something, otherwise the game's just going to get even easier. Even worse, people will be fooled into thinking they have "something to do" earning these points if there aren't any good areas where you really NEED the extra power at max levels. It'd just promote further Zerg-rushing, which PSU SERIOUSLY does NOT need any more of. I'd like to see some tactics in fighting, other than LOL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IT TILL IT DIES LOOK AT THE BIG NUMBARZ. =/

Aug 18, 2009, 06:21 PM
Eh, a few notes and clarifications I'd like to make.

First, I agree with Heiro_Glyph entirely that the boosts really won't do much in regular missions. As I said, my decisions will be primarily based on pride more than anything else. It's really just about equipping nicer gear, such as DFP for Serafi-senba and ATP/TP/ATA for your favorite gear that's just above your level 20 natural stats. STA is the only one that actually will make a difference afterward, and that's still not that big a deal as you can equip a stamina unit, a resist unit, or just take the occasional death. I'm just stubborn and like the idea of being able to spam Paradi and never worry about Megid without running Howzer however many times it takes.

Second, I really couldn't resist a GAS joke.

Third, I'm tempted to claim undying love for Ceresa for pointing all these things out.

Aug 19, 2009, 11:02 AM
I'm interesting in using the Style customization options, Guard Crush or either photon shield and/or photon barrier. This will go on my main.
I'm going to give provoke a shot and see what it does when I put it on my Beast.
My techer will uses either Rapid React or Solid Body.
Not sure what would be good for my cast.

Aug 19, 2009, 11:05 AM
Use Rolaids.

I was waiting for one of these.
If there were no comments like this, I was going to make a decent, probably overused joke. :(

I still have no idea what exactly GAS is, cause I'm too lazy to read everyone's tl;dr posts.
I guess when the time comes, I'll either have to read, or go in ignorant as to what it is.

Aug 19, 2009, 11:10 AM
I was waiting for one of these.
If there were no comments like this, I was going to make a decent, probably overused joke. :(

I still have no idea what exactly GAS is, cause I'm too lazy to read everyone's tl;dr posts.
I guess when the time comes, I'll either have to read, or go in ignorant as to what it is.


I was orginally going to make a GAS joke myself but I was busy at work when I made my first post so didn't have the time to :o

Aug 19, 2009, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the link, I'll read up when I get a chance.
EDIT: I was scanning through, I'm glad I used my PA boost time to cap techs and MF.
I'm gonna have lots of fun as MF :D

Aug 19, 2009, 12:59 PM
looking at the base abilities, u can increase ur atp by 120 if u got all four levels of atp+?

also does the enchant thing add the SE to all your weapons or just one specific one?

Aug 19, 2009, 01:11 PM
well i've been looking through GAS and honestly i'm still not 100% on how it all works (in terms of what i can use on each character and how many times it can be used etc.)

so until it actually comes out i dont really have any idea what i will use it for yet.

Aug 19, 2009, 06:58 PM
The more GAS you have... the more unique you'll stand out when it's released..

Man, that was rotten...

... and that...

Aug 20, 2009, 02:14 AM
Based on what we know, this is what I am going to get:

Beast Fighmaster

Base abilities:
Base ATP+ LV4
Base ATA+ LV2

Special abilities:
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Attack Damage+ LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV1

Weapon proficiencies:
Sword Damage+ LV1
Spear Damage+ LV1
Double Saber Damage+ LV1
Axe Damage+ LV1
Sword Element+ LV1
Spear Element + LV1
Double Saber Element + LV1
Axe Element + LV1

Weapon style:
Sleep Crusher

Shield style:
Ragan's Force

Extra style:
Wild Blast

CAST Gunmaster

Base abilities:
Base ATP+ LV4
Base DFP+ LV2

Special abilities:
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2

Weapon proficiencies:
Rifle Damage+ LV1
Shotgun Damage+ LV1
Laser Cannon Damage+ LV1
Twin Handgun Damage+ LV1
Rifle Element+ LV1
Shotgun Element + LV1
Laser Cannon Element + LV1
Twin Handgun Element + LV1

Weapon style:
Elemental Weapon

Shield style:
Ragan's Force

Extra style:


Newman Masterforce

Base abilities:
Base TP+ LV4
Base DFP+ LV4

Special abilities:
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2
Attack Range+ LV1

Weapon proficiencies:
Rod Damage+ LV1
Wand Damage+ LV1
TCSM Damage+ LV1
Rod Element+ LV1
Wand Element+ LV1
TCSM Element+ LV1

Attribute proficiencies:
Limit Break Foie LV1
Limit Break Barta LV1
Limit Break Zonde LV1
Limit Break Diga LV1
Limit Break Megid LV1

Weapon style:
Weapon Mastery

Shield style:
Quick React

Extra style:
Photon Crafter


Human Acrofighter

Base abilities:
Base ATP+ LV4
Base ATA+ LV1
Base DFP+ LV1
Base EVP+ LV4

Special abilities:
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Attack Damage+ LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2

Weapon proficiencies:
Knuckle PA LV+ LV5
Twin Claw PA LV+ LV5
Slicer PA LV+ LV5
Twin Handgun PA LV+ LV1
Knuckle Element+ LV1
Twin Claw Element + LV1
Slicer Element + LV1
Twin Handgun Element+ LV1

Weapon style:
Guard Crush

Shield style:
Quick React

Extra style:

EDIT: Removed Guard Crush from Masterforce since I didn't know at the time that Guard Crush doesn't work for them since I didn't understand it properly, until now.

Aug 20, 2009, 03:35 AM
Don't forget about the /R missions!

Everyone always has a plan until they realize that they will be unable to equip any weapons at 20/20 (even a male CAST GM will need to invest into ATA in order to be able to equip an Adahna Degahna Cannon).

Aug 20, 2009, 03:46 AM
Newman Masterforce

Base abilities:
Base TP+ LV4
Base DFP+ LV4

Special abilities:
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2
Attack Range+ LV1

Weapon proficiencies:
Rod Damage+ LV1
Wand Damage+ LV1
TCSM Damage+ LV1
Rod Element+ LV1
Wand Element+ LV1
TCSM Element+ LV1

Attribute proficiencies:
Limit Break Foie LV1
Limit Break Barta LV1
Limit Break Zonde LV1
Limit Break Diga LV1
Limit Break Megid LV1

Weapon style:
Guard Crush

Shield style:
Quick React

Extra style:
Photon Crafter


Of all types, why Guard Crush on a MF, which is incapable of melee.

There's no point in such elaborate plans anyway, since ST drip-feeds the customs and you won't be able to get it all at once anyway. Most of the time you'll have more than enough custom slots to fit everything.

Aug 20, 2009, 02:10 PM
Don't forget about the /R missions!

Everyone always has a plan until they realize that they will be unable to equip any weapons at 20/20 (even a male CAST GM will need to invest into ATA in order to be able to equip an Adahna Degahna Cannon).

At the same time, you could just equip any other laser cannon in the game...

But, as I said, I'm really not that devoted to the new challenge mode.

Aug 20, 2009, 02:59 PM
At the same time, you could just equip any other laser cannon in the game...

But, as I said, I'm really not that devoted to the new challenge mode.

I agree, but this is just one example and the GM has a huge ATA pool (higher than any other base requirement stat for any type) and if they have trouble equipping just one weapon imagine what that will mean for the other types.

Also, the challenge modes are about the only thing that will keep me playing PSU. The game is too easy at the higher levels and as long as we keep getting level cap increases without any higher level enemies the game will only continue to get easier. Add to that the GAS stuff and why bother?

Aug 20, 2009, 03:18 PM
Is the challenge really going to be that challenging anyway? I mean, when you think about it, A rank gear alone adds enough accuracy to give you a 90% hit rate against level 30-40 enemies without even taking base ATA into account. Add to that the higher class level, the stronger classes, Ragan's Breath, and the better gear and you'll have an easier time fighting them than you did as a level 50 right when this game was first released. And then you can still add in buffs.

Aug 20, 2009, 07:51 PM
Is the challenge really going to be that challenging anyway? I mean, when you think about it, A rank gear alone adds enough accuracy to give you a 90% hit rate against level 30-40 enemies without even taking base ATA into account. Add to that the higher class level, the stronger classes, Ragan's Breath, and the better gear and you'll have an easier time fighting them than you did as a level 50 right when this game was first released. And then you can still add in buffs.

Yeah, it was mostly wishful thinking on my part. I really don't know how much longer I can stay with PSU. The game just seems to have become stagnant of late. SEGA seems to have shown their hand with the Supplemental Update as it is more about making them money than it is scaling enemies to keep the players interested. Given the slow trickle of content I would be curious to know if we have even unlocked everything that was included on the disc already.

Anyway, you are probably right. I just keep trying to justify things to myself in order to keep me interested in playing. Hopefully I will still be around to test these things out once we finally get the Supplemental Update.

Aug 20, 2009, 08:05 PM
If you make an honest effort at preparation they're very easy. 30% armor and they'll hit like chumps. 0% armor and you can still do it easily, just have to actually use your dimates. 300% mob HP is the only thing they have and it doesn't really hold up well against Type20 stats, 9★ and up weapons, and lvl 40+ PAs. Of course going all out with AP/race/type/weapon optimization will let 2 players clear as fast as 4 randoms, but that's pretty much PSU in general.

And of course everyone gets equal AMP reward, so there's no real penalty to stacking with as many warm bodies as you can find to speed it up. The rare drops and DP rewards are largely novelties. And I've never ever been in a party where the 5 death penalty to lose S grade was reached.

Aug 20, 2009, 08:18 PM
Of all types, why Guard Crush on a MF, which is incapable of melee.

Oh, it doesn't work with MF? Based off of the description on PSUPedia (Makes it possible to knock an enemy down by successfully guarding against its attack.), it seemed like you would just have to successfully block an enemy's attack and it would receive a knockdown effect. I guess that's not how it works?

Aug 20, 2009, 08:34 PM
I have a question about the various stat ups: are they applied before or after the class modifier? In other words, would a 30 ATP increase become a 55 ATP increase to Fortefighter?

Aug 20, 2009, 08:39 PM
Modifier's don't apply at all, it's a static increase regardless of type or type level or race.

Aug 20, 2009, 10:02 PM
I agree, but this is just one example and the GM has a huge ATA pool (higher than any other base requirement stat for any type) and if they have trouble equipping just one weapon imagine what that will mean for the other types.
That's why you don't play those types in R missions...
Fortes work fine until the first wave of stat customs, then GM and FM(male beast onry) can come into play and the missions just get a whole lot easier. Sometimes being able to boost your DFP by 20 means the difference between an A rank armor and an S rank armor (and a whole lot more ATP from your S rank unit).

Even now, the quickest way to earn AMP in R mode is to spam Sacred Stream/R, with killer shot... (No slots allowed in your armor, but enemies have unusually low stamina and KS quickly takes care of all enemies apart from a few mid bosses)

I guess that's not how it works?
Guard Crush - When an enemy guards against your attack, there's a slight chance that you'll be able to penetrate their defenses causing them to take 1 damage and downing them.

Aug 20, 2009, 10:19 PM
so it still usesless with a MF since Techs never miss, lol

Aug 21, 2009, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the explanation Lina!

Aug 25, 2009, 10:46 AM
Here's how I would use it.

Base Abilities
HP+ x2
ATP+ x2
ATA+ x1
MST+ x1
STA+ x3

Special Abilities
Exact Attack Damage+

Weapon Proficiencies
Sword Damage+ x2
Spear Damage+ x3
Axe Damage+ x3
Double Saber Damage+ x2

Weapon Style
Elemental Weapon

Shield Style
Elemental Field or Solid Body

Extra Style
Two Times!

Aug 25, 2009, 11:23 AM
In b4 merge with this thread http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168231

Aug 29, 2009, 04:34 PM
Am I able to switch so for new lvl ups? As in I'm a beast Imma get lvl 50 sabers and claws. When I get them to 50, can I switch them out and lvl knuckles and etc to 50?

Sep 2, 2009, 06:06 PM
I play a MF and was wondering about the LB. Am I limited to only one or can I get LB diga and then get LB Megid.

Sep 2, 2009, 06:42 PM
I play a MF and was wondering about the LB. Am I limited to only one or can I get LB diga and then get LB Megid.

yes u can get all of them.

Sep 12, 2009, 09:14 PM
Can striking weapons have any of the "Enchant" Abilities?

Like for example: Muktengek with Shock

Sep 12, 2009, 09:58 PM
Can striking weapons have any of the "Enchant" Abilities?

Like for example: Muktengek with Shock

Crusher adds an SE to your weapon, but it does not work if your weapon/PA has an SE already.

Oct 14, 2009, 07:24 AM
When I had last played PSU I was a bit disgruntled with the lack of things to do. The Supplemental update was just announced and I knew it would be at least 6 - 8 months before we would get it in the US. From reading PSUpedia I'm a little uncertain about how many AP you get & how to spend my points once earned. I'm sure many on this board have been comtemplating for months on how they will spend their points. So list the things you will do, how you will spend those points, and don't forget to add what Race / class you are. Here's a little of what I believe I can do.

Human - Male - Guntecher
Weapon Proficiency points - 20pts

Crossbow Bullets - lv 50 - 6pts
Twin Handgun Bullets - lv 50 - 6pts
Longbow Bullets - lv 50 - 6pts

For the rest of the "customization" I don't exactly know how it works. I believe I get 8 pts in attributes:

ATP Modifier lv 4 - 4pts
TP Modifier lv 4 - 4pts

Then beyond that I have no idea what I'd spend on the other categoroes?

So if anyone has their classes mapped out already I'd love to see their plans, and lets try to keep the "will we ever get the supplemental update" comments out of this thread. Let's hope we do... and leave it at that :-)

Oct 14, 2009, 07:41 AM
According to PSUpedia you can buy all the options per category, but you may only have one option/per category active.

Oct 14, 2009, 09:15 AM
there's already one or two threads similar to this.

if you do a search i'm sure you'd find one you can post a reply in.

try the thread called "Dealing with GAS"

Oct 14, 2009, 09:36 AM
there's already one or two threads similar to this.

if you do a search i'm sure you'd find one you can post a reply in.

try the thread called "Dealing with GAS"

Thanx for that, checking out that post now :-)

Shadow Slayer
Oct 14, 2009, 11:19 PM
im really confused where can i find all the details about the update i havent seen anything about it anywhere

Oct 14, 2009, 11:40 PM
According to PSUpedia you can buy all the options per category, but you may only have one option/per category active.
For Style Customisations this is true, problem is if you want to change your styles you have to start GAS from 3F ever single time...