View Full Version : I'm not so experienced with Melee Fomar..

Aug 19, 2009, 04:40 PM
My main character at the moment is a lv 111 Pinkal Fonewearl. I tech spammed my way through n-Vhard, and am currently working my way through ultimate.

But Soon enough, I get sick of tech spamming. I dont wan't to go back to Ranger or Hunter just yet, so I plan on doing something I never really planned on doing- Making a Melee Fomar.

I'm clueless.. I never made a melee force before, so I need some help..

*What's a good mag stat plan for Melee fomar? POW, and DEX...?

*At higher difficulties, I plan on using mostly guns, with lv 30 Tech support.

*What weapons should I use at early levels. Wands? And Tech my way through?

*Again, I only used Nuking Forces, so I know to use Pinkal and such.. so I have no idea on which ID is good for Fomar. Yellowboze...Whitill..?

Things like that. And to help you guys give anwers:

* I play online, PSOBB.

*My main is that lv111 Pinkal Fonewearl.

Any suggestions, or tips? :P

Aug 19, 2009, 07:25 PM
My main character at the moment is a lv 111 Pinkal Fonewearl. I tech spammed my way through n-Vhard, and am currently working my way through ultimate.

But Soon enough, I get sick of tech spamming. I dont wan't to go back to Ranger or Hunter just yet, so I plan on doing something I never really planned on doing- Making a Melee Fomar.

I'm clueless.. I never made a melee force before, so I need some help..

*What's a good mag stat plan for Melee fomar? POW, and DEX...?

*At higher difficulties, I plan on using mostly guns, with lv 30 Tech support.

*What weapons should I use at early levels. Wands? And Tech my way through?

*Again, I only used Nuking Forces, so I know to use Pinkal and such.. so I have no idea on which ID is good for Fomar. Yellowboze...Whitill..?

Things like that. And to help you guys give anwers:

* I play online, PSOBB.

*My main is that lv111 Pinkal Fonewearl.

Any suggestions, or tips? :P

You're on BB, so you have tons more options.

As for mags, I like 5/115/80/0 for general leveling. It can max your ATA, and you won't need significantly less ATA than that on your mag until at least level 160.

With BB, raising MST is actually useful, as there's a new weapon that you'll want to equip ASAP. Glide Divine doubles your Jellen/Zalure range. Requires 900 MST though. A BB Fomar mat plan should probably use more Mind mats to compensate for this. You've got two "open" slots to work with, so I'd suggest grabbing a (cheap) Heavenly/Mind and using that for a while.

My goals in leveling are ATA/ATP/LCK maxed as early as possible, and Glide Divine usage without Mind on the mag as early as possible. If you go for that route, go with the unit setup of V101/Smartlink/ Heavenly/Mind and whatever you need in the fourth slot.

DISCLAIMER: The following math may be slightly off. It's been a long time since I've done a Fomar plan.

As far as mats/stats to meet the above goals...

38 Luck Mats
65 Mind Mats
75 Power Mats
72 Defense Mats

Your ATP will be maxed by around 160. Your ATA will be maxed by 145. You can use Glide Divine without a Heavenly/Mind by about 153, and with a Heavenly/Mind at somewhere between 140 and 145.

At 145 (my usual "stopping point" for builds), you'll have max ATA/LCK, 931/1002 ATP, 860/1340 MST (getting above 900 with Heavenly/Mind, allowing usage of Glide Divine) and 360/470 DFP.

At 200 (if you get that far, most don't and I wouldn't kill yourself trying)...

Switch to a 5/50/48/97 mag.

ATP maxed
DFP maxed
ATA maxed
MST 26 points from max (equip any weapon and boom, max)
LCK maxed
EVP lol >_>

If you want more ATP or MST faster, take it out of DFP's mat allotment. DFP's not all that useful to a character with level 30 Jellen and Deband, but the lower level your support techs, the more useful it is.

One V101 used. Smartlink should always be used if you use any weapons it affects. Two unit slots open.

Use Wands at early levels (try to get the 3 9* wands) and tech your way through. Borrow your Foney's Mind mag until your dex/power one is done, but you probably won't want to switch to it (the pow/dex mag) til somewhere between character level 100 and 120. Ep4 is great for exp and has tons of tech-weak enemies.

BB has more good units than you'll have slots for. Two that you'll want, without a doubt, are V101 (all-round stat boost) and Smartlink (unseen yet highly significant ATA boost to guns and Slicers). That leaves you two slots for whatever. I'd suggest an area-appropriate Cure/ unit, and then either: V50x (501 or 502, 502 gives more of a hell boost, otherwise identical), Adept (all-round resistance boost, great stat boost and TP cost reduction), V801 (cast speed boost) or...whatever else. BB's a treasure trove of good units.

With the dex from your mag and the Smartlink, you'll be able to make great use of Charge-specialed weapons with hit % from the shops. I'd suggest mechguns and slicers. Slicer of Fanatic is limited to 3 targets, but has unreduced Demon's and extended range.

You'll want to get a Bringer's Rifle at some point too, and boost its hit %s with Photon Crystals. That's your "hard target" weapon, as it's highly accurate and has Demon's. Mechguns are more for gunning down weaker or less evasive stuff, or mowing through small groups. Slicers for larger groups.

Ep 4 has Satellite Lizards that will block gunfire/slicer blades. But keep a Fire Scepter: Agni on you, and roast them with Gifoie/Rafoie. They drop quickly, due to jobber-level EFR.

Redria's no longer king with an exclusive highest-tier /Battle unit, so I'd suggest Yellowboze or Purplenum. Purplenum moreso. Bluefull also has received an awesome usefulness boost in BB, so it's worth considering for its juicy unit drops in Ep4.

Aug 20, 2009, 11:26 AM
O_O Wow, thanks!

I'll definataly save that post for when I run into some trouble. That's all the information I'll need for a good long while.


Aug 20, 2009, 01:34 PM
Yeah, that really was a great post. The only thing that I will add to that is get a Soul Banish. As a Bluefull, melee FOmar I highly recommend that.

Aug 24, 2009, 01:37 AM
You will most DEFINITELY need Smartlink along with high % hit weapons.
It's FOmar's most difficult challenge on ultimate, hitting enemies.
This is where I prefer FOnewm for melee since his ATP is only less than -200 than FOmar, but almost +20 points more ATA combined with great nuking capability.
It's a matter of pimp shoes vs. mage dress.
They both melee great, but Magus has an excellent FOmar plan laid out there.