View Full Version : PSP (2 Questions)

Sep 6, 2009, 02:44 PM
Question 1: How do I change classes? My PM tells my Guardian HQ but everyone there just talks to me and that's it.

Question 2: How do I record PSP videos? I've watched about 20 tutorials on youtube and none of them work. Yes I have a modded PSP/CFW/Pandora battery blah blah blah.

Thank You in advanced :)

Sep 6, 2009, 02:53 PM
Question 1:

Finish Chapter 2 on Parum and in the guardian HQ it'll be a Purple logo looking like two arrows I think)

Question 2:

No Idea, I refer you back to the helpdesk =>

Sep 6, 2009, 03:35 PM
1. What -Darkstorm said.
2. You need RemoteJoy lite.
You also need recording software, but I think I saw videos from you before, so you have that already.
If you want more info on using remote joy, just let me know. (also, let me know if you have 32-bit windows or 64-bit, and which OS you have)
Vista 32-bit is the easiest to get to work. I have 64-bit windows, and it's kinda a pain, but it still works.

Sep 6, 2009, 03:43 PM
Question 2: plug your PSP2000 or PSP3000 TV-out cable to the video recorder.

Sep 6, 2009, 05:36 PM
Question 2: How do I record PSP videos? I've watched about 20 tutorials on youtube and none of them work.

You need the RemoteJoy plugin or RemoteJoyLite plugin. Depending on your situation, you will then need recording software, a usb cable, a stereo cable to connect your PSP to the mike on your PC, and editing software. Personally, I prefer Remotejoylite. It doesn't record sound very well for me but it's easier to use than Remotejoy. RemoteJoyLite's software also has a built in recording feature so all you need to do is set up the video compression and go.

Sep 6, 2009, 05:58 PM
1. That sucks I hate story mode... That's just stupid.

2. Neither Remotejoy nor Remotejoylite work. Remotejoy doesn't do anything and Remotejoylite disables my PSP from turning on altogether.

I have no idea what-bit Windows XP I have.

Sep 6, 2009, 09:46 PM
Do you have 64-bit?
Like I said before, it's harder to work 64-bit.
Also, if you work with me, I'll get it to work for you lol.
You have AIM or any other IM type system, where it will be easier to talk?
If you want to, AIM me, and the message will go to my phone, and I'll explain everything.

Sep 7, 2009, 01:09 AM
You also need to install the PSP-B drivers, I think?

Sep 7, 2009, 05:16 AM
Yea, you do.
But that's super easy, and goes along (usually comes in the download) with Remotejoy/Lite.