View Full Version : What is more annoying than...

Feb 22, 2003, 02:01 PM
...doing the Black Paper offline quest, and having to fight the NPCs for 10 minutes straight. Any smack you give them, they instantly heal, and they stay invincible for about ten seconds after each knock down...

I remember on DC, you were able to give them a full combo, but for some stupid reason, you can't anymore, and if you're not using a magic using character these fights can last a long time, and get quite annoying...

Just had to vent...

Feb 22, 2003, 03:25 PM
heh freeze them or shock them.

Feb 23, 2003, 02:20 AM
My answer to that annoying problem is*drumroll*......
Grants, with my FOnwearl. Nothing like doing 1,250 damage to an NPC in one hit. Then they get up, limping and try to hit you, it doesn't work. So then you Grants one more time and they do like 5 backflips, and finally fall over. I never had any problems with those things.

Feb 23, 2003, 09:51 AM
I remember the first time I did that quest. It was on normal and I was like level 48 or something. I used my strong attack on my Visk+15 and they died in one hit. It was kind of funny.