View Full Version : PSZ mags

Sep 9, 2009, 09:05 PM
so does anyone have any pics of the mags we'll be able to use in the game, and do mags differ by the person u are using

Sep 9, 2009, 09:22 PM
Mag Evolution and Feeding Thread:


Sep 9, 2009, 10:12 PM
mags do not differ by the class you are using. you can make any mag you want.

Sep 9, 2009, 11:38 PM
:) those photon blasts sound crazy... how many different PBs and Effects (like infinite PP) are there?

Sep 10, 2009, 11:00 AM
Well, just about every different level and race of Mag gets their own.

By race, I mean, by means in which they leveled up.

There are about 5 levels. The first is how your mag begins. The fifth is usually acquired through giving it a rare monster heart. This will give you a rare mag credit.

Sep 10, 2009, 11:04 AM
I never found ANY hearts or Section ID rrads in PSO just so you guys know... Hopefully they arent too hard to find in Zero... but then again, I have over 3K hours in PSO and not a minute was played online... is that where you find the hearts?

Sep 10, 2009, 11:23 AM
the mags are done poorly. you have to sacrifice stats for the type of mag you want or cell it. but theres only a handful of cells. mags really arent a big factor in psz. its just something to do before you level up half way. theres not much else to do with them or look forward to. psp2 dominates this in every way with or without mags.
plus the character classes are lame. a the red baron or cowboy. megaman. a navy nurse lookin thing. some weird scifi spell casting petite hunter with a big head. garbage.

What are you talking about? The mags werent even done poorly in Phantasy Star Online, and in Zero they are like 10 times better.. I havent even played yet and I can say that.. I mean for one thing they have more effects, and more Photon Blasts....

and 5 evolutions now

Portable dominates in graffix and THATS IT, but im not a graphics whore, so that factor doesnt apply to me...

Zero > Portable
Me > you lol

Sep 10, 2009, 11:38 AM
Portabel sucked ass, although I'm looking forward to Portable 2.

Mags also costumize character looks. Now, sure... it's nothing major, but it does allow you to have wings. I also hear that they do good for your stats in this game. Don't know how true that is, but in almost all boss battles, if you have the right mag, it makes it A LOT easier.

And, I was only pulled in by portable's graphics, by comparsion. Still, that game sucks.

I'm sick off all this immature "PSP is SOOO ADULT AND MANLY!" bull shit.

It's just a way of saying "my balls haven't droped yet, and I need to cover it up with a piece of damn hardware my mom bought me."

And, no offense, dude. That's just crappy ideology.

Sep 10, 2009, 01:04 PM
i had WAY more fun with PSZ than portable. graphics dont make the game good. you can have a game that looks so good in graphics but play crappy.

Sep 10, 2009, 01:25 PM
psz actually had better graphics than psp. there was enough detail on every level to keep it from looking empty. psp2 will rape its face off.

uhhh That doesnt even make sense *slaps* try again

Sep 10, 2009, 01:46 PM
graphics definently dont make a game and any psu is not nearly as good as something even close to something like pso

Zero Revenge
Sep 10, 2009, 03:10 PM
psz is not pso. you are delusional.

Bad Troll is bad. If you don't like PS0, then there's the door. This is a forum for Phantasy Star Zero and if you think the game is ass, then go elsewhere.

Not that I goto the Portable Forum, but I doubt there's people who go in saying "PS ZERO IS GOING TO RAPE PORTABLE'S FACE OFF!!!1111oneone."

I think Lotus said it best.

I'm sick off all this immature "PSP is SOOO ADULT AND MANLY!" bull shit.

It's just a way of saying "my balls haven't droped yet, and I need to cover it up with a piece of damn hardware my mom bought me."

That's just crappy ideology.

So, Hello. Goodbye. Don't go away mad, just go away.

And to everyone else, just ignore this troll.

Sep 10, 2009, 03:53 PM
psz is not pso. you are delusional.

Your right there... I think it might be safe to say...

Zero is BETTER than PSO

Sep 10, 2009, 04:00 PM
HAD as in past tense as in i dont play it anymore because i beat it because theres no content and therefore garbage. psz actually had better graphics than psp. there was enough detail on every level to keep it from looking empty. psp2 will rape its face off.

Your confusing graphics with diversity.

In which case I would say you are correct, but it doesnt change the fact that the way youve presented yourself thus far is fairly moronic.

Sep 10, 2009, 04:14 PM
psz is like pso in alot of ways but psp is just another psu game while psz is a bit different from pso to make it fresh and new its base gameplay is that of Pso.

Sep 10, 2009, 04:23 PM
Your confusing graphics with diversity.

In which case I would say you are correct, but it doesnt change the fact that the way youve presented yourself thus far is fairly moronic.

it looks even worse when you give it the ol' khmm

psz actually had better graphics than psp. there was enough detail on every level to keep it from looking empty.
psp2 will rape its face off.


Sep 10, 2009, 05:07 PM
Quintus i thot u were on the psz side yet u said psp2 will completely obliderate it in ur last post?

Sep 10, 2009, 05:11 PM
Quintus i thot u were on the psz side yet u said psp2 will completely obliderate it in ur last post?

I said it looks worse if you give it the ol' BOOM ^^

The pages arent very long here.. its like 4 posts then BAM new page, the way it feels

Sep 10, 2009, 05:40 PM
oh so boom was a negative statement now it makes sense

Sep 10, 2009, 06:39 PM
The mags werent even done poorly in Phantasy Star Online, and in Zero they are like 10 times better.. I havent even played yet and I can say that..
You're counting lots of unhatched eggs there.

Your right there... I think it might be safe to say...
Zero is BETTER than PSO
And this is just crazy. Save your decisions until you actually play the game. You'll look like less of a fanboy.

Sep 10, 2009, 06:57 PM
I know Zero doesnt have as much weapons, but the story is better, it has actual cutscenes now, the attack system has been upgraded, Photon Artes, New Races and weapon classes, It alsmost has more levels, It has more bosses than PSO, 3 different storylines, more and better Photon Blasts, 5th evolution Mags.. its not hard to accept the fact it might just be better in alot of ways :etongue:

Sep 10, 2009, 07:48 PM
but the story is better
It does have less "local" holes than previous online PS games. It still does have it's holes though. It wouldn't be a post-Genesis Phantasy Star game without plot holes.

it has actual cutscenes now
As did every previous Phantasy Star game. If you mean animated cut scenes instead of talky text cut-scenes, PSU had it's fair share of non-text cut scenes.

the attack system has been upgraded, Photon Artes,
Changed is a better word I think. If you're expecting things PSO-style, they might not be good changes. The PAs could have been worked out better since things like rifles, mech-guns, and gunswords have crappy PAs.

New Races and weapon classes
That would be jobs. We still have the same three races. Some of the new weapons are straight out of PSU as well, gasp!

It alsmost has more levels
It has eight levels and they all feel cramped and boxy. This likely due to some kind of hardware limitation as well as a rework of the level layouts system. Most of the PS0 levels make me long for PSO's caves and I hate PSO caves. Some of the level design could be better as well. There are neat ones though. I like the Alka Plant a lot. Looking through the windows is fun. I just wish it wasn't so pixelated.

It has more bosses than PSO
Also less enemy reskins to boot. The bosses don't quite have the same "flavor" PSO's bosses do.

3 different storylines
Which don't differ a whole lot, unfortunately.

more and better Photon Blasts, 5th evolution Mags..
Mags have been made easier to raise. Photon blasts have changed visually but more or less do the same thing. And since some of the mag's abilities have been more or less randomized, you can't just plan a mag, you have to be lucky as well.

its not hard to accept the fact it might just be better in alot of ways :etongue:
Having played every Phantasy Star game since the Genesis, yes it is. PS0 isn't a bad game. It's entertaining for a while, a bit hard on the hands and eyes and lacking in online population but it's not horrible. What it is not though, is PSO. Nor is it PSU nor Monster Hunter. It may be a funky combination of the three but it is not a single one of them. Evolved? Perhaps, but not better.

In the end, PSO is dead anyways, never to come back. We're stomping on it's corpse. But it's dead so it doesn't care. :p

Sep 10, 2009, 08:07 PM
k I really didnt want to argue.. lol, I mean hell youve played it, Ive only seen crappy vids on youtube LOL

Lets just say.. I want it to be better lol

thanks for the breakdown, it helped me see your point better..

one thing I have noticed is the game looks harder than PSO.. I mean that Dragon Boss puts PSOs Dragon to shame doesnt it?

Sep 10, 2009, 08:10 PM
In the end, PSO is dead anyways, never to come back. We're stomping on it's corpse. But it's dead so it doesn't care.

PSO isn't dead, i've been playing PSOBB for a week and there's about 300+ people playing during the day, 500+ at night, every day and every night.

Sep 10, 2009, 08:32 PM
PSO isn't dead, i've been playing PSOBB for a week and there's about 300+ people playing during the day, 500+ at night, every day and every night.
If you're playing on those servers, then I would compare them to pumping electricity in to a dead body to watch it dance. I do it too though, when I have a working computer. If you mean JP BB, then sure they're still kicking and people still subscribe. But it's officially dead in the US.

one thing I have noticed is the game looks harder than PSO.. I mean that Dragon Boss puts PSOs Dragon to shame doesnt it?
Dragon shmagon, the robot boss in PS0 puts poor ol' Vol Opt out in the trash on a bad day.

Sep 10, 2009, 09:01 PM
So my eyes are decieving me... Zero is not harder than PSO?

Sep 10, 2009, 09:11 PM
So my eyes are decieving me... Zero is not harder than PSO?
I didn't mean it like that. Super Hard difficulty bosses in PS0 are in general more powerful than their Very Hard equivalents in PSO, I just meant that the robot boss in PS0 was a bigger step up than the dragon.

Sep 10, 2009, 09:44 PM
oh ok ^^ cool

Sep 16, 2009, 12:22 PM
I can't call this game better than PSO, but it kind of replaces my need to play PSO. It's like they improved everything wrong with PSO, but gave me a much smaller package, and a cheap version... =[ Still worth the buck, though.

Oct 15, 2009, 01:45 AM
ok so just to put this out there i like psu and psp versions as well as pso you really cant compare pso and psu while they share alot of elements they are infact in almost every way different games the same will be for the handheld market psp is more like psu while psz looks like it is gunna be more like pso love it or hate it why not wait till the game comes out in the us if you havent already imported it and play it before you make an opinion im really looking forward to it there hasnt been a phantasy star game yet that i didnt like but who knows this might be the first it could really suck and that would upset me i already have found out how limited the costumes/faces/hair are and one of the things i really enjoy about this is how much effert they put in to costom characters players can create and i really hate you cant change your size but that dont make a game nor do grafics but im starting to ramble long story short play it and make up you mind if you like it or hate it i mean does it really matter if everyone else hates it if you enjoy it?

Oct 15, 2009, 01:54 AM
ok so just to put this out there i like psu and psp versions as well as pso you really cant compare pso and psu while they share alot of elements they are infact in almost every way different games the same will be for the handheld market psp is more like psu while psz looks like it is gunna be more like pso love it or hate it why not wait till the game comes out in the us if you havent already imported it and play it before you make an opinion im really looking forward to it there hasnt been a phantasy star game yet that i didnt like but who knows this might be the first it could really suck and that would upset me i already have found out how limited the costumes/faces/hair are and one of the things i really enjoy about this is how much effert they put in to costom characters players can create and i really hate you cant change your size but that dont make a game nor do grafics but im starting to ramble long story short play it and make up you mind if you like it or hate it i mean does it really matter if everyone else hates it if you enjoy it?

Punctuation: USE IT!

Zero Revenge
Oct 15, 2009, 02:20 AM
Not only Punctuation. But Capitalization, and spacing. Create Paragraphs.

You've revived like 9 / month+ old threads. I see you're excited about PS0, that's grand. But slow down.

Oct 15, 2009, 03:24 PM
all the posts i seen of his are wall of text. dude, correct all that stuff so people can read it easily.